Serenity: Those Left Behind Essays

  • Aging In Space Cowboys

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    Space Cowboys was the film selected for this paper as it will be used to better analyze the aging process and its effects on the aging adult. (Eastwood, 2000). The aging process effects developing humans differently through physical and cognitive development and eventual deterioration, however the psychological and psychosocial effects are much more similar for every aging adult. This paper will explore the aging process on the characters from Space Cowboys, through analysis of Erik Erikson’s eight

  • The Importance Of Faith In Serenity

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    As human beings, we put a small part of ourselves in everything that we create, whether it’s intentional or not. In the television series Firefly, and the follow-up movie “Serenity”, Joss Whedon tells the story about his own battles with faith. The captain of Serenity, Malcolm Reynolds, is clearly the embodiment of Whedon’s struggle with losing his faith, only to later find it in a different place than he originally lost it, but the rest of the crew also have their own aim with their variations of

  • The Holocaust: A Short Story

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    survivors, I recall the very vivid night of which I was first captured; a night I will never forget. It was a warm, starry night during August, the summer after my sophomore year in high school. I was with my boyfriend, Luke, and my younger sister Serenity. We were walking down the narrow sidewalk, back to his house, in the shadows of the old, dim street lights. Germany is usually a pretty safe, kid-friendly place. Most of the people are respectful and polite; at least that’s what we thought. As we

  • Comparing Matthias Grunewald 's Poem ' Crucifixion With The Virgin, Saints John The Evangelist And St Mary Magdalene

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    differs and the context behind the content does as well. I also believe that Matthias Grunewald uses a similar triangular composition from Pietro Perugino’s painting “Crucifixion with the Virgin, Saints John the Evangelist and Saint Mary Magdalene” in his own work, the “Isenheim Altarpiece.” First, both artworks are about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and have the focal point as Jesus on the cross surrounded by saints. Perugino’s painting, the left artwork, has four saints (from left to right): Jerome

  • Creative Writing: Splintered Memory

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    Should I tell her? he thought, not for the first time that morning. His wife lounged on a couch that took up most of the small living room, reading one of those junk mail magazines he always forgot to throw out. She seemed serene, her hair hanging down over her face as it did when she was too focused on something to bother pushing it behind her ear. Was it up to him to disturb that calm? Even the critics were divided. Some posited it was the subject’s right to know, and

  • Examples Of Dystopia In 1984

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    Utopia, a place where everything is perfect, but is it truly perfect? Is it really a utopia or is it a dystopia in disguise? Behind the rulers of a utopia might be a dark, horrible, flawed operation doing anything they can to keep their world perfect. Nearly all utopian books written, are dystopian worlds. They start off with a painted picture of happiness and serenity, nothing can go wrong user a superbly controlled world. Then slowly, the main character truly discovers the world of lies they have

  • Persuasive Essay On Hunting

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    and threatens the serenity of these animals. Some studies say that aerial hunters, those who hunt from planes or helicopters, might cause the hunted prey to suffer more than once causing them some injuries before shooting them to death. The sound of gunfire used to hunt scares those animals and deteriorates animal family units, for instance, the sound of a gunfire may lead mothers leaving their newly born animals starving. The dogs used in one of the methods of hunting are left in poor conditions

  • Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

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    and embodies mysterious and "dark" and "deep" secrets that have attracted man for centuries. Through his regret to return to the village Frost also conveys the temptation of man to leave responsibility and society and to instead stay with the calm serenity of nature, however, at the conclusion of this poem Frost shows how "promises" and duty eventually turn most men back to their responsibilities. In the first stanza of the poem Frost introduces his situation, showing himself to be in the "woods

  • Transcendentalism Essay

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    A Rewarding Lifestyle The ideals of Transcendentalism have transcended throughout time. Transcendentalists are known for civil disobedience and individual intuition. One of the most well-known Transcendentalists is Henry David Thoreau. Thoreau was one who fought for individual intuition, passion for nature and simplicity and abolition. Transcendentalists focus on the emphasis of individual intuition and fighting for beliefs. “Transcendentalism emphasized individual intuition as a central means

  • Persuasive Essay: Life Is What You Make It

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    The tide and the time never wait and they never last. We treat them as cheap commodities that we blindly waste time. We hide behind victim stories. We become consumed by the thought of immortality though we see death- day in and day out. We hold on to the pain and we blame people, things, and circumstances for our unhappiness. Anxiety, stress and Depression – are the killers

  • Land Art: Influence and Evolution in the 1970s

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    essential to land art since the waves were created to scale to give the person walking through the field the feeling of flowing with the waves. Lastly, I chose Andy Goldsworthy as his work is beautiful and ephemeral. In conclusion, three artists that have left a lasting impact in land art are, Robert Smithson, Maya Lin and Andy

  • Intimate Encounter

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    at the barrier between the lush forests and the vast plateau behind me. The path wound through the gnarled guardians and the true beauty of my hike soon greeted me. The lush, vibrant fall colors on th... ... middle of paper ... ... as my hike the day before had. The secluded intimacy of the forest stunned my sense and made me feel as if I were apart of a land no man had before seen. As I passed the guardians of the forest, those gnarled, knotted, crooked trees overlooking the balds, I bid

  • Margaret Herzog Cave Of Forgotten Dreams Essay

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    and scratches. We get a look at them working in the caves and at computers. Motion graphics and maps are used. Everything in the cave must be carefully preserved. Herzog visits art museums and talks with art historians about the earliest art, those found in the cave and similar pieces found elsewhere. He talks with a perfumer who discusses constructing the past by studying odours. Sweeping panoramics of the surrounding areas outside the caves play under Herzog’s storytelling, as he recounts

  • Analysis Of The Movie 'Finding Joe'

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    going to be attacked, the people covered the golden statue in mud and concrete so that they would leave the area alone. The invaders ignored the Buddha as they thought it was not worth it to attack the mud covered statue. Time passed as the invaders left and people forgot that the Buddha was golden until a piece broke off, and the worshippers ripped all of the mud and concrete off to reveal the golden statue. This is a metaphor for us as individuals as we are all born golden, but

  • An Analysis Of Deborah Garrison's Sestina For The Working Mother

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    Combining the influence of Philip Larkin’s style of utilizing “plainspoken English” (“Deborah Garrison”), and writing what she knows, Deborah Garrison incorporates deceptively simple language with aspects of her life in her poetry construction. As a working mother, the narrator of Garrison’s, “Sestina for the Working Mother” offers insight regarding inner thoughts and emotions she experiences in everyday life. While her poem exposes internal conflict, Garrison provides hope. Using concepts of attitude

  • Feminist Lens In John Steinbeck's Novel 'Of Mice And Men'

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    images. After Lennie accidentally kills her, those sparks of life are extinguished. The metaphorical sun has set on her life. As the description continues, it is noted that “the meanness and the plannings and the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone from her face” (Steinbeck 92). Death seems to have reduced her to society 's idealized version of a female. Right after the death of Curley 's wife, there is imagery of her purity and serenity in death. She is shown in a positive light

  • The Spiritual Journey In The Journey Of Siddhartha And Govinda

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    and that I have little faith in words that come to us from teachers,’” (Siddhartha, 22). Despite Siddhartha’s disbelief in teachers, Govinda convinced him they should go listen to the Buddha Gotama. After an altercation with the Samanan elders, they left to pursue this holy man and discover if his teachings would lead them to the right

  • Siddhartha

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    Brahmin, the young falcon.” (Page 1: Line 14-15) No insecurities were consumed in him, and he had t... ... middle of paper ... ...imeline of his life. "From that hour Siddhartha ceased to fight against his destiny. There shone in his face the serenity of knowledge, of one who is no longer confronted with conflict of desires, who has found salvation, who is in harmony with the stream of events, with the stream of life, full of sympathy and compassion, surrendering himself to the stream, belonging

  • I Lost My Baby Dialectical Journal

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    you your first whooping for giving me all these stretch marks. Throughout all the changes my body went through, the feeling of you moving around and kicking me was the best. I never thought that I would walk in that hospital, preparing myself for those contractions because it was finally the day I was gonna meet my baby girl, to end up getting rolled out that same hospital in a wheel chair with an empty car seat. Even when the nurses said that you were gone I still didn’t believe it. I just knew

  • The Old Man In The Sea

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    bad, something has to trigger it. In The Old Man in the Sea, a character, named Santiago, fell into a conflict of inadequate proportions. He went out into the sea, searching to find something that might take his life complete, to maybe find some serenity. Not only did he find it, but there was a catch. Was Santiago strong enough to keep it? Was he strong enough to take on the beasts in the water?      Santiago caught a fish, not only the fish that he would have waited eighty-five