Spinneret Essays

  • Creative Writing: Chewing Gum, Spiders and Pigeons

    634 Words  | 2 Pages

    If I were invited into ‘room 101’ I would nominate the following things: chewing gum, spiders and pigeons. All of these things get on my nerves and deserve to go into room 101. The thing I dislike the most about chewing gum is where people leave it, on the bus, under tables and on the floor. It’s disgusting! Have you ever accidentally stepped on a piece of chewing gum just walking down the street? It gets stuck to your foot all day, you try and scrape it off, but it just isn’t budging. You then

  • Essay On Polyester

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    Manufacturing process of polyester. Producing polyester in laboratory. Polyester is an example of condensation polymerisation1. Condensation polymers are polymers that are formed by joining molecules together and they loose a small molecule such as water or methanol as a by-product1. A polyester is made by reacting an acid with two -COOH groups and an alcohol with two -OH groups1. In this particular case the acid is benzene-1,4- dicarboxylic acid also known as terephthalic acid and the alcohol used

  • Chondrichthyes vs Arthropod

    2013 Words  | 5 Pages

    Chondrichthyes vs Arthropod The black widow is most easily recognized by the hourglass marking on the underside of its abdomen. When bitten, a neurotoxin is released that can cause dull pain and cramping in muscles, that can be accompanied by sweating and vomiting. Less than 1% of black widow bites result in death. Black widow spiders are usually not aggressive. If disturbed, they will retreat to a corner of their web. These spiders are more aggressive if they are protecting an egg sac. The

  • Essay On Soybean Fabric

    718 Words  | 2 Pages

    production of soybean fabric is to help consumers to move away from petrochemical textile products and to turn waste into useful products. To make a liquid soy, protein liquids are forced through a device resembling a shower head, that called as spinneret. The process to produce liquid soy called as wet-spinning. In process to make soybean fiber, at the final process liquid soy was solidified. The production of soybean fiber are harmless nature. Besides, it also recyclable, and make

  • The Amazing Spider-man

    832 Words  | 2 Pages

    “The Amazing Spider-man” is the story of a young boy, Peter Parker. A common household spider that had been exposed to an enormous amount of radiation bites Peter. Hours later Peter gains extraordinary arachnid abilities. He uses these abilities to protect the people of New York City. To hide his true identity, Peter wears a mask. He is known as the vigilante Spider-man or ‘the friendly neighborhood webslinger’1. Many adaptations of Spider-man have been created over the years. This report will contrast

  • Natural and Sythetic Fibers in Clothing

    1142 Words  | 3 Pages

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of natural and synthetic fibers in clothing? Natural and synthetic fibers are a crucial part in the creation of clothing worldwide. A fiber is a raw material with properties including the suitable length, pliability and strength, all qualities that give it the ability to be used in fabrics and yarns. Fibers consist of different types of polymers, and all fibers are made of polymers. ("Polymer (chemistry)"). A polymer is a large, or macromolecules formed

  • Where Do Natural Fibers Come From?

    671 Words  | 2 Pages

    Fiber is a threadlike material that can be found in a natural or manmade form. Natural fibers derive from various animals, plants and can even be produced by insects. These fibers have been in use since prehistoric times and are currently produced today. The most common natural fibers used are linen, wool, silk and cotton. They have been woven together to create fabrics for clothing and other items. A natural protein fiber, called wool, was discovered before 10,000 B.C.E. and woven into cloth by

  • A Comparison of the Chemical Structures and Production Methods of Silk and Artificial Silk

    2847 Words  | 6 Pages

    A Comparison of the Chemical Structures and Production Methods of Silk and Artificial Silk Abstract Despite their seemingly similar exteriors, the chemical structures and production methods of natural silk and the artificial silks rayon and nylon are quite different. Silk yarn, extracted from the cocoon of the Bombyx mori moth, is made up of fibroin molecules with beta-pleated sheet secondary structures. The fibroin molecules consist of crystalline fibers constructed of regularly paralleled

  • Dna Confirmation Research Paper

    825 Words  | 2 Pages

    A large amount of people trust the main DNA confirmation is vital for the examining procedure there's an assortment of proof that are imperative to sorting the wrongdoing riddle out. Each part of the crime scene is utilized to figure out who, what, when and where the crime happened. An illustration of this is follow proof, for example, paint and filaments discovered identifying with the crime. Before beginning this course, I never truly considered these sorts of proof. Numerous individuals don't

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Synthetic and Natural Fibers

    846 Words  | 2 Pages

    fibers? Synthetic fibers are man-made from chemical processes or altered natural fibers. They most often start out as a chemical made from coal, oil or natural gas. The compound is then ran through a device with small holes in it called a spinneret. (Troøyen, Fabrics for Dummies: Synthetic Fibers). The solution then evaporates and creates the fiber. Nylon was the world’s first synthetic fiber that was created from only chemicals. It had many advantages such as being durable and lightweight

  • How Bulletproof Vests are Made

    654 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bulletproof vests are used world-wide in order to protect the wearer of the vest from a bullet. A shot from a gun can be deadly to anyone and therefore, people searched for protection. They found the answer when they discovered Bulletproof vests. But how can a small vest worn around the torso save someone’s life? In order to understand how it is possible, the process of how it’s made, comes into question. Considering the copious amount of lives they have saved, Bulletproof vests are made by sewing

  • Essay On Spider Silk

    1949 Words  | 4 Pages

    desirable material; it is strong and light and can be used as a replacement for many materials such as steel, Kevlar and fishing line. Spider silk is a protein. When inside a spider it takes the form of a liquid, but once released from a spider’s spinnerets becomes a solid. When in its liquid state, molecules link together to form a larger molecule called fibroin. A single strand of spider silk is in fact made up of many threads, sometimes numbering in the thousands, released together (Appendix: A)

  • Fiber Evidence

    802 Words  | 2 Pages

    with an equal amount of diamine. The resulting solution is diluted with a solvent to produce the spinning solution. The spinning dry solution is pumped into a spinning cell where it is converted into fibers by forcing the polymer solution through a spinneret. This causes the solution to be aligned in strands of liquid polymer. As the strands pass through, they are heated in the presence of a nitrogen and solvent gas, causing the liquid polymer to chemically react and form solid strands. The fibers are

  • Kevlar and its impact on society

    832 Words  | 2 Pages

    Of all the tensile fibers in the world none has had a greater impact on the world than Kevlar. It is an almost miracle-like fiber that is responsible for saving countless lives today. However, that is what it appears to have done, at least upon the surface. Kevlar is so much more today than when it was first accidently invented. Imagine a world in which there was no Kevlar, no means to protecting soldiers from bullets, no means to protect those phones teenagers are so crazy about today, or to perhaps

  • Benefits Of Silkworms

    1022 Words  | 3 Pages

    Silkworms don’t exhibit the territorialism and cannibalism as seen with spiders, and hence, can be cultivated in mass. This method of cultivating silk is less expensive to scale up the products, and the hosts are naturally equipped to spin silk fibers, hence less work is needed to process the assembled fibers. One requirement of this method of production is that silkworms still produce endogenous silk proteins, thus the resulting product is actually a combination of both silkworm and spider silk

  • Tailless Whip Scorpion Essay

    891 Words  | 2 Pages

    Amblypygids, the scientific name for the Tailless Whip Scorpion, means blunt rump. When it comes to this creature and arachnids in general, the name is quite literal because they have no tail. Tailless Whip Scorpions, also known as Whip Spiders, look vicious but are virtually harmless. Funny enough, they became well noted in the arachnid world for how chilling and intimidating they appear. They were first discovered by Steven Blankaart in 1688 and first published about by Carl Linnaeus’ 1756 book

  • Green Grass Bamboo

    1188 Words  | 3 Pages

    Bamboo is the green material of the future, or is it? Bamboo is the largest member of the grass family. It is one of the fastest growing “woody” plants in the world. There are different types of bamboo, but on of the most used is called the giant bamboo plant. It can grow in most places in the world excluding those areas of extreme cold or extreme dryness (Bamboo Grove). It is a very useful material for many different animals such as building for humans, or eating for the pandas. It is the main food

  • Walt Whitman's A Noiseless Patient Spider

    1213 Words  | 3 Pages

    In “ A Noiseless Patient Spider” a poem by Walt Whitman, the author is relating the life of a noiseless patient spider to his own life and his missing, disconnected soul. The poet may be indicating that if he were more patient with his own life, he would not be so lost and would be able to appreciate things the way he perceived this spider adoring what he does; tossing strands and building webs to travel and explore the world. Through the poem you’ll see the following topics: the search, or exploration

  • The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Respiration in Yeast

    1588 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Respiration in Yeast Preliminary Experiment Aim To investigate the time it takes for the yeast in glucose suspension to reach the same temperature as the water it is placed in. Apparatus ========= · Stopwatch · Plastercine · 2 Thermometers · Ice Cream Tub · Kettle · Syringe Method ====== · First I will fill up the ice cream tub with water at one of the temperatures I would be using for the main experiment (80degrees

  • The Black Widow Spider

    1914 Words  | 4 Pages

    Black Widow Spider Classification The spider is a wide known organism with a wide influence on life. The black widow spider is just one of over 30,000 types of spiders. Black Widow is a common name for the spider which is classified scientifically as K: Animalia, P: Arthropoda, C: Arachnida, O: Araneae, F: Theridiidae, G:Latrodectus, S: mactans. The species name mactans specifies the southern black widow spider. There are 31 different species from the genus Latrodectus. This genus is commonly