Upper Paleolithic Era: Development of Homo Sapiens

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When and why did Homo Sapiens begin to grow into a thriving population that have produced both cognitive and technological advances? No one knows for certain and because of this question countless amounts of people have decided to become anthropologists. Anthropology is defined as, “the study of human beings and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture(Merriam-Webster). Despite all of the time and effort that anthropologists have put into discovering the correct response, the answer to this question is constantly changing because population, cognitivity and technology are constantly changing too. One way to determine how these factors affect Homo Sapiens is by studying past societies. The development of technology expanded rapidly in the Upper Paleolithic era. The technological and cognitive advances made by the growing Upper Paleolithic people changed their lives for the better and allowed them to adapt to their environment in innumerable ways.
The Upper Paleolithic Era occurred about 50,000 years ago and lasted nearly one-tenth of the more widely known Stone Age Era(Guisepi). During this time, Homo Sapiens were leaving the Middle Paleolithic Era, where advancements such as; points, arrows, darts, as well as other projectile tools originated, for the Upper Paleolithic Era. It is important to point out that during the Middle Paleolithic Era, the Homo Sapiens made large advancements in, “ the application of ‘prepared core technique.’” In this process, “a core was carefully flaked on one side so that for a flake of predetermined size and shape could be produced in a single blow(Middle)” By using this technique they gained knowledge of how to cre...

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.... Web. 16 Mar. 2014. .
Guisepi, Robert A. "The Stone Age." International World History Project. N.p., Jan. 2007. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. .
Lauber, Patricia. Painters of the Caves. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1998. Print.
Merriam-Webster. Encyclopaedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. .
“Stone Age Toolkit." America's Stone Age Explorers. PBS, Sept. 2004. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. .
"Upper Paleolithic Tool Technologies." Upper Paleolithic Tool Technologies. The Regents of The University of California, 22 July 2013. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. .

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