Withered Arm Essays

  • Lord Of The Flies And The Withered Arm Comparison

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    I have chosen “The Lord of the Flies” and “The Withered Arm” because they are similar even though they were written in different time periods. Lord of the Flies was written in the 20th century and the Withered arm was written in the 19th century. Lord of the flies by William Golding The title signifies Death, devil (Beelzebub).The Withered arm by Thomas Hardy The title signifies decay or decline. Settings:The withered arm is set in the 19th century on a farm. This is in Anglebury .The story starts

  • Comparing The Withered Arm and An Imaginative Woman

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    Comparing The Withered Arm and An Imaginative Woman I will be examining two novelettes by a single author, Thomas Hardy. "The Withered Arm" and "An Imaginative Woman". I will be highlighting the similarities and differences between them. Additionally I will be analyzing the content of each. The first thing we notice about the two stories is that they are both written in third person narrative. Another thing we notice about the style of writing in both is that it is very old fashioned

  • The Withered Arm, by Thomas Hardy

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    growing up. An example of this was that he knew of a lady who had had her blood turned by a convict’s corpse and he used this in the story ‘The Withered Arm’. The existence of witches and witchcraft was accepted in his lifetime and it was not unusual for several people to be killed for crimes of witchcraft every year. In the story of ‘The Withered Arm’, there are four main characters: Rhoda who is a milkmaid, Gertrude who is Farmer Lodge’s new wife, Farmer Lodge who owns the farmhouse and the

  • The Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy

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    The Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy “The Withered Arm” is a tragedy of fate and is a story of two women linked to one man. The nature of the tragedy is that the suffering is always a punishment that is disproportionate to the ‘offence’. In this story it is the innocent who are punished for the sins of others (Rhoda’s son, Gertrude). They exemplify the unfairness of existence. The story begins with a group of milkmaids gossiping about the farmer’s new, young wife. It is, perhaps, a comical scene

  • Thomas Hardy's The Withered Arm

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    Thomas Hardy's The Withered Arm Thomas Hardy's book introduced a lonely beginning with 'The Lorn Milkmaid'. The book is set in the 19th Century in the countryside and so it is a rural setting. These times seem to have different circumstances with things such as insistence of attending church on Sundays. It appeared as a lonely morning in the milk shed where the 'lorn' milkmaid was milking the cows. There are many other milkers present but it seems she is 'lorn' as she is isolated from

  • The Man with the Withered Arm

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    The man with the withered arm (one of the custodians) is named with a distinctive feature of his bod. The man with the withered arm (one of the custodians) is named with a distinctive feature of his body. He is very suppositious and warns the young man more than once with repetition ‘It’s your own choosing’ meaning that he does not recommend that the young man enters the allegedly haunted room. The old woman of the story (one of the custodians) is described as pale eyed. She seemed to

  • Characters in The Withered Arm

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    Hardy trying to show through his characters in The Withered Arm? In this essay I will write about what Thomas Hardy was trying to show through his characters in 'The Withered Arm'. The characters I will write about are Rhoda Brook, Gertrude Lodge, the boy and Farmer Lodge. I will write about these characters because they were the main characters in the story. The short story 'The Withered Arm' is written by Thomas Hardy. 'The Withered Arm' is a lady called Rhoda Brook who was partners with

  • Love and Jealousy in The Withered Arm

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    Love and Jealousy within' The Withered Arm becomes a very appetent and large factor in the novel. Love and Jealousy Love and Jealousy within' "The Withered Arm" becomes a very appetent and large factor in the novel. I believe the essay title "Love and Jealousy are powerful emotions means and shows how love can often form the evil and selfish jealousy, and how it easily it can change people and make them paranoid furthermore make then act out in a outlandish behaviour this is why I feel

  • The Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy

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    The Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy What can we learn about Victorian society from the story 'The Withered Arm' by Thomas Hardy? Do you think that the story is relevant for today? Support your answer with relevant quotations from the story. The short story, 'The Withered Arm' by Thomas Hardy gives one a vivid insight of life of the rural working class during nineteenth century England and their involvement with the upper classes throughout the country. Both of the classes' hardship, superstitious

  • Thomas Hardy's The Withered Arm

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    Thomas Hardy's The Withered Arm Introduction ------------ "The Withered arm" is a pre-twentieth century short story written by Thomas Hardy. This story was published in 1888 appearing in "The Blackwoods Magazine". The Withered arm forms part of a collection of short stories by Thomas Hardy referred to as the Wessex Tales. The withered arm is about a society in which an upper class man, Farmer lodge; a successful and wealthy man who appears to be in his 40-50s(it doesn't mention

  • Thomas Hardy's The Withered Arm

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    Thomas Hardy's The Withered Arm In Thomas Hardy's "The Withered Arm" Gertrude Lodge and Rhoda Brook, although two very different people, from different classes and upbringings, are linked by their love for one man, Farmer Lodge. With the help of fate their two separate destiny's become one. In the beginning we believe that Rhoda is the one who is responsible in the role of fate but as the story progresses we see that the burden is placed more and more upon Gertrude's shoulders. Throughout

  • Female Characters in The Withered Arm

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    more of the female characters in two or more of the tales you have studied. Gertrude Lodge, Rhoda Brook and Phyllis Grove are all very different women in different situations; however they all suffer an undeserved fate. Gertrude, from The Withered Arm, loses her looks, the love of her husband and her friendship with Rhoda, who in turn loses her only friend, her son and must suffer the shame of an illegitimate child. This was highly unacceptable at the time, especially as the father of the

  • An Essay on The Withered Arm, by Thomas Hardy

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    The Withered Arm, by Thomas Hardy ‘The past is a foreign country. They did things differently there.’ ‘The Go Between’ by L.P. Hartley. Thomas Hardy, a Victorian novelist, based his stories on experience of growing up in rural Dorset. Growing up there, he became familiar with the language, customs, practises and stories of the country folk. These stories draw up on his experiences enabling him to write ‘Wessex Tales’. Among many pieces of work is ‘The Withered Arm’. ‘The Withered Arm’

  • Compare and Contrast Turned and The Withered Arm

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    With Particular Reference to the Relationships Between Men and Women, Compare and Contrast the Two Short Stories Turned and The Withered Arm. The two short stories by Thomas Hardy and Charlotte Perkins Gilman both share similarities in plot, characters and the relationships held by men and women. They both show, in a cyclical structure, the betrayal of men and the jealously held between people, although Gilman takes a more feminist view, largely due to the difference in era of the two short

  • The Signalman by Dickens and The Withered Arm by Hardy

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    “The Signalman” by Dickens and “The Withered Arm” by Hardy The story of "The Signalman" opens with the words “Halloa! Below there”, this short, but effective line is very significant to the plot of the story. A questioning atmosphere is already created, as it is not clear to the reader as to who is speaking, or whom the anonymous figure is being shouted at? The opening paragraph of the "The Signalman" is unexplained, leaving the readers questioning. For example when the Narrator is shouting

  • The relationship between Rhoda and Gertrude in The Withered Arm

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    Discuss the relationship between Rhoda and Gertrude in The Withered Arm. The Withered Arm is a pre-20th century book by Thomas Hardy; the plot of the story is in and around the writers' imaginary village of Holmstoke and town of Casterbridge. One of the main themes of The Withered Arm was Jealousy it was portrayed through Rhoda Brook, 'a thin fading woman of thirty' 'that had once been handsome', who had an affair with Farmer Lodge and bore him a son. Farmer Lodge left Rhoda to bring

  • Comparing The Signalman by Dickens and The Withered Arm by Hardy

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    Comparing The Signalman by Dickens and The Withered Arm by Hardy 'The Signalman' and 'The Withered Arm', are two short stories showing supernatural events. Authors, Dickens, and Hardy intrigue readers by using certain techniques. These techniques add suspense and mystery to the story, which makes the reader, want to read further on. The openings in both narratives begin with a short dialogue. The dialogue in 'The Signalman' begins with the narrator talking to the Signalman: "Halloa! Below

  • Super Natural Events in The Withered Arm and The Three Strangers

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    What means does Thomas Hardy use to make the super natural events of The withered arm and The three strangers convincing? Introduction I have been set a task to analyse and understand how Thomas Hardy presents the super natural acts in two of his short stories. “The Withered Arm” and “The Three Strangers.” I propose to tackle this task by comparing the two short stories in the way the super natural events are conveyed to the reader. I will also discuss the similarities and differences

  • Compare and contrast the main female characters in The Withered Arm

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    Compare and contrast the main female characters in The Withered Arm and Turned. You should also refer to the position of women at the times these stories were written. The position of women has changed greatly over time, but women were, and still are seen as the weaker more inferior sex. ‘The Withered Arm’ was written in the 19th century by Thomas Hardy, and the story is set in the English countryside. The story reflects the different attitudes expressed against women in the biased society

  • Old Mrs. Chundle and The Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy

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    Compare and contrast two stories by Thomas Hardy which deal with the theme of fate? The two stories that I have chosen that deal with the them of 'fate' are Old Mrs Chundle and The Withered Arm. Both of these stories are written by Thomas Hardy, and in both of these stories he is dealing with the theme of 'fate'. Both of theses stories are about little accidental happenings which govern and determine peoples lives. This is just like real life situations. It is the accidental happenings