Think I'm in Love Essays

  • Juliet's Diary

    627 Words  | 2 Pages

    both amazing and terrible. Amazing because I have fallen in love with a wonderful, handsome man yet terrible as he is a Montague, my one enemy. Mother and father also wish me to marry Paris, one of father friends. Dancing with him tonight he seemed to be very charming. I am sure he is a lovely gentleman but I do not wish to marry him. I have met a man who I do wish to marry, Romeo. He is handsome and kind. We engaged in vows of love. He also wishes to marry me. He is very romantic he said to

  • I Love Monologue

    1445 Words  | 3 Pages

    I'm sorry if these get anoying but they aren't supposed to be. It's supposed to be cute and remind you that I love you. There's so much I was going to tell you last night. I know why I'm always afraid to tell you. It's because I'm afraid of what you will say. I'm afraid of you rejecting me. But I have to accept whatever it is. I swear if you answered me I would have told you everything. Straight from my heart one hundred percent honest. I'm going to try and tell you some of it now but I'll never

  • Superman Monologue

    876 Words  | 2 Pages

    wanna hear 'Cause I know you want me baby I think I want you too I think I love you baby I think I love you too I'm here to save you girl Come be in Shady's world I wanna grow together Let's let our love unfurl You know you want me baby You know I want you too They call me Superman I'm here to rescue you I wanna save you girl Come be in Shady's world Oh boy you drive me crazy B**** you make me hurl They call me Superman Leap tall hoes in a single bound I'm single now Got no ring on this finger now

  • Personal Narrative: My Life As A Soccer Player

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    First of all, I’m a soccer player from Colombia called Cesar A. Forero Vera (as a Spanish person I have to last names). I came to study at Concordia, the reason of I am here is because I play soccer and I have the great opportunity to get a scholarship from this sport and an addition this is a good opportunity to get education. I’m 18 years old and I think that I’m a person with so many dreams and objectives in my live because I am really ambitious and it inspires me to want to be someone important

  • My Sister and Best Friend

    595 Words  | 2 Pages

    we really sisters? You would think coming from the same parents and living together that we'd be clones of each other. But that's not the case here. My sister, Kelsey and I, are different in many ways but at the same time similar. It's weird to think our blood is the same but we are so different. As weird as it is, she's not only my sister, she's my best friend. Life wouldn't be the same without her in any way. She's my other half and she protects me. I love her and I'm truly thankful God chose her

  • A Course In Miracles Analysis

    812 Words  | 2 Pages

    being the answer to Dad. Now all of a sudden I'm Dad? Forget it. Like, you have just met...I'm not going there. So, I've gotta make her wrong, before I can admit that I'm wrong. So this is our second level of defense, underneath the mask, we have a guard that is like "attack and blame". This is our second level of defense when somebody actually, legitimately starts knocking on the door of the basement, the pit bull kicks in. We actually think they are doing it. The knock is actually, and

  • Cassie Talaga

    1043 Words  | 3 Pages

    Cassie, Do you honestly think I have no right to be angry or frustrated? For the past 3 frickin' years, I've stayed up all nights some nights thinking about you and us; and, working my ass off to show you that, though there's distance between us, that you can bet your life that my love is there and strong for you. I know what you feel when you say that you need someone and something to touch. I've finally gotten in touch with you in a way that I can hear your voice. Just as I was saying in my last

  • Analyzing The Song 'All Of Me'

    815 Words  | 2 Pages

    All of Me shows a great deal of love, this song shows many positive ideas about love. The ideas about love that All of Me portrays is that the performer John Legend loves this woman with a passion, even with all of her flaws. In the song the aspect of love is being shown when he says, “Love your curves and all your edges / All your perfect imperfections.” It is also being portrayed in this song by him loving this woman so much that when she drives him crazy and when they fight he takes it, because

  • Romantic Love Song: All Of Me By John Legend

    894 Words  | 2 Pages

    Legend, which dedicated to his newlywed wife Chrissy Teigen, and I think it is definitely one of the most beautiful and romantic love songs and a Valentine’s favorite song. It can be considered as a love letter that the John writes to his wife. The song describes the displays of affection and shows how much he loves his wife. Even sometimes she drives him nuts, he still loves every inch of her. Taking the good things with the bad is love of the most unconditional way. In the first verse he says, “What

  • Letter To Lave Letter

    792 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dear Paige, I think I might have been guilty on occasion, well frequently and each time I was carrying this emotional pain forward I would sometimes feel there was something wrong with our relationship when it was actually fine. With disagreements it’s about becoming realistic by disagreeing without the need to know who’s actually right. It’s about relaxing a little, which is a much healthier approach, don’t you agree? It’s hard to think there is something wrong with our relationship just because

  • Theory: My Experience With Cognitive Dissonance Theory

    1201 Words  | 3 Pages

    Dissonance I have been experiencing some cognitive dissonance in my life currently. I have a love interest, we will call him Christian, and we have been knowing each other for 6 years now. We used to be in a relationship until we broke up 2 years ago. Since then we have been on and off. Currently we are back communicating, but not back together. I’m experiencing cognitive dissonance because my attitude is I’m in love with

  • Dauntless: A Short Story

    1597 Words  | 4 Pages

    it back You know time crawls on when you're waiting for the song to start So dance alone to the beat of your heart Hey young blood, doesn't it feel like our time is running out? I'm gonna change you like a remix Then I'll raise you like a phoenix Wearing our vintage misery No, I think it looked a little better on me I'm gonna change you like a remix Then I'll raise you like a phoenix Bring home the boys and scrap scrap metal the tanks Get hitched, make a career out of robbing banks Because the world

  • I Love Monologue

    577 Words  | 2 Pages

    My Love Ryan I hate that the phone hung up on us ugh... Well we've so much to talk about .. It's crazy how when we were talking and you said my Dream was my guilt :-( ... yes your right! It's the fact that I just stayed away so long and I'm sorry Ryan for leaving... and I can hear in your voice how you changed and have a new out look on your path in life the direction your going in.. I'm so proud of you.. today was just everyone was here and I felt like I wasn't giving you all my attention... and

  • What Does Word Mean To Me

    1173 Words  | 3 Pages

    magazines. I love words. When I was a little girl, I had this book about the alphabet to teach me how to read. It had some sort of monkey or gorilla on the cover and each letter was about something in the jungle. My parents read it from cover to cover for me every night and day, whenever I asked them to. Eventually they had read it so much, I could recite it back without them even mentioning the page number, or the book for that matter. That’s when my parents like to say I fell in love with words

  • National Junior Honor Society

    1304 Words  | 3 Pages

    When my older sister left for college I was very sad, so I think that this is a way for me to keep a part of her. I have always been that little girl no one understood, because I’m always very excited to learn and get back to school after summer break. I’m very happy to see that I’ve been invited, but this is why I should be accepted. To start, I believe that I should be accepted because I love helping out in my school, but I would love to help out even more. I’d be very happy if I got in because

  • Personal Narrative: The Future

    742 Words  | 2 Pages

    The future. In the future, those I love will feel pain. My friends and family will all hurt. I’m so sorry. I’ve battling self-confidence issues since i can remember. When sophomore year started, I knew something was wrong. I felt lonely and worthless. Every day I would wake up and prepare to act as if I were someone else so everyone at school wouldn't know that something was wrong. It started as random thoughts of self-mutilation often popping up in class and scaring me. Every time those thoughts

  • So You Think You Can Dance Informative Speech

    709 Words  | 2 Pages

    Channel 10's So You Think You Can Dance, talks with Kate Minogue about being pregnant, her wellbeing and her plans for the future as she moves into the next phase of her life. At the moment I love being pregnant. Apart from being tired, I love how my body is changing, it's bizarre. The baby is due at the end of August and, although I'm having little naps all the time, this is the best I have ever felt. I'm definitely more in touch with myself and I feel like this is exactly where I'm supposed to be.

  • Why I Want To Join The Military

    539 Words  | 2 Pages

    But age changes what we want to be so I'm older now and I have found out that I can’t be a knight but I could be the modern day equivalent, an United States' Soldier. I'm a strong believer in the power of the people and the US. I feel like all citizens should join the military because they should fight for their country too. And since I joined JROTC, I discovered that I excel in this category of work. Now that I'm preparing for the job I love and I know I'm good at it, it gives me even more incentive

  • Why I Want To Be A Nurse

    615 Words  | 2 Pages

    theories about the way we look deriving from these mammals. I think it's such an interesting concept, but I'm not entirely

  • I Love Monologue

    849 Words  | 2 Pages

    it and wait to see you again and wait for it to stop again. I love it when it stops. It's the best thing I've ever known or ever felt the best thing, and that is why I stare at you. When I look at you, I can feel it. I feel the love that fills my entire body. The kind that makes my toes curl and the kind of love that runs through my veins. I feel myself blush from having all types of emotions that are uncontrollable. The kind of love that makes me want to scream all my worries and fears out, so