Living Funerals In 'Tuesdays With Morrie' By Mitch Alborn

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In the book Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Alborn on page twelve it says “And on a cold Sunday afternoon, he was joined in his home by a small group of friends and family for a “living funeral.” The concept of a living funeral is where someone talks about the goods and everything they adored about you, Morrie thought it would have been a good idea if before you pass everyone says everything they have to say about you before you pass because what is the point of all that if your gone. Might as well hear everything they have to say about you until your time comes. It would have been great if we could have had a living funeral for my tio john because living funerals are better than funerals after death and people would benefit hearing what people would have to say about them before they leave
The point of a funeral is to everyone to come to mourn your death and they speak about all the good times you had and all the good things you have done and just recognize the beauty you had on the inside. They say so many beautiful things at these funerals but the person who passed never gets to hear what they say. Yes, they will always be with us but wont to hear all the good things friends and family members have to say about one. Then this thing Morrie came up was a living …show more content…

I am not going to lie it will be awkward because of course the person is not passed yet but the person who the living funeral is for will be very happy and very appreciative of what people have to say for the person because what will those words mean to the person’s funeral later on when they are not there to hear it. I would be comfortable going to living funeral and would love to honor the person who will be passing and just tell them what they did from me in my life and how much they meant to me. No one knows how much something matters to them until they realize it is gone before their eyes. Be appreciative what you have because some one else might not have

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