Woolwich Essays

  • Alonzo Hickey

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    his life. Some of his life decisions brought him down from his former glory days. Lovelace political works led him to be a poet, political strategist and influential teacher (NNDB) . Richard Lovelace was born in 1618 which according to records was Woolwich, Kent, or Holland. Lovelace was the eldest of all the eight children. His father and mother are Sir William Lovelace and Anne Barne Lovelace. He also has four brothers and three sisters. Sir William Lovelace was from a distinguished military and

  • Woolwich Description Essay

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    Woolwich Summary Woolwich is an amazing suburb of Sydney’s lower north shore where gorgeous heritage-listed mansions line the waterfront alongside of their modern architectural delights. Part of the uniqueness of Woolwich lies within the panoramic views along the peninsula, which is surrounding by water on three sides. The main areas of interest include The Woolwich Dock, Woolwich Pier Hotel, The Deckhouse café, and the Goats Paddock. Sailing is a crucial part of Woolwich culture; therefore you will

  • The London Borough of Newham

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    units appeared in Canning Town followed by Scrapbook Point and Dunlop Point in Silver town (1967) and others which took their names from firms that had been in the areas where they now stood, such as Albion and Brocklebank tower blocks in North Woolwich. The collapse of one of the blocks - Ronan Point - in 1968 led to a rethink on high density housing and most of the tall blocks have since been demolished or cut down in size.

  • Arsenal

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    Introduction We have all heard about Arsenal football club or the Gunners, one of Englands most succesful clubs throughout history. The club is based in Holloway, London, and was founded in Woolwich 1886 as Dial Square. Arsenal has won a total of 13 first division titles, including the Premier League, 10 FA cups, 2 league cups, 12 community shields, 1 european cup winners’ cup and Inter-cities fair cup. The Gunners has a remarkable record, namely for most consecutive seasons in the English top flight

  • The Cost and Benefits of a Building Society Converting to a PLC

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    REPORT ON THE COSTS & BENEFITS OF A BUILDING SOCIETY CONVERTING TO A PLC Introduction At the beginning of this century there were more than 2000 building societies, fiercely independent mutual organisations, formed in the spirit of Victorian self help. There are now just 71. Some of these that have disappeared were terminating societies with a fixed wind up date. The last “terminating'; society was the Fist Salisbury which wound up in 1980. Other societies have been swallowed up in take-overs

  • The Queen's House Research Paper

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    Webb added two side elevations in order to fill in the “H.” Between 1986 and 1999 the Queens House was later restored. The Queen’s House was created mainly for a place of relaxation. The house was designed as a bridge to go over the Greenwich to Woolwich Road, which is between the palace gardens and the royal park. The building is now a venue for private and

  • Encountering the urban landscape

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    encounter with Woolwich occurred whilst walking the Thames Path when my eye was drawn to some contrasting scenes that visually drew my attention. In his work on the visual quality of cities, Lynch (1960) asserts that ‘legibility is crucial in the city setting’ (1960, p.3) and then provides a definition of ‘imageability: that quality in a physical object which gives it a high probability of evoking a strong image in any given observer’ (ibid p.9). Returning to my initial encounter with Woolwich, without

  • The London Blitz

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    In September of 1940 through May of 1941 there was a strategic bombing attack that was lead by the Germans targeted towards London and other cities located in England, this was known as The Blitz. The Germans aimed the bombs mostly at populated cities, dock yards, and factories. The bombing on London began on September 7, 1940 and lasted for 57 consecutive nights. During these nights of bombing people took shelter in warehouse basements, and in underground subway stations with no privacy and

  • Importance Of Psychogeography

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    conscious and unconscious constructions of the histories of the place (Massey 1995, p. 187). The mention of Belmarsh prison may be considered as a psychogeographical trauma. The prison was built on a part of the East site of the former Royal Arsenal in Woolwich, and became operational on 2 April 1991. It is often used for the detention of prisoners for terrorist-related offences. In May 2007, there was a violent disturbance in the prison. At least four prison officers were

  • Florence Nightingale Research Paper

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    with great interest. In 1858 she published Notes on Matters affecting the Health, Efficiency and Hospital Administration of the British Army. In 1859 an army medical college was opened at Chatham and the first military hospital was established in Woolwich in 1861. Nightingale was involved in establishing the East London Nursing Society (1868), the Workhouse Nursing Association and National Society for providing Trained Nurses for the Poor (1874), and the Queens Jubilee Nursing Institute (1890). Her

  • The Banquet- Short Story

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    out of the breasts of those people and flowing toward him. The clergyman at my left was an old acquaintance of mine—clergyman now, but had spent the first half of his life in the camp and field, and as an instructor in the military school at Woolwich. Just at the moment I have been talking about, a veiled and singular light glimmered in his eyes, and he leaned down and muttered confidentially to me—indicating the hero of the banquet with a gesture: "Privately—he's an absolute fool."

  • The Tempest Slavery And Servitude Essay

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    Shakespeare’s The Tempest discloses on various acts of slavery and servitude that is still brought out in our current generation. The topic of slavery and servitude occurs all around the world, with no one to prevent it from happening, nor have there been any signs of change. The play and real-life situation both reveal acts of slavery, the greed for freedom and dominance. Many people take slavery very lightly, but they do not know that true meaning that people go through from being controlled as

  • Allusions In Frankenstein And Science

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    Frankenstein is a framed narrative by Mary Shelly that combines science with religion. Frankenstein is chock-full of allusions and references to other literary works, historical, and cultural allusions. The allusions range to, but are not limited to; Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s the Ancient Mariner. , Cornelius Agrippa, Albert Magnus, Paracelsus, Constantin-Francois Volney’s Ruin of Empires, Milton’s Paradise Lost, Goethe’s Sorrows of Werther and the renowned Elixir of Life. Many of these writers, Mary

  • Point of View in "Luck"

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    "Luck" is a short story by the brilliant American novelist Mark Twain. In this story, readers learn about the life of Scoresby, a military hero, through the depiction of a clergyman who was once an instructor in a military academy. This was actually a story within another story. As a matter of fact, an unnamed narrator retells the story he once heard from the clergyman. This story is told in the first person point of view. In the first person point of view, the narrator participates in the action

  • Blurred Definitions Of Sport Essay

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    Kieran FitzGerald 14702235 - Making History HIS10230 How have definitions of the word 'sport' changed over the centuries? The definition of sport is one of the most blurred definitions in the dictionary, with each having different interpretations including various different terms generally based around a few common themes, such as competition, leisure, or skill. There are many questions raised on whether certain activities, or arts such as dancing, fall into the increasingly large category of sport

  • 9/11 Persuasive Speech

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    Every day we are bombarded with images of demolition and terrorism carried out in the name of religion. Who is to blame? Ask the media, they will point only to Muslims, for example, ‘The Sun’ headline states ‘Woolwich terror suspect revealed as Muslim convert known to MI5’. Not anymore! We have to stop this injustice and inhumane ways right now! We are annoyed by the media giving misleading news, for example, the 7/7 London bombings, the blame were ultimately put on Muslims; they shouldn’t have directly

  • The Sinking of the Lusitania

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    On May the 7th 1915 the Lusitania sank, taking with it the lives of one thousand, two hundred and one people including ninety-one children and thirty-one infants. Despite the fact that it was the largest and fastest ship at that time, the German torpedo still found its mark off the South Coast of Ireland while the ship was travelling between the United States and England. The failure to prevent the tragedy despite the warnings given, the actions (or lack thereof) of the Admiralty and the neglect

  • gh

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    depriving the defendant of a profit instead of granting reimbursement for the loss that the claimant has suffered. The law of restitution liberated itself only after the revolutionary judgement of the House of Lords in Lipkin Gorman v karpanle Ltd. and Woolwich Equitable Building Society v IRC. “The defence of change of position will be available to a defendant who has received property and on the faith of the receipt of that property, suffered some change in the personal circumstance”. A person, who

  • The White Feather Campaign

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    comforting each other implying that all women should come together and put aside their feelings to do what is best for the country. 2. Source B describes the activity of the white feather campaign as the women of the military towns such as Woolwich especially, would walk up to you if you were not in some kind of uniform and put a white feather in the lapel of your coat. The source states: 'They would come up to you and give you a white feather or stick it in the lapel of your coat.' The

  • Trial By Jury Essay

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    evidence” (Walker & Starmer, 1999, p47). This again proves that trial by jury, at times, is not the best possible method to adjudicate on guilt or innocence. Another example of this is the Guildford Four, who were accused of bombings in Guilford and Woolwich in 1974. They were given life sentences due to the police using inappropriate ways of trying to get confessions out of them in order to prove them guilty; they were released in 1989 (Joyce, 2006). These miscarriages of justice prove that adversarial