Silicon Graphics Essays

  • Supercomputers

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    A supercomputer is a workstation at the forefront of contemporary transforming limit – especially speed of count which can happen at velocities of nanoseconds. Supercomputers were presented in the 1960s, made at first and, for a long time, fundamentally by Seymour Cray at Control Data Corporation (CDC), Cray Research and ensuing organizations bearing his name or monogram. While the supercomputers of the 1970s utilized just a couple of processors, in the 1990s machines with many processors started

  • Comparison essay amd vs intel

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    that is changing by the day. There is a processor called AMD (advanced micro devices) currently leading in the silicon race for the fastest processor at an affordable price. No longer shall Intel lead the market when AMD makes its name superior. A CPU is a microprocessor that is generally constructed with millions of tiny switches called transistors that are imbedded in silicon. The outer shell is ceramic with gold pins protruding out of the processor to make a connection with the motherboard

  • Cause and Effect Essay - Money Causes Unhappiness

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    Tim Kasser has written an excellent short book describing the scientific evidence relating to materialism and happiness. Kasser gives one striking quotation concerning Jim Clark, the founder of Netscape and other computer companies: "Before Silicon Graphics, Clark said a fortune of $10 million would make him happy; before Netscape, $100 million; before Healtheon, a billion; now, he told Lewis, 'Once I have more money than Larry Ellison, I'll be satisfied.' Ellison, the founder of the software company

  • John Barden and The Transistors

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    on the temperature and also because it is a metalloid so it is not as easy to break ( Later the germanium was replaced with silicon (ward). This allowed improved performance at higher temperatures (ward). The silicon necessary to work with was not developed until world war two (ward). Within two years of the invention of the silicon transistor both GE and RCA had started the sales of the transistor (ward). Later many other hobbyist stores would too adopt the transistor (ward)

  • Integrated Circuits

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    most important reasons why integrated circuits are so vital to technology is the process by which they are made. Integrated circuits are usually printed on pure silicon wafers. These wafers are made by “growing” silicon dioxide on a wafer. The chips are then layered and doped. Doping is used to change the conductivity of the silicon by implanting ions. These chips consist of many la... ... middle of paper ... ... accessed easier than ever before. In fact, there has been countless ways that

  • Tech Museum Of Innovation Essay

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    more I am proud that I am one who lives in a place that many people call, "Silicon Valley: the heart of computers and technologies in the world." I live in San Jose, the capital of Silicon Valley (The City of San Jose, 1999, p. 1). San Jose is surrounded by a great number of hardware and software computer companies. There are a lot of job opportunities offered in this region. San Jose, thus, is called, the land of the Silicon Rush, which has replaced California's Gold Rush, which occurred fifty-two

  • Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)

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    Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) is the integration of mechanical elements, sensors, actuators and electronics on a common silicon substrate using microfabrication techniques. MEMS are a hot area of research because they integrate sensing, analyzing and responding on the same silicon substrate hence promising realization of complete systems-on-a-chip. As MEMS are manufactured using batch fabrication techniques similar to IC technology, MEMS are expected to

  • Essay On Semiconductor Transistor

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    1958, j. Kilby invented the first integrated circuit and received the Nobel physics prize for his innovative work [6].For the first time, In 1960, D. Kahng fabricated metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) on silicon(Si)-substrate using silicon oxide(SiO2)[7].MOSFETs rapidly replaced the JFET and had become core of microelectronics. Due to single polarity of MOSFET, it suffered large power dissipation. In 1963, the complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) field effect

  • Silica and Health Issues

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    silica? Silicon, the second most abundant element after oxygen on the earth, is also responsible for stronger bones and luxurious hair. It is a necessary element that the body needs to strengthen bones, maintain youthful skin, and to help grow stronger hair and nails. Silica is not to be confused with silicone, which is a form of silicon that is used in producing glass products, optical fibers, lubricants, and breast implants. Silicone contains a different chemical bond than silicon and it is

  • Silicon Carbide Design

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    Vertical design of double gate silicon carbide (3C-SiC) MESFET on silicon (Si) substrate ABSTRCT There is big deal of interest in silicon carbide (SiC) as an electronic material for high-voltage, high-power and high temperature applications. In this thesis, characteristics of Double gate vertical metal semiconductor field effect transistors (MESFET) fabricated on N/N+ 3C-SiC grown on N+ Si substrate are reported. The most intriguing electronic property of silicon carbide is that it is the only

  • The End of Intel: the Beginning of the Computer

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    the transistor has drastically decreased in the past fifty years, it cannot get too much smaller, therefore a computer cannot get much faster. The limits of transistor are becoming more and more apparent within the processor speed of Intel and AMD silicon chips (Moore's Law). One reason that chip speeds now are slower than possible is because of the internal-clock of the computer. The clock organizes all of the operation processing and the memory speeds so the information ends at the same time or the

  • Semiconductors: The Silicon Chip

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    Semiconductors: The Silicon Chip Silicon is the raw material most often used in integrated circuit (IC) fabrication. It is the second most abundant substance on the earth. It is extracted from rocks and common beach sand and put through an exhaustive purification process. In this form, silicon is the purist industrial substance that man produces, with impurities comprising less than one part in a billion. That is the equivalent of one tennis ball in a string of golf balls stretching from the earth

  • Power Semiconductor Devices

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    form or another. For this reason our discussion will be focused on the application of power diodes. Power Diodes are two terminal electronic devices that permit current flow in predominantly one direction. Diodes are composed of differently doped silicon or germanium bounded together at a junction. Purpose As an Electrical Engineering specializing in Power Electronics it is important to understanding the application of different types of diodes in power electronics. The technology behind the

  • Igneous Petrology of Cape Granites

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    Geological Setting The Cape Granite Suite formed about 560-520 Ma during the Saldanian orogeny which occurred between 780 to 510 Ma (Harris & Vogelli, 2010; Villaros, Stevens & Buick, 2009). This orogeny formed as a result of the convergence of the Rio de la Plata and Kalahari cratons during the formation of Gondwanaland (Harris & Vogelli, 2010). The granitoids of the CGS were intruded into the three terranes of the metasedimentary and metavolcanic Malmesbury Group which are divided by distinct

  • Silicone: A Modest Proposals

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    SILICONE - A TRENDING BIOMATERIAL R.PERUMAL SAMI,,C.LALITHA LAKSHMI,, T.LAKSHMI, . ABSTRACT: Silicone polymers are of relatively recent invention and commercial production was started in the 1940's. Shortly thereafter it was found that glass surfaces treated with silicone fluid delayed the clotting of blood. By the mid-1950s medical applications of silicones had greatly increased and many studies of the biological

  • The Pentium Pro Processor Microarchitecture

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    features, which Intel describes as Dynamic Execution, enabled the first Pentium Pro processor silicon to exceed the original performance goal. Building from an already high platform The Pentium processor set an impressive performance standard with its pipelined, superscalar microarchitecture. The Pentium processor's pipelined implementation uses five stages to extract high throughput from the silicon - the Pentium Pro processor moves to a decoupled, 12-stage, superpipelined implementation, trading

  • Dark count or Dark Current is one of the most important CCD specifications,

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    to do with irregularities in the fundamental crystal structure of the silicon present in CCDs. Examples of these irregularities include metal impurities such as gold, copper or iron, and crystal defects such as dislocations and stacking faults, all of which are known to be thermal generation sites of charge carriers in silicon. THE BEST EXAMPLE OF WHERE THIS DARK Current can be located is at the Silicon Oxide to silicon interface of the MOS capacitor (which is the main building block of a

  • Intranets

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    al menos en una de ellas, es básicamente diferente. De la misma manera que Internet está teniendo un efecto profundo en la manera en que nos comunicamos, la intranet promete transformar el mundo corporativo. Compañías tan variadas como Ford, Silicon Graphics y Tyson Foods han implementado todas ellas esta tecnología, mejorando la productividad al tiempo que reducen costes. ¿Pero qué es una intranet? Es posible imaginarla como una Internet interna diseñada para ser usada dentro de una compañía, universidad

  • Why Silicon Valley Integrated Photonics?

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    Introduction 1.1 Why silicon integrated photonics? The observation by Gordon Moore in 1965 (now universally referred to as Moore’s law) that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would double every couple of years has become a beacon that continues to drive the electronics industry [1]. Integrated circuits have grown exponentially from the 30-transistor devices of 1965 to today’s high-end microprocessors exceeding 500 million transistors integrated on a silicon chip the size of your

  • Netscape Analysis Report

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    April 1994 by Jim Clark and Marc Andreessen. They released their first browser products free to Internet users in September 1994. Jim Clark is chairman of Netscape Communications Corporation. Before founding the company, Clark was the chairman of Silicon Graphics, a computer hardware manufacturer he founded in 1982. Marc Andreessen is vice president of technology for Netscape Communications. He helped develop the original graphical World Wide Web browser, Mosaic, while he was at the University Of Illinois