The Daily Telegraph Essays

  • Comparing Newspaper Articles

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    which can be affected greatly by which party a particular newspaper supports. I will be carefully writing about any antitheses or political “bias” The two newspapers from which my stories have been taken are the “guardian” a daily broadsheet and the “daily express” a daily tabloid. Firstly I will compare these two types of papers by looking at there backgrounds i.e. whether they are labour, conservative or liberal democrats supporting papers e.t.c, I will also look at there general layout

  • Displaced Persons

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    across the cotenant after liberation. The Manchester Guardian defines many of these scattered individuals as “unfortunates who were brought to Germany as forced labourers, who are now confined to camps and known as displaced persons”. The two leading daily newspapers, The Times and the Manchester Guardian allow insight into what the British public knew about the fate of these displaced persons. The information the two newspapers is paralleled by the information in Keith Lowe’s, Savage Continent: Europe

  • A Comparison of School Riots Newspapers

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    Devon a disturbance broke out in a comprehensive school. The Daily Mirror and The Daily Telegraph both wrote a report on the story but their comments were quite different. I will analyse both papers use of language and their effect on the reader will be compared along with how emotive the tabloid and the broadsheet are. The two headlines for each story immediately show you how different the two papers are. The headline in the Daily Mirror is very emotive. Using words such as “School Mob” may

  • Analysis of Newspaper Reports

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    Analysis of Newspaper Reports For this story, the Daily Telegraph uses the headline "Girl frozen alive on her own doorstep," this is just stating the facts. This is common in broadsheets; they do not tend to sensationalise stories like tabloids do, just state the facts. The Daily mail uses the headline "The Ice Girl who came back from the dead." This uses intertextuality. 'The ice girl' has been altered from 'the ice maiden,' a well-known phrase. The rest of the headline is taken from

  • Comparing the Ways Newspapers Sell Their Message

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    its self and which publication I would buy. British newspapers have been around for nearly three centuries. Newspapers fall into two distinct categories: Tabloids such as Express, Sun, Mirror and Broadsheet such as Times, Independent and Telegraph. Broadsheet newspapers have a rigid and regular structure. In contrast to tabloid newspapers which have a less regular and rigid structure. Every publication has its own style and way of presenting information, but each publication has one

  • Housing Affordability In Australia

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    tenure, access to public services and infrastructure. Due to the affordability of housing in Australia going down, legal mechanisms such as the National Affordable Housing Agreement, the First Home Owner Grant and non-legal mechanisms such as the Daily Telegraph and The Australians for Affordable Housing have been compelled to respond to the issue.

  • Whitney Houston's Angelic Image

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    understood the reasoning for the loss of voice and heart. “Singing about her life”, The Daily Telegraph uses emotive and figurative language to draw on the heartstrings of her many fans, to make them feel as though she has reasons for her actions. You would imagine a singer to be doing vocal warm-ups or maybe having a little social before a performance. Though it seems Houston defies all this when Daily Telegraph captures the picture shown, in their article titled “Whitney Houston looks exhausted prior

  • Comparing Newspaper Reports of the Drowning of Two School Students in October 2000

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    other type of newspaper is Broadsheet such as ‘The Guardian’, ‘The Times’ and ‘The Daily Telegraph’. Broadsheets tend to be more formal and proper in the way they set out there reports. I am going to compare this article from four types of newspaper, two from the tabloid and two from the broadsheet. The articles are from ‘The Sun’ and the ‘Daily Mail’ as the tabloids and ‘The Independent’ and the ‘Daily Telegraph’ as the broadsheets. I am going to convey the different techniques that tabloids

  • The Invention of the Telegraph and Morse Code

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    The telegraph was the first major advancement in communication technology. In 1838, Samuel Morse perfected and demonstrated the first telegraph machine. His machine used Morse code to send electronic currents along a wire, allowing the first high speed long distance communications. By the 1850s, the telegraph was widespread. In 1861, Western Union installed the first trans-continental line and by 1866, the first trans-Atlantic line was completed. At this time, telegraphs were all keyed by hand and

  • Tabloid And Newspaper Comparison Essay

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    Comparing Tabloid and Broadsheet Newspapers In the last century, English newspapers have been categorized into two main groups: Tabloids and Broadsheets. The Telegraph and The sun are the most popular Tabloids and Broadsheets. Hollinger International owns the Telegraph while the media tycoon Rupert Murdoch owns the Sun, The Times and The BSkyB Television network. These papers are perfect examples of British newspapers. They both support the Conservative Party, although

  • Investigating Tabloid and Broadsheet Newspapers

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    words in the paragraph (100), this gave me the average word length. From these results I made a box and wiskes plot, a cumalative frequency chart, and graph. For my investigation I will be using "The SUN" which is a tabloid newspaper and "The Daily Telegraph" which is a broadsheet newspaper. [IMAGE] Text Box: Fog Index 1. Count the number of words in the paragraph. (W). 2. Count the number of sentences in the paragraph. (S). 3. Count the number of hard words of three syllables of more

  • Pony Express

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    half year. The completion of the transcontinental telegraph line between Missouri and California was the reason the pony express ended. “Tele” means distant and “graphein” means to write, in greek. They could send messages and news over long distance. The first inventor of the telegraph was Samuel Finley Breese Morse. Groups working to finish the transcontinental telegraph meet at Fort Bridger in Utah territory. The first transcontinental telegraph was sent from San Fransico to Washington. The message

  • Communication Technology: The Impact of the Telegraph on Society

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    essays, we will address the factors which made the advent of the telegraph in 1876 such a deciding influence on the future prospects of the technology industry as well as the growth of communication itself. We will also observe examples of just a few of the logistical, financial and distributional processes that go into the publication of a magazine designed for controlled circulation. Essay #1 Before the invention of the telegraph in 1844 by Samuel Morse and his colleagues, news and messages traveled

  • How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect Society

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    By the 1850s, “the Northeast had daily or weekly steamship runs carrying cargo or passengers. The first major advancement in steam based transportation was the steamboat, which traveled on canals or bodies of water and was more advanced than other modes of transportation” (“Transportation”)

  • Telegraph Communication In The Civil War

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    I. The Telegraph and Abraham Lincoln The urgency of communication was never much felt until the beginning and use of telegraphy. It was much easier to transmit and receive messages over long distances that no longer needed physical transport of letters. As such, Abraham Lincoln made use of this medium described in an unprecedented manner that revolutionized and secured the status and dealings of his national leadership. When Lincoln arrived for the 1861 inaugural, there were no existing telegraph

  • Mass Media Influence On American Culture

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    the development of changing the American culture. With the printing press, American culture could read and educated from others findings. The Electronic or Information era brought us the Telegraph which allowed us to communicate miles away without the wait of a coach, ship or pony express. Fortunately, the Telegraph lead to newer technologies that allowed us to communicate quicker and more efficiently but result in its demise. (Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, 2016, p. 7) What is meant by the term media

  • How Did The Telegraph Improve Society

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    century, the use of electricity led to the invention of the electrical telegraph. The very first telegraphs came in the form of the optical telegraph, which included the use of smoke and light signals. These telegraphs were used most commonly during the French Revolution, when France needed a reliable communication system to hinder the war efforts of its enemies in 1790. In a matter of decades in the 1830s, electrical telegraph networks allowed people and commerce to transmit messages across continents

  • Impact Of The Telegraph

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    The telegraph, or the Victorian internet as Tom Standage refers to it, helped pave the way for instant communication as we know it today. Both the 19th century invention of the telegraph and the 20th century discovery of the internet had tremendous effects on the societies around them. Though separated by 100 years, both of these technological devices proved to be similar in terms of the communities each impacted and helped build, the speed with which they allowed instant communication to take place

  • 7new Sunrise Language Analysis

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    a certain way. (?) Hi, I’m Jasmine, and as a reporter analysing the skills of manipulation used by the news media, I will be reflecting one particular skill, omission and the marginalising of perspectives, on 2 sources, 7News Sunrise, and The Daily Telegraph. A program called Safe Schools has been implemented by the government to consider and ensure the social validity of everyone from

  • Realistic Conflict Theory

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    Beach News - Breaking News, Local Headlines & Weather | The Palm Beach Post . N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2011. . Sherwell, Philip, and Patrick Sawer. "Haiti earthquake: looting and gun-fights break out - Telegraph." - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph - Telegraph. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2011. .