Weezer Essays

  • Rivers Cuomo: Ten Years of Musical Bliss

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    riffs of Grunge, and the do-it-yourself attitude of Indie rock, this genre forms a new-wave approach to music. Many new artists have been categorized under this label, including Ben Kweller, Ozma, and Rooney. Rivers Cuomo, front man and lyricist of Weezer, is predominantly responsible for this underground rock movement. By transferring his life experiences into a musical statement, Rivers Cuomo has the ability to appeal to his fans on a new level. Rivers Cuomo's childhood influenced his unique

  • Kurt Cobain's Musical Influence

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    Few people have the ability to remain a driving musical influence years after death like Nirvana’s frontman and cult icon, Kurt Cobain has. Nirvana’s influence on the music world is undeniable, having sold over 75 million records worldwide. Like most great rock-stars before him, Cobain fit the “tortured artist” persona and was far from perfect. He struggled with drug addiction, depression, and was arrested for domestic violence. His tragic death at the peak of his career left the entire world wondering

  • Attitudes Towards Women In The Media And Pop Culture

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    class watched were songs that were demeaning to women and could be found on the top of music charts, which is upsetting because that means so many people listen to and enjoy them. Songs like “God Made Girls” by Raelynn and “Thank God for Girls” by Weezer contained the message

  • Maya Khabira Rudolph Research Paper

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    attending the University of California, Santa Cruz, where she was enrolled in the photography programme after graduating from high school. Super Sauce wouldn't be Rudolph's final musical endeavour, as she continued her journey by joining The Rentals, a Weezer spin-off band, in the mid-1990s. Later on, she also co-founded Princess, a remarkable Prince cover

  • Analysis Of Panic ! At The Disco

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    Panic! At The Disco strays from their original ‘emo’ style to channel older artists in a self-described “mix between Sinatra and Queen” that makes up their smooth-voiced, glam album. Death of a Bachelor, released on January 15, 2016, clearly draws on the artists’ jazz and rock genres leading to a completely new P!ATD experience. With the success of the first two singles, Hallelujah and the title-single Death of a Bachelor, the album’s new influences are clearly a helpful choice. After hearing the

  • “Drop” – The Pharcyde

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    The Pharcyde is an alternative rap quartet from South Central Los Angeles founded by MCs/producers: Tre "Slimkid" Hardson, Derrick "Fatlip" Stewart, Emandu “Imani” Wilcox, and Romye "Booty Brown" Robinson (AllMusic). In the late 1980s, Hardson, Robinson, and Wilcox worked together as dancers and choreographers in the Los Angeles underground club circuit (AllMusic). Stewart joined the group in 1990 and under the guidance of a high school music teacher they gained knowledge of the recording process

  • The Rotten Apple

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    losing sight of the importance and mystique of the individual. Perhaps we are becoming too lazy and impersonal to understand each other for the human that we are, and not just some vague generalization. I am not a nerd, Americanized Chinese immigrant, Weezer-maniac, rebelling teen, overachiever, or crazed sports fan. I am Wang.

  • Kurt Donald Cobain

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    period of time that the professional career of Kurt began to ... ... middle of paper ... ...X -Serial Joe -Muse -The Moto-Litas -Bush -Eleven -Therapy? -Crash Rickshaw -The Flys -Chopper One -Travis -Super Deluxe -Placebo -Rancid -Weezer -Sevendust -Rip Dizzy -The Vines -Moist -Everclear -Oleander -Taking Back Sunday -Deviates -Melon Diesel -Radiohead That list shows the power Nirvana and Kurt Cobain had on the art of music. (CD-Now) Works Cited Simpson, Travis

  • Comparison Of Hip Hop And Rap Music

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    Music has come a long way and everybody dances, listens, and sings to what we call music. In the past few years mainstream music has been overtaken by hip-hop and rap music. Though they have been criticized for its sexual lyrics and violent themes. People feel that that hip-hop music has an unhealthy focus on sexually-based themes and others feel that rap promotes violence against police officers and innocent citizens. Many artists are still making music that promotes neither of these ideas, but

  • Nazism In Popular Culture

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    Nazism In Popular Culture Nazism is alive and all around us. The Third Reich is arguably the most studied and talked about regime of the modern era yet most people don’t understand that we are virtually surrounded by Nazism in our pop culture. Everything from: bands, slang terms and fashion are influenced by the powerful images and branding of the Nazi party. Branding that was the face of terror and genocide. Every day we hear terms on the streets, film or television. Phrases like "Open Source

  • The Walking Dead Brian Blake Character Analysis

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    The Walking Dead has a passionate fan base; season after season their viewership continues to grow by the millions. It's one of the biggest shows on TV and it is praised for having great character arcs and high-tech zombie makeup, which is why it's such a surprise that the Governor, Philip Blake, fell flat.  This is what happened with the Governor, the fans were expecting a character that had the depth that was created in the Comics and Books. But the Governor was dissected into the cookie cutter

  • Elvis Presley's Impact On Society

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    nowadays his influence is more indirect. For example, one of our very own American pop artists, Bruno Mars, was influenced into singing by his uncle, who was an Elvis impersonator. Also, a certain famous singer, Buddy Holly, the singer for whom a song by Weezer is named after, was also influenced by Presley. There are definitely a lot of other singers and/or groups that could be named, but that could easily take up two whole pages, at least. The point is, he left a huge impact on the world of music, one

  • Carpe Diem: The Little Mermaid

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    Carpe Diem is the latin phrase meaning seize the day. The whole principal of seizing the day is perfectly modeled by this generation that started in 1990 and ends in 2005. They are fueled by repairing the damages of past generations while also living to the fullest. The goal of this generation is to make our life so unbelievably great that we resist boredom and times of silence. Taylor Swift put it so eloquently when she said, “I'm intimidated by the fear of being average” New fads are not about

  • Album Reviews

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    Album Reviews There is a time to be concise and a juncture to be descriptive. Technology allows downloads to be purchased track by track or the whole album if the user wishes. Music is a physical reaction and in turn whatever one experiences in their gut can be felt by a listener who the composer never meets. When you listen to new music with previously unheard titled tracks from your preferred artist you naturally want to hope for the best. Regrettably, even your favorite bands can sell out posing

  • The Rise Of MTV And The Video Industry

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    Music videos began to rise in the 1980 's and ever since then have had a long lasting effect on both the music and television industries. One of music videos most groundbreaking successes was that of MTV, which had a monolithic appearance in the cable TV industry and in American culture. However, MTV as a channel is now that of a dying one. The music video industry continues to thrive due to the developments, expansions, and improvements in technology over the years. In this Post-Network Era, different

  • How Has Music Changed Music Essay

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    My essay is about music throughout the decades, I chose this topic because everyone loves music and can relate to it. I personally like the past decade music because I felt like they were more thought out, but there some songs I don’t mind listening to this day. I will answer some questions you might have been wondering or a least I hope I do. It might introduce you to new artist that you never heard about and make you start listening to new genres of music. My essay will show you how music has

  • Rock Music's Influence On American Culture

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    Rock music is as much of an American invention as the jazz genre was. Rock music is a popular music styled drawing its roots heavily from American jazz music, rhythm and blues, and the traditional genres of folk, country, and gospel. Rock music typically relies on guitar-powered songs commonly paired with drums, bass, and perhaps accompanying additional guitars or piano. Although the genre of rock music has become so broad and varied that this “formal” grouping is not as commonplace. Rock music reached

  • Using Music Therapy to Ease Child's Situational Anxiety

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    I am not a music therapist. I am a mom who has used music therapy theory in an attempt to reduce my child's situational anxiety. Several years ago we lost our clown fish, Nemo #1, to a nasty crab. Recently I became aware of my son's situational anxiety when he told me that he could not find Nemo #2 and he thought the fish might have gone to the ocean to be with his dad. The next sign that our child was having some serious situational anxiety was when he came running into our room in the middle