Wallace Fennel Essays

  • Unpaid Sacrifices: A Tale of Covert Operations

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    I had to personally deliver Clemmons coffee to get this back,” Wallace thrust the transmitter into Veronica’s hands, like it physically burned him to touch it longer than necessary. “Detention? I’m willing to risk. Do you know how many actual cops are in there just waiting for a nice, black kid to stroll in so they can ruin his future?” Crossing his arms, Wallace blinked expectantly at her for a few seconds. “Thank you, Wallace, I greatly appreciate every effort you make to this operation.

  • The Long, Bitter Trail: Andrew Jackson and the Indians by Anthony F.C. Wallace

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    The Long, Bitter Trail: Andrew Jackson and the Indians by Anthony F.C. Wallace The Long, Bitter Trail: Andrew Jackson and the Indians was written by Anthony F.C. Wallace. In his book, the main argument was how Andrew Jackson had a direct affect on the mistreatment and removal of the native Americans from their homelands to Indian Territory. It was a trail of blood, a trail of death, but ultimately it was known as the "Trail of Tears". Throughout Jackson's two terms as President, Jackson used

  • We Were Soldiers

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    became to "get out" instead of "getting a victory". In the 2002 film We Were Soldiers, directed by Randall Wallace, a true account of the first major battle in Vietnam is given. At the beginning of the film he introduces to us many of the soldiers and their families. This is a very smart technique, because it ensures that the audience not only will care about each one, but also tell them apart. Wallace exemplifies two very fundamental concepts that show up throughout this film. One shows the best of worst

  • Children Are Too Young to Vote

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    freedoms and privileges I had should not be taken lightly. Wallace proposal In the essay, “Give children the vote,” (1998) the author, Vita Wallace argues for the rights of children. Basing her argument on opinion, Wallace presents her own life to explain the gist of her argument. Being a 16 year old, Wallace shares her points of view from this stage in her life, the stage where she is not quite an adult, but feels like she is. Wallace is upset with the lack of freedom given to children, and

  • Rockdale: The Growth of an American Village in the Early Industrial Revolution

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    http://www.cfmc.com/adamb/writings/reviews/rockdale.htm In his book, Rockdale, Anthony F.C. Wallace explores the relationship between the products of technology and social organization. Wallace focuses his study on the fairly small village of Rockdale, an environment that is intended to reflect a significant part of the American industrial experience of the nineteenth century. Many parallels are drawn between the various members of the community, relating not only to their time and place, but the

  • Should We Really Give Children The Vote Summary

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    Should We Really Give Children the Vote? Sixteen year old Vita Wallace is an activist for children’s rights. In her argument, “Give children the vote,” she attempts to show that an injustice has been made to citizens of the United States. Wallace’s major claim, or thesis (McFadden, 2003), is that citizens under the age of 18 shouldn’t be denied the right to vote on account of age. Rather, she argues, children should be allowed to vote at whatever age suits them individually. By saying individually

  • Free Narrative Essays - Canoeing

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    Canoeing: A to Z We were practicing methods of paddling Ruth Elvedt discusses in her book,  Canoeing: A to Z.  We did the side stroke, which pulls the canoe sideways.  We did the back stroke, which makes the canoe reverse course. We also did the classic forward stroke to go forward.  We became quite proficient in the art of spinning the canoe around in circles from combining the methods Ms. Elvedt discusses in her book.  The numerous people who were floating close by

  • Give Children the Vote? I Vote No

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    their own right to vote at whatever rate suits them individually,” argues Vita Wallace as her major claim in the essay “Give children the vote” (1998, p.147). This is a thoughtful argument by Wallace, but I disagree with it. In this essay, Wallace presents her opinion, but the major claim could also be presented as a fact, judgment, or policy (McFadden, 2003). Throughout the essay, I see the interesting approach Wallace takes to try convince the audience. In my opinion she is unsuccessful. Wallace’s

  • Rethinking the American Dream in Coney Island of the Mind, Why Wallace?, and Goodbye, Columbus

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    Rethinking the American Dream in Coney Island of the Mind, Why Wallace?, and Goodbye, Columbus Webster defines a dream as "something notable for its beauty, excellence, or enjoyable quality." This seems, logically, something that everyone desires to obtain. However not everyone is the same therefore each dream is not the same. According to certain works of literature regarding the 1950's-60's though, it appears as if many people are quite disillusioned and believe their dream is the one and

  • Reality in Wallace Stevens’ The Man with the Blue Guitar

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    Reality in Wallace Stevens’ The Man with the Blue Guitar For Wallace Stevens, reality is an abstraction with many perspective possibilities. As a poet, Stevens struggles to create original perspectives of reality. Wallace Stevens creates a new, modern reality in his poetry. Actually, Stevens decreates reality in his poetry. In The Necessary Angel, Stevens paraphrases Simone Weil’s coinage of decreation as the change from created to uncreated or from created to nothingness. Stevens then

  • How Does Wallace Stevens Use Dynamic Images In Poetry

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    Transition from Static to Dynamic Images in Wallace Stevens’ poems “Description restores vitality to the plain visual object” (Altieri, 250). Take for example when Horatio, after having seen the ghost the first act of Hamlet, notices the beginning of the new day: “But, look, the morn in russet mantle clad, walks o’er the dew of yon high eastward hill.” (Shakespeare, 347). He doesn’t say “Sun’s coming up!” and we do not read Shakespeare in hopes that he would. Instead we are given a description

  • Braveheart

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    are entertained by its scenes during all the film. The history relates how a plebeian man of the end of XIII Century, William Wallace, after the lost of his family and his wife, rebels against the British Crown and his king, Edward I. Wallace attacks English positions of Scotland. He wins a big number of battles helped by the strength of his patriots. Nevertheless, Wallace is hunted down and captured, taken to London, tried for treason, and executed by hanging, drawing and quartering, the new and

  • Wallace Stegner's Wilderness Letter

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    In Wallace Stegner’s “Wilderness Letter,” he is arguing that the countries wilderness and forests need to be saved. For a person to become whole, Stegner argues that the mere idea of the wild and the forests are to thank. The wilderness needs to be saved for the sake of the idea. He insinuates that anyone in America can just think of Old faithful, Mt. Rainier, or any other spectacular landform, even if they have not visited there, and brought to a calm. These thoughts he argues are what makes

  • George Wallace

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    George Wallace Former Gov. George C. Wallace of Alabama, who built his political career on segregation and spent a tormented retirement arguing that he was not a racist in his heart, died Sunday night at Jackson Hospital in Montgomery. He was 79 and lived in Montgomery, Ala. Wallace died of respiratory and cardiac arrest at 9:49 p.m., said Dana Beyerly, a spokeswoman for Jackson Hospital in Montgomery. Wallace had been in declining health since being shot in his 1972 presidential campaign

  • Analysis of Wallace Stevens' 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird

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    Analysis of Wallace Stevens' "13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird" 'Thirteen ways of looking at a blackbird' by Wallace Stevens is a poem about what it means to really know something. In this poem, Stevens shows this connection by writing a first person poem about a poet's observation and contemplation's when viewing a blackbird. He does this by making each stanza an explanation of a new way he has perceived this blackbird. First, he writes about his physical perception of the blackbird as

  • Braveheart vs. William Wallace

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    Braveheart vs. William Wallace The movie Braveheart, directed by Mel Gibson and released in 1995, is an epic tale about a Scottish hero named William Wallace. The movie is exceptionally accurate when compared with other historical movies. However, changes have been made to make the film more entertaining and romantic. Despite some minor historical glitches, Braveheart is wonderfully composed and really gives the viewer a good idea of what living in Scotland in the 13th-14th centuries would have

  • Persuasion and Message in the Movie Bravehart

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    A scotch brave knight (William Wallace) comes to lead his people of Scotland to victory in a few battles with the English, which makes a threat to the king of England. The English king sends his French daughter in law to negotiate peace with the savage warier.The scene begins as the warier approaches the beautiful princess with worn out clothes. The princess, have a look of anxiety in her eyes as she recognizes Wallace as a savage person. The princess invites Wallace to her tent to discuss the king's

  • Imagination in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens

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    What are “Castratos of moon-mash?” Who are these seemingly real but only partially embodied figures, which Wallace Stevens mentions almost in passing at line three in his poem, “Men Made Out of Words.” As readers, how are we to understand this short ambivalent phrase, which while confounding us appears to answer the question raised in the previous two lines: “What should we be without the sexual myth, / The human revery or the poem of death” (1-2). Stevens does not elaborate on the image of the moon-mashed

  • Wallace Stevens and Emile Durkheim

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    Wallace Stevens and Emile Durkheim To more fully understand Stevens' poem "The Idea of Order at Key West," one can look at the ideas of the poem in context of social-philosophical thought. Emile Durkheim's theories on religion closely parallel those of Stevens. Both men believe that there is no supreme greater being, or God, that gives things order and meaning. But both men also believe that humans need to read order and meaning into the world to understand it, even if the meaning humans imply

  • Leadership in Braveheart

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    with the competition. In the extract from the film “Braveheart”, William Wallace demonstrated many leadership techniques that helped his army prevail as an underdog. Many of the techniques Wallace used are prevalent in modern day business leaders as well. By stepping up in a leadership role, Wallace gained the respect of the entire army even though he was not the man that was put in charge. One of the main things that Wallace did was lead through his actions. By stepping up to the front line, it showed