Similarities Between Porifera And Platyhelminthes

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As time progresses, animals have become bigger and display more of a complex body. In some cases, this is not always true. The Poriferas and Cnidarians do not have a difficult structure like the Platyhelminthes. The body structures can determine a lot about how these animals survive in their environment, and it is important that their structure can manage their distribution of gases, and obtain food and waste. These facts and information will show proof of the many characteristics and bodily functions that these three animals display.

I found it interesting that the most recognized organisms in the Porifera Phylum are called sponges. In fact, Porifera is the oldest phylum in the kingdom of Animalia, and have been around for the last six hundred …show more content…

In fact, these exceptional animals have true tissues, develop from embryonic gastrula, and it acquires multicellular reproductive structures, which is what makes them different from sponges. Cnidarians have only three classes: Hydrozoa, Schyphozoa, and Anthozoa. It is easy to remember Cnidarians are recognizable as jellies and anemones, and most common are jellyfish. The embryonic endoderm and ectoderm are what make up the two distinct body layers of Cnidarians. Since Cnidarians are organisms with two tissue layers making Cnidarians diploblastic. Their body structure has a mouth, which traps prey into the gastrovascular cavity. It uses its tentacles to trap the prey. Water is pumped through the gastrovascular cavity as well. Most of the Cnidarians are radically symmetrical. Unlike stinging the human skin, the tentacles can immobilize their prey. There are two basic shapes that are identified with the cnidarians animal, which are the polypoid or medusoid. Polypoids are the shape of corals and anemones. Medusoids are different than the polypoids, and are jellyfish. Cnidarians have an advantage over other animals. The tentacles on their body structure make it easier to grab their prey. Their tentacles can even sting humans, but it is not fatal at all, just can be …show more content…

The most recognizable organisms of Platyhelminthes are flatworms. This animal is one of a kind because it has a head. It is different from the Cnidarians because it is has three body layers or in other words it is triploblastic. It has an endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm. This animal displays four classes: Turbellaria, Monogenea, Trematoda, and Cestoda. Back to the main idea of the Platyhelminthes, the head directs the animal around its environment, and controls the sensory structures. It has a top dorsal and bottom ventral on their body structure. Some characteristics that are identified with the Platyhelminthes are: bilateral symmetry, gas exchange by diffusion, organs for digestion, reproduction, excretion, and cephalization. The digestive tracts of free-living flatworms are branched. This animal uses diffusion to exchange oxygen into carbon dioxide across the surface of their body. Some interesting facts about flatworms are: they lack an anus, and they are free-swimming animals. Another unique trait that they have on top of their head are projections on both sides. These are called auricles, which are used to find food chemicals in the water. This is considered an advantage for them to survive. Their mesoderm layer develops into the organs, and the major cavity in the mesoderm is named the coelomic cavity for it separates the walls of body from movements of the

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