Street Fighter II Essays

  • Asian Influence in Gaming

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    the one versus one video game series Street Fighter made by Capcom, a Japanese video game developer. This influence is especially seen in the development of the characters of Mortal Kombat, The character Kitana (Figure 2) from Mortal Kombat displays much influence from Street Fighter’s Chun Li (Figure 1), from colors to a spin off of her clothing. Chun Li (Figure 1) has exaggerated proportions of her body that please the eye as well as Kitana (Figure 2). Street Fighter’s popularity and success was

  • Shing07luvsic

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    Introduction Based on theoretical analysis on connecting video game proficiency with that of general expertise, this paper attempts to define the professional video gamer as an expert in the field of video games as well as reveal the growing community revolved around it. The main focus discussed is the differences in novice and expert as presented by the professional gamer known as “Shing07luvsic”. Additionally, using his terminology this paper looks to link the expertise characteristic as specified

  • Propaganda During World War Two

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    Propaganda During World War Two During World War II propaganda was ubiquitous. It consisted of a wide range of carriers including leaflets, radio, television, and most importantly posters. Posters were used based on their appeal: they were colorful, creative, concise, and mentally stimulating. Posters often portrayed the artist's views on the war. They demonstrated the artist concern for the war, their hopes for the war, and reflected the way enemies were envisioned. Posters also show a nations

  • The Importance Of The Evacuation Of Dunkirk

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    The Dunkirk evacuation took place during World War II (WWII). This was “...the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) and other Allied troops from the French seaport of England” (Encyclopædia Britannica). Shortly before Operation Dynamo –‒ the evacuation of Dunkirk –‒ began, the German soldiers swept through the West, “...storming into Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg with lightning speed” (Dunkirk Evacuation Ends). Operation Dynamo was the beginning of a mass exodus. Over

  • Perseverance In Sugar Ray Robinson's Life

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    the title of fighter of the year 3 times: 1942, 1950, and 1951. He was named fighter of the decade for the 1940-1950 time period. He was elected into the Ring Boxing Hall of Fame in 1967. In 1981, Robinson was selected to be entered into the World Boxing Hall of Fame. And in 1990, Robinson was elected into the International Boxing Hall of Fame. Sugar was also named the Welterweight, Middleweight, and Pound for Pound Fighter of the Century. ESPN also ranked him as the Greatest Fighter in History.

  • Violent Video Games And Aggression Analysis

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    They predicted that playing a violent video, especially with a same sex character, would increase in short-term aggression. The researchers manipulated whether the females played a nonviolent (Oh no! More Lemmings) or violent (Street fighter II) video game (also if they played as male or female in the violent game). The dependent variable was aggression, measured by both the Taylor Retaliation Competitive Time task (how loud did they make the sound for the other person) and a questionnaire

  • The Blitz and St Paul's Cathedral

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    one group skilled and the other untrained in killing" (Ray 9). Although the first bombs fell in August, the first mass attack, concentrated on the docklands area, occurred on September 7. Throughout the afternoon, 300 bombers, escorted by 600 fighters, dropped 300 tons of bombs on the docks downstream from Tower Bridge. These bombs ravaged the East End, creating a two-mile high wall of smoke that would serve as a landmark for the night raid. When the sun set, another 330 tons of high explosives

  • The Holocaust: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

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    German-occupied Europe; the uprising of the Warsaw Ghetto. On the eve of Passover, around 750 Jewish resistance fighters stood up to the Nazi soldiers in refusal of mass deportation, an attempt to save themselves from what was thought to be the inevitable. The heavily-armed and well-trained German troops eventually defeated the resistance; this event demonstrated the dedication of the Jewish fighters to attempt to save the others during a time of life or death. The Jews initiated this uprising because it

  • Great Britain During World War II

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    for the order to open fire on the Polish garrison of the Westerplatte Fort, Danzig in what was to become the first military engagement of World War II. Meanwhile, sixty two German divisions supported by 1,300 fighter planes prepared for the invasion of Poland. Fifteen minutes later the invasion would take place and spark the beginning of World War II. Two days later at 9am Great Britain would send an ultimatum to Germany, demanding that they pull from Poland or go to war with Great Britain. Four

  • Why Did Germany Invade Poland

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    rules that the Soviet Army followed “In the Red Army it takes a very brave man to be a coward” (Zhukov). The exhausted Soviet army was pushed back to the outskirts of Stalingrad by August 23. The Germans, and Axis Powers fought the Soviets, street for street, house for house, and room for room. The Germans called this rat warfare, meaning that a strategic stronghold changed sides so many times people could not count the number of changes. A solider was only expected to last three days in this war

  • An Argument Against Breed-Specific Legislation

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    history. This means that breed-specific legislation is often promulgated on the basis of breed reputation. In recent years it is the pit bull which has come under the scrutiny of legislative bodies, as their reputation becomes more and more sullied by street crime. To say “pit bull,” however, is a vague reference to several pit bull types, which are considered separate breeds by registries like the American Kennel Club (AKC). Each type has a slightly different breeding history; many began with the breeding

  • The Book Thief By Markus Zusak

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    During the horrid times of World War II, Death has been everywhere. He later explores the world of Molching through Liesel’s eyes and shows fascination and fear of humans. In Markus Zusak’s “The Book Thief” shows a story of a girl named Liesel Meminger lived through her life in Molching under the care of the Hubermanns, Rosa and Hans, after losing her family. Once she learned to read with the help of Hans Hubermann, she began getting or stealing books, and would eventually write her own book, describing

  • Mara Salvatrucha Research Paper

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    and Oklahoma. Some recent members include rappers Snoop Dogg (now Snoop Lion) and Easy-E. Most Crips are African American but some white, Hispanic and Asian members have been initiated. The only way you can get out of crips is by having a lot of street credit and get blessed out or you leave in a box. The

  • The Book Thief Sparknotes

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    sympathetic and sensitive towards the suffering of the world and the cruel human nature, through its eyes, we can get to know the heartbreaking story of Liesel Meminger an ordinary, but very lucky nine-year old German girl; living in the midst of World War II in Germany. In this book the author provides a different insight and observation about humanity during this time period from a German view and not an Allied perspective, as we are used to. It all started on a train; Liesel and her brother were being

  • Change In The Book Thief

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    inevitable: it may come with loss or joy but living in the past for too long will not allow one to succeed. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak is narrated by Death and tells the story of Liesel Meminger who arrives in Molching in 1939 shortly before World War II. Liesel’s mother gives her up to live with Hans and Rosa Hubermann when the war starts progressing. In order to help Liesel overcome her brother’s death, Hans, her foster father, teaches Liesel how to read. Liesel grows a love for books, and steals

  • Analysis and Interest in The Book Thief

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    the Holocaust. They don’t have to be interested but I do think that that’s the target audience. I think because his interest in the Holocaust came from his parents, M. Zusak tried to relate the experiences of his parents growing up during World War II for an adult audience. 2. The reasoning for Markus to write such an amazing novel is because he was looking for a more mature, bold way of approaching his next book. He wanted something different that showed his more serious side. He used the stories

  • Adolf Hitler's Early Years

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    Year 10 History Assignment: Hitler Investigative Study Peter Banco Bibliography: Bibliography *"The Guide to Axis Fighters of WWII" by Bill Gunston, 1980 *"German Aircraft of WWII" by Kenneth Munson, 1978 *"Take Off" by Chris Dorrington, 1993 *"Republic to Reich"by K.J Mason, 1996

  • Blue Division Research Papers

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    their contribution to the destruction of Bolshevism, but this honor that everyone achieves, can not be exclusive to a few. To share glories and sacrifices. By our faith. For the honor and the future of the country and to give a deserved rest our fighters in Russia today again opened the recruiting sergeants in all headquarters of militias to relieve our comrades fighting in Russia. Those who are dreaming and you are eager Spain a better chance to better serve! It, get ready in Spanish Volunteer Division

  • How the Movies of the 1970’s and 1980’s Reflected America’s Mood and Culture

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    Out of the political and economic unrest of the 1970’s that saw the mood and esteem of the country, as reflected in the artistry and messages in the movies, sink to a new low, came a new sense of pride in who we are, not seen since the post-World War II economic boom of the 1950’s. Of this need to change, Oscar Award winner Paul Newman stated, “There is this acceleration of change, and we’re much more affected by that. People want to be entertained. They don’t want to be bombarded by emotions or

  • The Ghettos

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    in the ruins of the ghetto continued to attack the German troops. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was the biggest, symbolically, most significant Jewish rebellion. This inspired many other ghetto uprisings. The ghettos did in fact play a role in World War II and the Holocaust. The Jewish people suffered in the ghettos with extremely cramped quarters, hunger, and no sanitation, which led to hundreds of thousands of Jews dying of disease and hunger. The people that experienced living in the ghettos or for