Simple harmonic motion Essays

  • Studying a Simple Harmonic Oscillator

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    Studying a Simple Harmonic Oscillator Objective --------- The simple harmonic motion of a pendulum can be studied by attaching a ticker-tape to a pendulum bob and analyzing the dots marked on the tape. Theory ------ In this experiment, a string was used to suspend a 0.5 kg mass. [IMAGE] Refer to the diagram above, [IMAGE] Considering the tangential force on the mass, [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ∴The oscillation is simple harmonic. Therefore, we can find out more on

  • Determining Acceleration Due to Gravity

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    The Determination of the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the earth, g, using a simple pendulum. Aim: The determination of the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the earth, g, using a simple pendulum Background ========== All bodies exert gravitational forces on one another. A large mass, such as the earth produces a gravitational field. Gravity acts between any

  • Investigating the Oscillations of a Pendulum

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    - To investigate the oscillations of a simple pendulum and find the value of ‘g’, acceleration due to gravity, in the laboratory. Apparatus: - Retort stand with clamp Pendulum bob Piece of thread (≈ 110 cm) Stop watch Two small wooden blocks metre rule Hypothesis and Theory:- In this experiment the set up below is arranged. This is a simple pendulum system which is a simple harmonic motion. In the figure below consider a small mass

  • Simple Pendulum Experiment Lab Report

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    The Simple Pendulum Experiment General Plan The first thing I am going to do is outline a general plan for this experiment. In this experiment, I am going to be measuring the effect of two variables on the time of one oscillation of a simple pendulum. The two variables that I have chosen are the length of the pendulum's string and the mass of the pendulum's bob. I will vary these two items and record results for the time of one oscillation of a pendulum

  • Oscillation Of A Pendulum Experiment

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    According to Crundell (2001, p231) Simple harmonic motion is defined as the motion of a particle about a fixed point such that its acceleration a is proportional to its displacement x from a fixed point, and is directed towards the fixed point. There are many ways in which we can observe the special kind of oscillations

  • Analytical Analysis Of Simple Pendulum

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    Analytical analysis of simple harmonic motion using pendulum with varying conditions Briz, Axel John, Salih, Nashreen Dale Institute of Physical Sciences, College of Science, University of the Philippines Baguio Abstract This scientific investigation presents how simple harmonic motion happens in pendulum. Old pendulum clocks are basic example for pendulum that shows period and oscillation with respect to time. By using different masses, thread or string and protractors for angle calibration,

  • Sound Waves Research Paper

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    is the part of the piano that comes in contact with the key and is responsible for transmitting the motion of the key to the hammer to the string. At the same time, the key will raise the damper and the hammer drops. This creates a sound. The damper will then soon fall on the string and stop the sound. Newton's first law: Objects at rest will remain at rest and objects in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by a force. This is true with the strings of a piano. They are fixed at two ends

  • The relationship between the length and the period of motion of a pendulum

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    affects its period of motion. A pendulum is a suspended point of mass, hung from a fixed point on an inextensible cord. When it is pulled and released from one side of its equilibrium, at x°, the pendulum swings back and forth on a vertical plane under the influence of gravity (La Né Powers, 2006). The motion is periodic and oscillatory; I am determining the oscillation or otherwise known as the period of motion (Resnick & Malliday, 1977, pp. 310-311). The period of motion is the amount of time taken

  • The Effect of Applying Weight to an Elastic Band and How it Affects the Length it Stretches To

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    the Length it Stretches To Aim In this coursework I will be investigating the effect of applying weight to an elastic band and how much this affects the length it stretches to. This will also involve the use of Hooke’s Law and the Simple Harmonic Motion. I will do in-depth research on Hooke’s Law and how the force applied affects the change in length of a material. The apparatus I will be using is listed below: 1. Retort Stand – I will connect this to the clamp 2. Clamp – I will

  • Mozart k310 sonata (2nd movement)

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    second statement of the first theme. He then continues the theme with variation until the consequent phrase which is completely different from the first consequent phrase. This new consequent has not only faster rythmic movement but also compressed harmonic rythym. This tension prepares the listener for the textural shift that is about to occur. The Bridge begins with 16th note arpeggios in the bass, a contrast to the quarter note dominated bass of the first theme. Unlike a typical bridge section which

  • Gretchen am Spinnrade

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    musical texture changes, and harmonic mixture in the telling of this tale. The music and text paint the picture of a girl possessed by the touch and memory of a certain man, yet Gretchen is isolated in her grief. Schubert takes the grief of this girl to an ascending level of torment. She can only sit at her spinning wheel. The unending circle “painting” her emotions. Seemingly requiring a pianist of both strength and dexterity. The idea behind the accompaniment is simple, yet brilliant. The right hand

  • How Does Beethoven Use E-Flat Clarinets

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    fourths, first to A, then D, and lastly G. This sequencing of a theme from the exposition indicates the start of the core. This use of arpeggios found in mm. 16-19 is extracted from the original key of C major and used as an outline for the harmonic motion via sequencing. First found in m. 122 outlining C minor7, the arpeggio is later expanded, inverted and played in voices other than the first violins, who introduced the idea in the exposition.The altered arpeggiations move harmonically through

  • Bill Evans Research Paper

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    as various other notes. He often began with simple and short rhythms and extended it with increasing complexity then ended it in a burst of notes that resolved those complexities. This rhythmic technique was influenced by early pianists including Lennie Tristano and Lee Konitz , but none of them came up with the integration of many sources at once like Bill Evans did (Israel 1995). In terms of harmony, Evans spent hours studying the theoretical harmonic structure of any music piece he was working

  • Mozart Piano Concerto K.491 1st movement

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    middle of paper ... ...n 4 in the opening ritornello. Coda (m.609-623), its materials and texture is clearly from transition 15. It has broken chord passages in the solo part and chords in the orchestra part. Coda has a pedal note C throughout. The harmonic structure is: i-F minor: vii07-i= C minor: iv-vii07-i-vii043-i-vii06-i. It’s very rare for classical concertos to have soloist play with orchestra after the cadenza. The recapitulation doesn’t have solo exposition’s primary and closing themes but


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    Court. He went on to compose over 600 works including 27 piano Concertos, 18 Masses (including his most famous, the Requiem), and 17 piano sonatas. Mozart was not often known for having radical form or harmonic innovation but rather, most of his music had a natural flow, repetition and simple harmonic structure. Composed at the age of 6, Mozart’s Minuet in F Major (K.2) was one of his earliest works. Written for piano, this “dance” features a homophonic structure with an upper and lower voice. The

  • Simple Pendulum Essay

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    Name: ISMAILA LUKMON CEG no: 08036768 Aim: Measuring a simple pendulum Introduction: A simple pendulum is defined as an object that has a small mass, also known as the pendulum bob, which is suspended from a wire or string of negligible mass. When displaced, a pendulum will oscillate around its equilibrium point due to momentum in balance with the restoring force of gravity. There are many examples of pendulums around us. A swing on which a child can ride. A plumb

  • Truth And Post-Truth In Music

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    folk music are often written with the same three chords and simple rhymes, he would almost argue that because pop music is “boring” in its composition, it’s easier to listen to. He states that pop music isn’t garbage both serve two different purposes. Unlike most pop music, classical music is composed with the richest of harmonic variations, the widest array of instrumentation, multiple melodies in one piece, and an incredible range of motion, tempos, and dynamics within a single composition. He believes

  • Physics lab

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    weights, it was possible to determine the moment of inertia of the rotor itself. The last experiment performed (as of this writing) was Experiment 10, which explored simple harmonic motion. This experiment was actually two experiments, one examining harmonic motion using a spring (call this Experiment 10A) and the other using a simple pendulum (Experiment 10B). For part A, a mass was attached to a spring hung vertically, causing the spring to elongate. By measuring the difference between the spring's

  • Mozart Case Study

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    and composing. In 1672, the Mozart family journeyed on a four-year tour of Europe with stops in Vienna, Munich, Brussels, Paris, and London. While in Vienna, Considering French folksong, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a simple example of ternary form. Units A and BA are repeated. Section A is in the tonic key (home key), B hints at a contrasting key, then returns to section A the tonic key- harmonies are indicated by roman numerals I and V. If a piece of ternary form is

  • The Acoustic Guitar: The Physics Of Music In Music

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    The acoustic guitar is the the most played instrument in the music world. Though, the guitar looks like a simple instrument to play there are a lot of physics regarding sound behind the creation of it, from the strings to the air inside, the anatomy, and the sound spectrum. Acoustic guitars are subtle and melodious but what makes it sound irresistibly good are the physics behind the instrument itself. Physics plays a huge part in acoustic guitars in many ways, including the structure of the guitar