Sooners Essays

  • Sooner ID

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    Sooner ID is a student ID card to help students to eat everywhere on campus easily, go to gym, get into the dorm and other beneficial things for OU students. Sooner ID is like a card mixed with identification card and bank card, it helps students to live on campus and make their college daily easier. However, there are always some students would forget take their Sooner ID with them, which make them can’t get into the gym, dorm, borrowing book from library or doing other things. Sooner ID is an

  • University of Oklahoma Sooner Housing Center: Maintaining Athletes' Focus

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    and on the field, by providing students with the Sooner Housing Center. The Sooner Housing Center provides a family-like environment, which ensures OU athletes maintain a strong balance between academics and athletics by emphasizing the athlete’s educational achievements in addition to their sports accomplishments. Living in a focused community guides athletes in the right direction since performativity plays a large role in their lives. The OU Sooner Housing Center (SHC) is comprised of three housing

  • Experiencing Sooner Magic: A Love Letter to Oklahoma University

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    "I'm a Sooner born and Sooner bred and when I die, I'll be Sooner dead!" Hearing this chant from hundreds of people in one place is almost breathtaking. Growing up in Western Oklahoma, every day of the week I was looking forward to the weekend, as if every Saturday were a holiday, to watch Sooner football. Once the topic of college came up, the first place I applied was The University of Oklahoma with full intentions of going here and no where else. The University of Oklahoma is full of tradition

  • Should Student-Athletes Be Paid?

    1960 Words  | 4 Pages

    College athletes are undoubtedly some of the hardest working people in the world. Not only are they living the life of an average student, they also have a strenuous schedule with their specific sport. One of the most discussed topics in the world of college athletics is whether or not student-athletes should be paid money for playing sports. The people who disagree with the idea have some good arguments to make. Primarily that the athletes get to go to school for free for playing sports. Another

  • 10 Ways To Pay Off Your Credit Card Sooner

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    where you start to find it difficult to pay off the balance owing. Before you know it you are really struggling and less and less money is being paid off the card and more and more is being added to it. This article 10 Ways To Pay Off Your Credit Card Sooner explores ways to get your credit card back in control. 1. Always pay at least your minimum repayment by the due date If you start to fall behind on your credit card repayments it can cost you hefty sums of money that would have been better off used

  • Driverless Cars: Coming To Your Streets Sooner Than You Think Analysis

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    (Rogers 76). But it is only now, with the gradual augmentation of technology and changes predicted by Moore’s Law that we have gained the ability to create such vehicles. The Trends E-Magazine article titled “Driverless Cars: Coming to Your Streets Sooner Than You Think,” further examines the factors contributing to the rise and foreseeable overhaul of the highways by autonomous cars, attributing their growth to three central factors. First, as technology becomes increasingly intertwined with

  • French Allies: Decisive Impact on the Revolutionary War

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    easily prevented many American casualties. France troops coming to America sooner may have ended the war sooner, prevented at least 100 American casualties. The British had many more advantages, compared to the Americans by the time France assisted them. In the first few years of the war, the Americans had advantages, like the knowledge of the land, but soon the British took control. If France had joined the Americans sooner, the British would have had less advantages, making them weaker. When France

  • School's Out For Summer Rhetorical Analysis

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    Problems with Summer Her primary purpose for writing this essay is effective because she gives facts about what’s going on with the advertisers helping to prepare a public service announcement on child hunger with parents scheduling many different activities to do over the summer. Us kids go through a lot during summer we focus on many things like work, finding extra curricular activities to do during the summer and trying to help our parents around the house. In her essay “School’s Out for

  • The Declaration Of Alma-Ata Case Study

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    training about Netfit and nutrition. As for ‘Sooner’, it is providing smoother flow between different part of the health services, as a result, reducing the waiting time of treatment. HVAZ provides different health screening and assessment like free cervical smear tests and breast checks, and also explain the test results and the link between lifestyle factors. It can help people to find out the health problem in the early stage and they can have the treatment sooner. Turning to ‘More

  • Discipline: Persuasive Essay: What Drives You?

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    so that you will actually take the action, you need to take to succeed. The sooner you start down the road

  • Theme Of Growing Up In Catcher In The Rye

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    people by leaving the pure innocent minds of children, to confront the truth of adulthood. The leading character, Holden Caulfield, from The Catcher in The Rye by J.D. Salinger, feels that he needs to protect minors, however, acknowledges he will sooner or later grow up. He has an urge to shield kids from the revolting world. Be that as it may, he is battling in light of the fact that he would want to remain innocent, as opposed to surrounded. He discovers that all children need help from others

  • Adulthood Essay: What Makes You An Adult?

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    expect everyone to become mature at the same age, because everyone is different. Many teens become adults faster for certain reason and some of them were not give the option they just had to too. Becoming an adult is not an option for everyone but sooner or later you have to grow up because you can’t stay a kid forever. Being 18 years old makes you legally an adult in united states, but in reality we know that 18 years old are very different from maturity as well responsibilities and life experience

  • Earlier Driving

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    you an enormous amount of responsibility.” (Campbell) This problem for teens has a main solution, for teens to be able to drive sooner, there is less teen accidents comparing to the last ten years, teens could prove themselves responsible if given the chance. To lay a foundation for a productive solution, teens in more rural areas should have the opportunity to drive sooner than the legal age now. “For full driving privileges, an applicant must be at least 17 or be 16-1/2 and have completed an approved

  • Parent Consent In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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    Romeo and Juliet could have been saved from death if Friar Lawrence tried to save Juliet, get the letter to Romeo, and not marry them without their parents consent. The Friar had the chance to save Juliet and Romeo if he got the letter to Romeo sooner. Friar Laurence just received news that Friar John has not delivered the letter

  • Should Students Be Able To Graduate Early From High School

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    work force one year early? One good thing is graduating early. The sooner that you graduate from high school the sooner you go into college. Graduating early takes a lot of time and more effort in order to graduate early. Some students put a lot of time into extra classes during the night and in summer school. Some young men and women want to join the service and by getting out of high school young they are able to do that even sooner. There are many advantages to graduating early it just depends on

  • Phar Mor Case Summary

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    SOX requires the auditors to rotate, Title II section 203. If Phar-Mor had their auditors rotate they could have found the fraud much sooner. There is a good chance that the second auditor would not have gone along with fraud and brought it to light much sooner. (Final Rule,

  • A Midsummer Night's Dream

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    Love, before we can talk about it we must define it; then we can dissect it and reference it. Love is defined in the dictionary as an intense feeling of deep affection. Throughout several of Shakespeare’s plays he speaks about love. It is a common theme throughout Shakespeare’s plays, both comedies and tragedies, and we can see that Shakespeare is infatuated with love. Shakespeare and I, though poles apart, raised in different times, places, and even of different genders have one thing in common;

  • How To Build The Titanic

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    brought up to be in museums all around the world . If they would have been looking for the trail they would have found it sooner. If the titanic is down there much longer the ship will decompose (jennifer wirth). Titanic ologists need to find a way to bring it up before it rots underwater. It will soon rot because the salt and the bacteria in the water . if the titanic was found sooner then maybe it could have been saved but as of right now it will just break apart if they try to lift it out of the

  • Good Work Ethic Research Paper

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    attitude. These are two of the most helpful pieces of advices to aid in a healthy work ethic. Improving everyday more and more would be a good attribute for good work ethic. The best way to improve more would be simply by getting the task done sooner and sooner each and every individual time. Setting goals is definitely a big step, harder the goals are the better one gets at doing the tasks. Basically the best way of improving is training the brain to take on heavier workloads each time that a task

  • Ice Baths Recovery

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    post-exercise is a controversial issue, as there is evidence which support both negative and positive effects. Athletes submerge themselves in baths containing ice in order to reduce post-exercise muscle soreness and to allow them to get back to training sooner with no ongoing soreness. However, Ice baths can endanger muscle growth as it causes the body to be unable to adapt to the demands of training and also can reduce performance due to temporary reducing muscle power. Ice baths are widely used in amateur