Two Sides to Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11

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Two Sides to Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 To every story there are two sides, to every case in court there are two opinions. Michael Moore's book, Fahrenheit 9/11, is no different. It can be reveled as sole source of truth about the war and our government, or it can be portrayed as the lying antichrist that rips apart people's solidarity. Nevertheless, both sides do contain truths and evidence but along with that comes certain forms of debatable deceits. The proceeding will attempt to bring some of Moore's potential deceits to light and thus seek to explain one half of the story, that being Michael Moore's opposition. Fahrenheit 9/11 wastes no time in divulging its first deceit. The movie itself opens up with the election night in the year 2000. The first thing we see is Al Gore rocking on stage with famous musicians and a crowd chanting in the highest of spirits. A large sign on stage proclaims "Florida Victory." Moore creates the impression that Gore was celebrating his victory in Florida. However, on the contrary, the rally took place in the early hours of election day, before polls had even opened. So basically, this whole thing reflected Gore's hopes, not the truth in the election results. In the same time span, Moore commits another falsehood by explaining that because the Fox news channel did not broadcast Al Gore as the as the winner, all of the other channels fell in line and did the same and changed their broadcasts. However, these networks that projected Gore as the winner did so early in the evening before the polls were finished being tallied. Thus, the Fox network had no bearing on their decisions for change; it was actually a mistake that those networks corrected themselves. Secondly, in addition to the preceding Michael Moore really takes a cheap shot at the president in the way he portray how he handled the events of September 11th right after it occurred. Moore claims that all the president did was read the book "my Pet Goat" to his students. In reality, the book was called "Reading Mastery" and he chose to continue reading to create a calming effect on a bad situation.

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