Peter Gossage And Trudeau And The Quebec Government In Canada

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For the Trudeau government one of the biggest, if not the biggest, provincial priority for the federal government was the issue of Quebec sovereignty. This becomes readily apparent in Peter Gossage and J.I. Little 's An Illustrated History of Quebec and while it focuses on Quebec provincial history from a Quebec perspective, Gossage and Little, describe the relations between the provincial Quebec government, under Premiers Jean-Jacques Bertrand and Robert Bourassa, and Trudeau. Gossage and Little point out as well that despite the fact that Quebec had a larger, and more urban, population than the prairie provinces, the fact that Trudeau himself was from, and educated in, Montreal, meant that he was naturally predisposed to deal with issue that concerned Quebec. Trudeau had good reason to be concerned. With the Quiet Revolution 's …show more content…

While many major companies had their headquarters in Quebec, French-Canadians were actively excluded from any of the well-paid jobs within the corporations or businesses; with English-Canadians being given priority. As a result, English-Canadians came to dominate the Quebec economy and with the advent of the Quiet Revolution, the French-Canadians set about rectifying the situation through a massive expansion of the welfare state and the nationalization of many previously English-Canadian corporations. However, in stark contrast to Trudeau’s approach to Saskatchewan, and the prairie provinces in general, Trudeau, according to Gossage and Little acutely read the political situation in Quebec and adopted a hands-off approach to Quebec and its economy, which again paralleled the approach that Trudeau took to Saskatchewan but Saskatchewan was pressing for federal intervention the Quebec population actively opposed federal intervention at least until the FLQ crisis. This worked in Trudeau 's favour as he did not have to use federal resources to combat separatism in Quebec, apart from changing federal policies to ease Anglo-Quebecois

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