United States Department of Defense Essays

  • Essay

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    Congress and the military department in 1944 and aroused much public interest” (Trask 1997). Because the Air Force played such a large role, discussion of separating the Air Force from the Army Air Forces (AAF) began. A proposal was created to establish one department for the United States Armed Forces, combining all the military branches under one department. “On 19 December 1945, President Truman sent a message to Congress recommending a single department of national defense with three coordinate branches

  • The Pros And Cons Of Defense Spending

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    The United States currently has a national debt of over $19 trillion dollars, with that figure steadily increasing at a rate of about $1 trillion every year since 2012. As a result, the defense spending budget for America has been a widely discussed topic as we seem to have lost control of our spending. For instance, before the attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States had spent an average of $280 billion each year on its Defense Budget. Following the attacks, however, that number has soared

  • CyberSecurity and the Threat to National Security

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    other that the United States has seen in the areas of cyber security and its impact on our most critical institutions. This presentation will focus on the aforementioned three entities where national security is in jeopardy in part due to cyberculture and its intentional use for disruptive and destructive purposes. Breaches of security to the United States Department of Defense, the national power grid and the Chamber of Commerce are very real and omnipresent. The Defense Department made an admission

  • Religious Accommodation Policy Change

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    beards, tattoos, piercings, and turbans amongst the ranks of military service members while in uniform! Senior leaders should be aware of Department of Defense (DOD) policy change in regards to religious accommodations of service members, because of the impact these changes will have on all branches of the armed forces of the United States. This paper will state the background related to the DOD religious accommodation policy, discuss the effects on uniform standards, and provide recommendations for

  • Pubic Affairs: A Strategic Communication Force Multiplier

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    INTRODUCTION As the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks approaches, it is surprising and somewhat disconcerting that the United States is still struggling with how to employ strategic communication (SC). Many believe the main reason the US is losing the global war of ideas and the war on terror itself is directly related to its inability to effectively communicate and XX. Making gains in the war on terror will not come from kinetic actions alone. “In order to be successful, it’s important

  • Cyber-Warfare: The Importance of the New Digital Battlefield

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    reconnaissance, espionage, and attacks from an ambiguous and space-less digital environment. Both state and non-state actors have already embraced this new realm and utilized both legal and illegal means to further facilitate their interests. What complicates cyber security further is as states attempt to protect themselves from cyber-warfare, private and commercial technological methods largely keeps pace with state technological developments, largely removing military advantages created through large militaries

  • The Importance of Military Ethics in War

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    perpetrated by the human race. There are many different reasons for war: rage, passion, greed, defense, and religion to name a few. When differences cannot be solved or compromised through mediation with an opposing party and anger burns with a fiery passion, war is the last remaining option. Obviously, the purpose of any war is to win. How are wars won? Perhaps if we were to ask a member of the Defense Department during the early stages of the war in Iraq, his answer might be, “To win this war we must

  • Persuasive Essay On Defense Budget

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    often itemized, of expected income and expense for a given period in the future. In order to avoid debt, bankruptcy, or overspending it is common to create a spreadsheet of some sort tracking your spending and income. On a grander scheme, the Unites States has to budget as well. There is a five step process to create the budget annually to reflect the American people’s values in our democracy. The President submits the budget outline to Congress, then lawmakers release their budget resolution, the

  • Cyber Security Research Paper

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    sophisticated network-based defense technologies, and big data technologies. Moreover, the role of the federal government is vital to the nurture and efficacy of these and other emerging cybersecurity technologies. Certain policies need to be established and implemented, with backing and support from government in order to effectively counter cyber attacks at the enterprise, national, and international levels. 2. Emerging Cybersecurity Technologies Many current cyber defenses are dated and static, and

  • Persuasive Essay On Military Spending

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    Defense Spending Military spending should decrease because they are spending more money in defense then in us. “ Never underestimate the effects of cheap products and mediocre service on cost.” (Tierney 2) defense spending affects the country and the people. Spending less in product have more affect in products that cost more. You can spend in billion dollar rocket compare to a thousand dollar rocket and have the same impact and power. The result in high contractor turn over rates, which will drive

  • History of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Reconnaissance

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    reconnaissance, today also known or referred to as Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) reconnaissance within the United States Army. Scholars and experts believe that as early as 1935 Chemical-Warfare schools publications discussed the need to identify, mark, and produce a method to avoid contaminated areas. Avoidance is the most important fundamental of NBC Defense. In addition to the casualties an attack can cause, the contamination that may come with an attack also causes casualties and

  • Persuasive Essay On War Fighting

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    War fighting in the United States consisted of sending all the branches of the Armed Forces to the location of the threat and to maintain and defeat the enemy. Since 9/11, the military has been stretched thin trying to neutralize every issue around the globe. During Operation Enduring Freedom, the United States and their allies invaded Afghanistan trying to bring Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda to just for their suspected involvement of the terrorist attack in New York. This operation also was to strike

  • History of Civil Support Teams

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    asset in home land defense and as a CBRNE soldier we should be more aware of their history and capabilities. History of Civil Support Teams The first ten CST’s were created in 1998 because it was believed that the United States had to improve its homeland terrorism defenses. These were placed in the states with the largest populations to cut down on response times in emergencies. Congress has since then authorized 57 CST’s. Each state has at least one with some of the bigger states having two. They

  • National Security Studies

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    Studies WILLIAM KURTZ DANIEL P CORBIN, NH-4, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY SEMINAR 13 KELLY MORRIS, PRIMARY FACULTY ADVISOR The Industrial College of the Armed Forces National Defense University Fort McNair, Washington, D.C. 20319-5062 The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the National Defense University, the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. Introduction I distrust my government

  • Women in Combat

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    that women would obstruct the view of American culture because they would be considered “masculine”. By 1944, women proved to be effective in helping during the war. Some were even trained to shoot guns next to the men. In 1994 the DOD (Department of Defense) created a policy that prevented women from combat with their male colleagues. They also could not be assigned to units below the brigade level, whose number one objective is combat on ground. Over the years women have showed that they are

  • cyber security in the millitary

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    We as Americans tend to think that because we have the best military, the most money, and the strongest defense organizations (nsa, ect) that we somehow have a natural advantage in cyber space.the world of cyber relations is dominated by offence. We have far more divided territory to defend than any other country. And not enough trained personnel to defend it. While we have yet to encounter a full scale Cyber war,we have been in some sense at war on a cyber-front since the early 2000’s. Chinese and

  • Essay On Stealth Technology

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    strikes without having fear of shot down. For the last decade the U.S government has been engaged in fighting terrorists with basic infantry weapons so the US department of defense can use this to shield their defensive vehicles and equipment. It will effect military departments because they will use this technology to make more advance defense equipment to protect themselves from enemy. If my research proves to be true, then the stealth aircrafts and weapons become less exposed to enemy defensive system

  • New York Times Co. versus United States: The Security of Secrets

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    In the Supreme Court case of the New York Times Co. vs. United States there is a power struggle. This struggle includes the entities of the individual freedoms against the interests of federal government. It is well known that the first amendment protects the freedom of speech, but to what extent does this freedom exist. There have been instances in which speech has been limited; Schenck vs. United States(1919) was the landmark case which instituted such limitations due to circumstances of “clear

  • Pros And Cons Of Transgender Service Members

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    Transgender Service Members Earlier this year, The Secretary of Defense issued a memorandum stating transgender service members will be allowed to openly serve in the military and the government will be implementing a policy to help these service members begin their transition. It is 2016 and American society has made tremendous leaps regarding the acceptance of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community. Throughout the last 15 years America has been at war, there have

  • Transgender Personnel in the United States Military: A Critical Analysis

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    Should transgender personnel be allowed to serve in the United States military? United States government officials believe that transgender personnel that would like to serve in the military or are currently serving in the military, will not be involuntarily removed or denied the opportunity to serve, will not have a devastating effect on work environment/mission, or affect the interactions and dynamics of current Service Members. The purpose of this critical thinking assignment is to discuss the