The Purpose Driven Church Essays

  • Summary Of The New Christian Movie 'Captive'

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    drug-addict Ashley Smith, whose life changes in a seven-hour ordeal with her kidnapper Brian Nichols. In 2005, Brian Nicolas was on run after murdering four people when he takes Smith hostage at her home, where she reads the Rick Warren book, "Purpose Driven Life" to him. The encounter not only softens Nicholas' heart, but also changes her forever. The movie is based on a novel by Smith, "Unlikely Angel: The Untold Story of the Atlanta Hostage Hero," where Smith is being played by Kate Mara, while

  • Importance Of Church Leadership

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    In almost any church leadership is the forefront of one understanding their congregation. In researching church leadership and the connection to the people who attend church, it becomes evident that first and foremost training is needed in the church in order to ensure great leaders, promote servanthood, hospitality, stewardship, and vision, to be able to connect with the congregation. The author in this particular research conveys a profound message to all church leaders whereby there should be

  • Spanish Inquisition Essay

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    towards the Jews still remained as the Spanish inquisition had approached. The Jewish community was expelled from Spain because the church authorities had figured out that the Marranos, who were converted Jews, still practiced Judaism in secrecy. This is what the Christians took extreme offence to, and believed that the Jews were deliberately going against the church. The purpose of the inquisition was for the Catholic authorities to root out, suppress, and punish the Jewish heretics. The Christian community

  • Exploring Perspectives on Laissez-faire Management

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    show that this management style degrades performance and effectiveness. The other side of the argument, view laissez-faire management in a positive light, and works to prove its effectiveness. In addition to these two views, this topic will apply to church ministry. Anita Satterlee defines laissez-faire as, “A laissez-faire manager, one who essentially did not make any decisions, resulted in negative attitudes and lower performance” (Satterlee, 2013). Inju Yang, a support of laissez-faire management

  • Pastors Chapter Summary

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    also calls attention to the fact there is a difference between a pastoral council and a finance council. A pastoral council is not necessary and only exists for the sole purpose of providing consultation to the pastor, whereas the existence of a finance council is mandated under canon law. Both councils exist for the sole purpose of helping the pastor govern the parish; however, ultimate authority for all decision-making within the parish rests with the priest. According to Corcoran, councils should

  • Pastoral Leadership Paper

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    taught the needed skills to bring revival, health, and explosive growth.” We need to ask “What is keeping our church from growing?” not “What will make our church grow?” Some places to start questioning would be - first review the pastor of the church; are they being the example? Then to the church leader(s), staff and volunteers; are they qualified? Followed by the programs of the church; are they supporting your mission statement? There are many more question to be asked and answered. However,

  • The Second Vatican Council

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    (, 2015). The Second Vatican council held a large significance for the Catholic Church in the 20th century, altering and developing the Church for the better. The aim for this new age in the church was to allow for an advance in ecumenism and an end to the previously standing fortress mentality the church had expressed inadvertently. It was the twenty-first ecumenical council of the Catholic Church and the second to be held at Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. The council was officially

  • Poor Man's After-Tax Dinner

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    Last weekend, while attending Lexington, KY’s Southland Christian Church, I received an invitation to attend a “Poor Man’s After-Tax Dinner.” Located on a 115-acre plot that occupies a stretch of the rapidly disappearing farmland between Lexington and Jessamine County, Southland will host the gala, which includes a catered meal and a performance by the Dale Adams Band. On the church’s website, an announcement for the event asks, “Did you have to pay when you filed taxes? This month’s Gathering

  • Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down

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    In an age when culture continues to lower standards of intellect, Marva Dawn makes compelling observations and suggestions for the Church to rethink its strategy on impacting society. How do we evangelize without weakening the message of what we are communicating? The majority of her text focuses on the worship environment generally, but later she focuses on music, preaching, and liturgy specifically. According to Dawn, a gathering of believers should emphasize God as the subject and object of worship

  • Jesus Christ Is The Central Of Love And Compassion

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    The purpose of life is found in our relationship with God and others during this lifetime. In addition, the work of the Body of Christ is to inspire people to live a life pleasing to God and become disciples. The primary way to initiate, develop, and maintain this work is through witnessing, compassion, and love, which is the biblical preceding work of the ministry. Therefore, this paper will show how bearing witness, showing love and compassion makes a difference in the twenty-first century. Jesus

  • Gender Struggles in Doubt a Parable

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    Even the Catholic Church seemed to be embrace this time of change with the new attitudes developed from the Second Vatican Council. The Church set out to break from the old, rigid structures of the past and take on a more relatable and approachable presence for its surrounding community. In spite of welcoming these radical changes, a big part of the old order within the Church structure was more than firmly rooted and, to this date, has not undergone much change- the Catholic Church has continued to

  • Analysis Of Thomas Campbell's Declaration And Address: Call To Unification

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    Declaration and Address: Call to Unification Thomas Campbell witnessed division among the church. Archibald Bruce professor from University of Glasgow influenced his desire to be a preacher for Whitburn Seminary of Anti-Burgher Seceder Presbyterian Church. While pastoring in Ireland at Ahorey Church, Campbell was driven by a deep desire to unite the Burghers and Anti-Burghers. Knowing this the Seceder of the Presbyterian Church sent Campbell to unite the Presbyterian churches in New England colonies. In 1807

  • Comparing Matthias Grunewald 's Poem ' Crucifixion With The Virgin, Saints John The Evangelist And St Mary Magdalene

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    Renaissance’s art style. In contrast, Grunewald’s right artwork p... ... middle of paper ... ...ered to. In addition, Grunewald’s particular selection of saints Sebastian, Anthony, and John the Baptist also relate to the right artwork’s secondary purpose per their patronages. Christians associate St. Sebastian with the rejection of disease, St. Anthony with the curing of disease, and St. John the Baptist with the healing nature of water in the Christian sacrament of baptism (503, 510). Therefore,

  • Weaknesses Of A Social Worker

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    6:10 states, we as a church feel it si our responsibility to show a Christian response to poverty. We therefore commit to long-term assistance for the poor and needy amongst us. We strive to help them achieve economic self-sufficiency while focusing on the family’s spiritual, physical and emotional growth, as well as their positive interaction with society” (Church Model, 1995). In the year 1995, Professor Cynthia Sutter-Tkel and her students, created an outline for the church of how to serve their

  • The Crusades

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    order to gain wealth, but in the long run it was because they wanted to protect Christian territory. Christian knights were greatly driven by their religious beliefs to fight in the Crusades. Between the 11th and 13th century the Crusades have been fought by many dauntless knights who wanted to protect the Holy Land. They encountered many problems, however they were driven with their goal in mind. They thought that "protecting the Holy L...

  • Youth Ministry Case Study

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    Education, training, and discipleship are the primary goals of the Preparatory approach. While typical youth activities are still used, the purpose of these activities is clear: the continued spiritual development of adolescents. Preparatory model is very much focused on developing future church members, advocating “a specialized ministry to adolescents that prepares them to participate in the life of existing churches as leaders, disciples or evangelists. Students are viewed as disciples-in-training

  • Compare And Contrast The New England Colonies

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    During the early 1600, Puritans came to the New World for Holland- many of which wanted to break away from the Church of England. These pilgrims who departed from the church were known as Separatist. In the New World, the New England colony decided to create their own social, economic, and political systems and communities which centered around their ideal Christian lifestyle. The political and spiritual leadership from John Winthrop led the colony to grow and succeed (US History: The New England

  • Questions and Comments on Bartolome de las Casas

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    From the book, Roger Williams stays on his belief and dissent position in truthfulness. Therefore, no citizen was physically abused for holding and committing dissenting views in religious substances finally by giving a concrete example of a free church in a free state. Roger Williams never gives up on his idea of separating the religious from the state, and eventually builds a new land where complete religious liberty is developed. According to Zinn, Roger Williams believes that government should

  • People Challenge Ministry

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    didn’t win, I learned a lot. I interviewed a few members and staff of the church. I asked them why they were members of the church or what our was church doing. There was one answer that I kept in my heart. There was a lady whose family was part of the church for generations. She told me, “While many churches have left the area, we have decided to stay and be a beacon of Jesus in this part of town.” As a United Methodist church, we repeat the Apostles’ Creed every Sunday. However, do we pause to meditate

  • Bonhoeffer Reflection

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    Every page of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book, Life Together, tested and equipped me. Dietrich’s core ministry philosophy caused me to be more introspective on what is truly important in Christian living. Ministry is more than a program, but a, “Christ-centered community…united in service to and for one another” (Bonhoeffer, 2015, p. 48). This entire book was a ‘wow’ for me and I appreciated the careful spiritual guidance Bonhoeffer provided to his seminary students and to us as readers. He emphasized