South Lakeland Essays

  • Travel Writing in the Lake District

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    Travel Writing in the Lake District I had dreaded the day that my Duke of Edinburgh would come around once more and now I was two days into my expedition. The first two days had been cold, wet and windy in the heart of the Lake District. The English Lake District National Park is 885 square miles in size, the largest of the 11 national parks in England & Wales, containing over 1800 miles of footpaths through some of Britain's most beautiful countryside. I am sure that we were going to

  • Scholarship Essay

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    A class full of young kids chasing me around the classroom, giving me the energy and reason I wake up to come here everyday. In two years I will finish my Associate's Degree in Early Childhood Education and management the first step to becoming a teacher. While going to school at Polk State College I will continue my job at Precious Children in the Highlands Preschool. Senior year I had interned there and got a multitude of experiences and offered a part time job as a substitute. After having this

  • Civil Disobedience Impact On Society

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    I believe that civil disobedience has a positive impact on a free society. The opposition of controversial and possibly immoral laws provides a voice for the people and allows for change to occur. Civil disobedience makes us question the norms of our society in a critical analysis of our system. I also feel that those whom practice civil disobedience have a strong sense of self and social conscious. Civil disobedience has been a part of American history since the Revolutionary War. From the Civil

  • Personal Narrative: My Grandfather In The Korean Civil War

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    years old. At that time of the year, there wasn’t any exact division between South and North Korea, even the 38th parallel did not exist back then. My grandfather and his brother was the only people capable in his family who could leave North Korea and come down to South Korea, due to the war being so sudden. If my grandfather did not move down to South Korea during the war, he would not have met my grandmother in South Korea and got married. Our family history would have been completely different

  • Jimmy Cross Character Analysis

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    Tim O’brien sends us a message that the soldiers that go to war carry emotions with them and these emotions are real and they fight these emotions internally. Tim O’brien shows this message through his descriptions of what the soldiers carry and the character development of Lieutenant Jimmy Cross and his team. Tim O’brien tells us about the the soldiers gear and the emotional baggage they carry, “They carried all the emotional baggage of the men that might die. Grief, terror, love , longing --

  • Racism And Discrimination In The Media And Social Media

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    . Many believe that over the last 15 years, the human race has been able to move past racial differences and come together as one species. It is believed that in the 21st century, all races are seen as equal and not discriminated against, and that concepts like White privilege do not exist. Anthropologist Ken McGrew conducted fieldwork in Coldville, Wisconsin, and wrote that expressing racist views is not acceptable in this city. He also noted that White people in Coldville refuse to believe in racism

  • The Sympathizer By Vet Thanh Nguyen Summary

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    Different authors have written various books detailing the occurrences of the Vietnam War. All of these books aim to detail the happenings of the war from the beginning to the end. Some of them also show conflicting ideas and issues that surrounded the war. Moreover, others also aim to show the negative effects of the war. One of the most notable books about the Vietnam War is The sympathizer, by Vet Thanh Nguyen. The author begins the story by showing the reader an unnamed narrator who throughout

  • Grotius Standards For Just War Summary

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    Summarize Grotius’ standards for just war. Grotius was quick to explain that a nation must have a just cause prior to initiating hostilities. The nation considering armed conflict must have identified an injury received that can only be redressed with war. Just cause not only encompasses violations to a state or its population by an opposing state but also those inflicted by the ruler to its own population (Christopher, 2004). Grotius writes that when a ruler “inflicts upon his subjects such treatments

  • Examples Of Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird

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    In our world, we have learned to celebrate our similarities, and tolerate our differences. Not everyone is content with the way we deal with one another, but the worst of us have become docile enough to blend in to our society. The key word in that, however, is "become"; humanity is notoriously slow to change, even in the slightest, and our lingering prejudice is what remains of racism that was the normality less than one hundred years ago. In Harper Lee's well-known novel, To Kill a Mockingbird

  • How Did Nelson Mandela Work

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    Mandela once said. And few lives have been as full of struggle as his. Born in South Africa in 1918, Mandela studied to become a lawyer. He then devoted his life to fighting Apartheid, the official policy of racial segregation practiced by the South African government. The Apartheid affected every aspect of life in South America. A Black South African may have had the same exact job as a White South African, but could have made the less in an entire year that the

  • Elon Musk Accomplishments

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    Elon Musk Elon Reeve Musk was born in South Africa on June 28, 1971, to his parents Maye and Errol Musk. There were social, economic, and cultural influences on Elon Musk which affected his lifetime achievements. Elon Musk is a very innovative entrepreneur, who is working on innovative technology for a cleaner Earth. He is the founder of SpaceX, Tesla, Solar City, and others. Musk has many original ideas that can change the way people travel, harness energy, and be able to explore space. He has

  • Sweetheart Of The Song Tra Bong Summary

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    Metamorphosis in Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong The story of the "Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong" is no typical Vietnam war story. It is a story that involves no bloods, guts or glory. This story isn't so much about the physical damage caused by war as much as this story is about the emotional changes that effect not only the males. This is a story that with it's elaboration and ornamentation shows the destruction of innocence. This story is about an impossible that came true. The story

  • Swot Analysis For Small Business

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    Strengths: Are internal capabilities that can help the firm reach its objectives. Participants they learn through doing. We simulate almost everything in the training room; participants learn lessons for themselves, they draw experience from their decisions and mistakes. We have a competitive advantage because we have a broad structure from school learners to small businesses as well as large corporates who also send their representatives to enrol in some of our courses. Weakness: Are internal

  • Essay On Dien Bien Phu

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    Between March and May of the year 1954, a climatic confrontation between the French and North Vietnamese armies took place which decided the outcome of the First Indochina War, the precursor to the Vietnam War (Pringle). This climactic confrontation, called the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, was a major loss for the French, and a decisive victory for the army of Northern Vietnam, the Viet Minh. The French made several misjudgments in the battle, one was to tempt the Viet Minh’s General Giap into a frontal

  • Korean War Effects On American Women

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    survivors, the dead. Yet, there is an aspect of war that few have of knowledge of; what life is like afterward for those who were affected by the man-made disaster. After the conclusion of the Korean War, in order to fulfill its promise of protecting South Korea from future aggression, the United States government established a myriad of military installations in the small Asian nation. Surrounding the military bases are Korean

  • Tabloid Journalism: The Dumbing Down Of News Culture

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    the usual “boring, serious, expensive, elitist, formal, and difficult-to-read” newspapers in South Africa (Du Plessis, 2005). It was established with the aim of broadening the scope of the demographics of audiences that are meant to have access to news and information- news and information that is relevant to and affects their daily lives. It was intended to reach its target audience-

  • Mahatma Gandhi Research Paper

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    his own lifetime but there relevance and significance remained intact after his passing away. Gandhi became the ideal hero for thousands around the world in general and renowned figures like Martin Luther King Junior of America, Nelson Mandela of South Africa and Ninoy Aquino of the Philippines in particular. Simultaneous to this, his views and works are still worth giving a thought, and if they are applied

  • Research Paper On Desmond Tutu

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    Group Members: Jonathan Cen, Guanyu Chen, Xianghe Huang Google Site Link: Desmond Tutu, a Christian Hero Born on October 7th, 1931, Demond Apilo Tutu is one of the most prominent figures in South Africa. Originally from Klerksdorp, Transvaal, Tutu is the first black Archbishop of Cape Town and also the bishop of the Church of the Province of Southern Africa. Although most famous for his opposition to apartheid, Tutu is also a passionate advocate

  • Finders Keepers Losers Weepers Summary

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    Wealth Matters: Loss of Black Land Ownership "Finders Keepers, Loser's Weepers." --Unknown Introduction Finders keepers, losers weepers is a childhood adage that means whatever is found on the school playground can be kept. There is no principle of law that supports an individual is entitled to keep whatever is found, while the original owner bears the loss. The premise when something is lost by one individual and found by another has been expressed in various ways over the centuries. The

  • Summary Of The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien

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    This autobiography written by Tim O’Brien tells us about his journey as a solider in Vietnam war. It tells all his struggles during the training camp and his time in the Vietnam. This book clearly provides an inner view of Tim’s thinking before going to Vietnam and during the war. It explains the situation the US army during the Vietnam war. Throughout this whole book Tim keeps pushing his idea about how war is wrong. From the beginning of the book he made it clear that war in not good. He kept