The Varied Effects of Social Sayings

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Most people, at some time in their life, have aspired to be a CEO, a world class-musician, a pro athlete, or a internationally-renowned artist. To achieve these goals, though, a lot of hard work and dedication is required. A big reason that some people do accomplish these goals is likely the saying, “time is money.” This expression seems to have just always existed; its a part of our culture as much as is “winners never quit,” or “shoot for the stars.” All three of these, and “time is money” in particular, reinforce socially strengthened behaviors that many people don't even think twice about, even though subconsciously they obey them daily. Socially fostered conduct is often evident in a grandparent's letter of advice, or a counselor's suggestion to a student in relation to academics. However, is it always helpful to live by these ideals? Do the famous proverbs of old always benefit the observer? Although the maxim “time is money” is at the root of many a fame and fortune and inspires respectable character traits, time does not always lead to gain.

This adage, at first look, seems to suggest that wasting time is wasting money, and this is a valid, reasonable interpretation. Obviously, it does not mean that all time is money, because time sleeping does not usually equal a check. However, time in this context can also extend to mean effort, or work. Another definition, thus, could be that hard work corresponds to money. Money also has many meanings in this tenet; success, betterment, or happiness all express its feel. It is obvious why our society smiles on this axiom; most, if not all people, would agree that hard-working is a good character trait, while slacking is not. Nevertheless, a discussion of a few of the reasons that...

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...ed by, it is imperative that they are interpreted correctly and followed only in the right situations.

As has been shown, by and large culturally reinforced behaviors benefit society. It is debatable whether the great successes of our day or the past would have persevered in the face of the odds that confronted them without people or ideas that inspired them to keep going. Here is where society's famous maxims come into play, by providing a foundation on which those who desire success can build. More often than not, these aphorisms assist the seeker of prosperity. However, like all things, socially strengthened conduct is not without flaws or plain falsehoods. Although the dictum “time is money” can lead to the achievement of greatness, if an individual is not careful in his or her implementation, socially accepted axioms like this can and will result in failure.

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