Utah Jazz Essays

  • Michael Jordan The Last Shot Analysis

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    The Last Shot A sea of mixed emotions occurred during 1998 NBA finals. Many people from different parts of the country packed into an arena to witness history. It did not matter if a person was of different color, wealth or even sex, people wanted to witness greatness. As history occurred in that game, it was captured beautifully. One specific photograph of Michael Jordan hitting his iconic game winner became the main photograph of the night. The attention drawn to Michael Jordan that night was

  • The Great State of Utah

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    Utah is the 45th state in the USA. It became a state on January 4, 1896. The abbreviation of the state Utah is UT. Salt Lake City is the capital of Utah. Salt Lake City is also the largest city in Utah. Utah is the 13th largest state in the USA. Utah’s total population is 2,223,169. Utah is the 34th most populated state in the US. Utah’s major industries are oil, natural gases, mining coal, copper, iron ore, silver, gold, steelmaking, farming cattle, sheep, dairy products, and tourism. Utah’s major

  • The Physics of an AM Radio

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    The Physics of an AM Radio It’s was a beautiful sunny morning and Bill just kissed his wife goodbye and headed out the door on his way to work. As Bill got into his car he realized that he missed the Utah Jazz game the night before because of a late business meeting and fell asleep before the news came on so he couldn’t catch the highlights or even the score. He remembered that he could catch the rundown on AM frequency 930 (Sports News Radio). Many people enjoy listening to AM radio because

  • An Essay On Utah's Geography

    653 Words  | 2 Pages

    Utah is an amazing state. Utah is home to the Blue Spruce, California Gull, and the Sego Lily. Utah has so many explorers, settlers, famous people, and events, as well as the beautiful geography, important cities, and interesting facts. It is so famous for it’s snow. The state nickname is a state that has something for everyone. Famous Explorers were determined to inhabit Utah. In 1776, Dominique and Escalante, spanish missionaries, were the first to record the exploration of Utah. Then in

  • Personal Narrative-Mike Magnum

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    My wife and I had decided that it was time for a new car. For the past 3 years I had been driving a hand-me-down 2001 Chrysler Concorde and my wife was driving our 2006 Dodge Magnum. As time went by the Concorde began to have one problem after another. The engine had over 200,000 miles and it was obvious by the way that it drove. I could feel it start to break down. The Magnum was a good and dependable car, but it was not suitable for the amount of driving that my wife had to do for her work.

  • Characteristics Of The Fundamental Mormon Subculture

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    The Fundamental Mormons are a subculture with a worldwide population under 60,000 primarily located throughout the Western United States and Western Canada. While the Fundamental Mormons set themselves apart with their interpretation of scripture and isolation from society, it is the unusual practice of plural marriage that sets them apart. The practice of polygamy was abandoned in the 1800’s in an effort for the Mormon religion to adjust to the behaviors of the dominant culture. The abandonment

  • American Attack on Omaha and Utah Beaches During D Day

    3055 Words  | 7 Pages

    American Attack on Omaha and Utah Beaches During D Day It was 1944, and the United States had now been an active participant in the war against Nazi Germany for almost three and a half years, nearly six years for the British. During that period occurred a string of engagements fought with ferocious determination and intensity on both sides. There is however, one day which stands out in the minds of many American servicemen more often than others. June 6, 1944, D-Day, was a day in which thousands

  • Funeral for a Father I Never Knew

    1252 Words  | 3 Pages

    "He looks just like me. Mom, I should have tried to see him." These were my words as I looked at my biological father lying in his coffin. His name was Larry James, and he lived in Utah. I hadn't seen him in years. It was during the spring of last year. The evening was quiet, and I was trying to concentrate on my chemistry homework, which was becoming incredibly tedious. The sudden ring of the phone broke the calm. Nobody yelled downstairs, so I knew it wasn't for me. However, after a few minutes

  • Nevada, Nevada And The Early History Of Nevada

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    became a part of the New Mexico territory and the rest was a part of the Utah territory governed under Brigham Young, the leader of the Mormon religion at the time. After the murder of the founder of the Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints, or Mormons, Joseph Smith, Brigham Young decided to move the religion further west in 1846, eventually settling a year later in what is now Utah. After Nevada became a part of the Utah territory and was under the power of Brigham Young, the governor sent a

  • Utah

    555 Words  | 2 Pages

    Utah Are you thinking about a place to travel with not a lot of time in a plane? How about bundles of fun attractions? Is shopping what you do best? Maybe you’re more of a nature person. If any of these describe you than you would have a blast in Utah! I think that the history of Utah is really interesting. In the 1600’s Indians had come in the area. 224 years later Jim Bridger discovered the Great Salt Lake. After that in 1847 the Mormon pioneers came to Utah and only 3 years later it became part

  • Variation of Personal Dialect Analysis

    605 Words  | 2 Pages

    spinning maneuver preformed while driving a vehicle. Three is the normality of the question, “Do you have fry sauce?” in different states. Even distances as short as Utah to Idaho can have differences in how they pronounce certain words. The word “ketchup”, for instance, is pronounced regularly with a short “e” sound here in Idaho. But down in Utah, which is where I am from,...

  • Reflection in Living, Loving, And Learning by Leo Buscaglia

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    ways I can make myself better. This is some of what reflecting on my life and looking ahead while reading Buscaglia has taught me. A. "You Cannot give to anybody what you do not have." I went to Juab High School in the small town of Nephi, Utah. Like many other small town high schools, football coaches and P.E. teachers doubled as Algebra teachers and Science teachers. This allowed our school to make full use of the limited teachers and resources that it had. There was a lot of talented

  • Great Salt Water Analysis

    1121 Words  | 3 Pages

    Determining how the salt levels change as you get further away from the Great Salt Lake *I did get permission to get samples from the Great Salt Lake. I only got 4 ounces of each 5 samples. So, I only took 20 ounces total Background of the Great Salt Lake The great Salt Lake has about 4.5 to 4.9 billion tons. The reason why the Great Salt Lake is so salty is because it doesn’t have an outlet attach to it. Since it as so much salt, it cannot support fish and most of the aquatic specie, but there

  • Criticism of Once upon a Time in the West Directed by Sergio Leone

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    Criticism of Once upon a Time in the West Directed by Sergio Leone Once upon a Time in the West, directed by Sergio Leone, is a story of evil and vengeance (with a dose of mystery) set in the American West. As the story develops, characters are introduced who are essential to an understanding of the plots. Since there are two simultaneously developed story lines, the maturation of each character provides the viewer with insight as to why certain events occur as they do. But an analysis

  • Car Statistics Coursework

    2075 Words  | 5 Pages

    Car Statistics Coursework I am trying to work out what factor makes a car decrease in value the most. I have chosen a large sample of cars which have had a service history and erased some of the factors that I think I will not need. The factors I am not using are make and model, colour, engine size, fuel, MOT, tax, insurance, doors, style, seats, air conditioning, gearbox and airbags. I have also got rid of the cars that do not have all of the sufficient information. I am using how

  • Joseph Smith or Brigham Young's Contributions to the Mormon Movement

    543 Words  | 2 Pages

    Joseph Smith or Brigham Young's Contributions to the Mormon Movement Many settlers travelled east, but the most important religious group to travel east was the Mormons. The Mormon religion was started by a person called Joseph Smith. A Smith grew up on his farm, angles appeared telling him there was a book (written upon golden plates) on a hillside near Manchester, New York. Once dug up, the plates were published in a translated version, which contained statements of his father and brothers

  • Henry's Freedom Box Analysis

    842 Words  | 2 Pages

    Unpacking the Standards PART ONE: 1. “Read and discuss historical fiction”. 2. The students will be able to read “Henry's Freedom Box” by Ellen Levine, and discuss the characteristics of this book and what makes it a historical fiction text. The students will be able to compare “Henry’s Freedom Box” to their social studies textbook during a class discussion. 3. I will assess my student’s mastery of this objective by creating an open conversation within the entire class by asking questions

  • The Mormons' Success in Setting Up a New Community

    525 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Mormons' Success in Setting Up a New Community The Mormons are a religious group in the United States of America. Their full name is The Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints. Joseph Smith founded them. Joseph Smith was the man who founded the Mormons. He translated the golden plates and wrote the book of Mormon. The angel Moroni visited him. He also established polygamy and tried to set-up Zion. He was fairly successful in setting up the Mormons but he made the Mormons

  • Racism is Ignorance and Fear

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    are the great unknown. Most of us are brought up in a particular environment with a particular type of people. For example, let me give you some statistics that I got from the US Census Bureau, on a large scale we have a total of 2,100,562 people in Utah, 1,999,509 of which are white that is 95%. There is only 18,613 total blacks, that is not even 1% of the population. The other majority is of course the Hispanic population but they also only have about 4%. So we may come in contact with these other

  • Terry Tempest Williams’ Refuge

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    Sevier-Fremont people’s example of reaction to changes in the land to form the skills necessary for her survival. In 1982 the Great Salt Lake had begun to rise once more and Williams’ mother’s cancer had returned. As naturalist-in-residence at the Utah Museum of Natural History, she was interested in the effect this rise in the lake would have on the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge as well as the measures implemented by the state to control this unprecedented rise. The Great Salt Lake preserved