River dolphin Essays

  • Dolphin Essay

    609 Words  | 2 Pages

    What is a dolphin? A dolphin is an aquatic mammal. There are a various amount of species of dolphins,who eat a large variety of food,and can live in several different environments. There are thirty-two different species of oceanic dolphins and five different species of river dolphins. River dolphins live in Ganges River, Chinese River, Amazon River, and the Indus River ("Dolphins." -and-more.com). There are only four species of river dolphin alive because one is extinct. These dolphins don't only

  • Dolphins are Amazing, Intelligent, Marine Animals

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    Dolphins are well known for their agility and playful behavior in the wildlife of all the oceans in the world. They have many characteristics, and also there are a variety of different types and kinds of dolphins, which make them very intelligent creatures. Dolphins are smart marine mammals and great swimmers. They are known to be very friendly to humans and other wildlife creatures, dolphins often display a playful attitude which makes them popular to human nature and the culture. They can be seen

  • Why We Should Not Be Allowed To Capture Dolphin Captivity

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    tropical area, swimming with dolphins is an increasingly popular activity. Swimming with these gorgeous animals is known to be a life changing experience, that is for everyone but the dolphins. Dolphins are wild animals that are not meant to be held in captivity. The Whale and Dolphin Society states that “there are currently hundreds of bottlenose dolphins in captivity world-wide: equally thousands have died in captivity.” Due to the small tanks these captured dolphins have to live in, being taken

  • A Description Of The Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin

    1970 Words  | 4 Pages

    90 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises? (WDC) The dolphin is a very important animal to the ocean and there are many different types to discover. In order to learn about dolphins, it is important to discuss where they live, their appearance, and what they eat. Some helpful words to understand are “dorsal fin”, a dorsal fin is the top pointed fin on the dolphins back, “flippers”, a flipper is a flat fin that dolphins use to swim, and “echolocation” is a tool dolphins use to find food by sounds

  • Dolphins

    757 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Dolphins often display a playful attitude which makes them popular in human culture” (Science World Kids.) In this paper I will talk about what dolphins eat, how they sleep, what their environment is, and other interesting facts. Species of dolphins Dolphins are a group of aquatic mammals called cetaceans. They are mammals because they are warm-blooded and they give birth to their young. The word “cetaceans” means celus in Latin and kelos in Greek both of which mean large sea animal (or creature

  • How Intelligent Are Dolphins?

    1904 Words  | 4 Pages

    How Intelligent Are Dolphins? There is something about dolphins that fascinates me. They are some of the most intelligent and beautiful animals that I have ever seen. Their faces are so cute that every time I look at a dolphin it looks like it is smiling at me and wants to tell me something. The noises they make represent some kind of language and it makes me wonder if they can really communicate. I also want to know what kind of feeling they have and whether they have emotions. This is why I

  • Bottlenose Dolphin: Similarities And Differences

    1329 Words  | 3 Pages

    bottlenose dolphin, scientifically known as the Tursiops truncates, belongs to the kingdom, Animalia and the phylum, Chordata. The dolphin also falls under the Mammalia class. They are specifically classified in the order, Cetacea and the family, Delphinidae. This dolphin is most closely related to the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin, or the Tursiops aduncus. This cousin of the bottlenose dolphin was originally grouped as the same species as the common bottlenose. However, now these dolphins are classified

  • Early Odontocetic Environmental Analysis

    846 Words  | 2 Pages

    River dolphins have been an elusive group of cetaceans, taxonomically and biologically, since the time of their first noted observation in the wild. They are proven to have oceanic ancestors which invaded the riverine systems on at least three independent events and hence develop ecological extreme specialization to adapt to the freshwater environment. Although this hypothesis has been challenged, invasion of the freshwater systems might have insured their survival against either competitive exclusion

  • Characteristics of Dolphins

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    Characteristics of Dolphins The majority of small tooth whales are called dolphins.  “Dolphins are mammals of the order Cetacean and the families Plantanistidae and Delphinidae and include about 50 species” (Internet 1).  Most dolphin species are about 6 feet in length, the males averaging 4 to 8 inches longer than females. The longest dolphin, the bottle-nose dolphin, can reach over nine-feet in length and weight up to 440 pounds. The smallest dolphin species is the buffalo which is found

  • Personal Narrative: Volunteering At The Georgia Aquarium

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    My thirteen friendships I have formed with each of our bottlenose dolphins have really helped me through the tough times this year, and whenever I feel bad they immediately take my mind off whatever is bothering me and cheer me up right away. I am so thankful for these amazing animals every day of my life. Everyday I walk

  • Orca Research Paper

    1318 Words  | 3 Pages

    Physical Characteristics Orcas have fusiform bodies, meaning that they are spindle-shaped. This allows them to glide through the water with very little resistance. The male and female orca are different in terms of their size, weight, and the shape of both their dorsal and pectoral fins. Males generally range from 22 to 27 feet in length, weighing between 8,000 and 12,000 pounds. Females generally range from 17 to 24 feet in length, weighing between 3,000 and 8,000 bounds. A male’s pectoral fins

  • Killer Whales - The Orcas

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    Orcinus orca is the scientific name for the massive marine mammal. Orcas are not rare, but have declining numbers in some areas (Martin.) Orcas are found from the Artic Ocean to the Antartic Ocean. (Britannica) They belong to the Delphinidae, or dolphin family, which is the largest of their species. Female orcas grow to be at the most 15 feet, and weigh up to 4 tons, but the males can grow as large as 20-30 feet, and weight up to 8 tons. (Martin) The color of the orca is white in some spots, black

  • Dolphins

    899 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dolphins Dolphins are mammals closely related to whales and porpoises. Dolphins have a powerful and streamlined body. They are found in all seas and oceans. Dolphins can be told apart from porpoises by their nose, which is beaklike, and also their conical teeth. Porpoises have a flatter nose, sharper teeth, and a more solid body. There are 32 known species of dolphins. The bottle-nosed dolphin is often the species used in aquatic shows. The common dolphin inspired many Mediterranean folk lores

  • Analysis of Dolphins

    1158 Words  | 3 Pages

    Analysis of Dolphins Aristotle once wrote, “The voice of the dolphin in the air is like that of the human in that they can pronounce vowels and combinations of vowels, but have difficulties with the constants.” The dolphin is one amazing creature. Dolphins, whales and porpoises are all related. I am going to talk about all aspects off the dolphin from evolution and vocalization to behavior and intelligence. Dolphin fossils have been found dating back to 45-50 million years ago, which was during

  • The Anatomy of a Dolphin

    832 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dolphins, cousins to whales, member of the family Delphinidae, and an animal that captures the heart of anyone who sees one. This powerhouse of a marine mammal can swim at speeds of up to thirty-five miles per hour and renowned for the fact that they can jump out of the water, a feat meant to both conserve energy and to get places quicker. When they swim, they are as graceful as a swan and as playful as a little child. Well, read on to find out more about these amazing creatures. When you see a dolphin

  • The Conservation of Whales and Dolphins

    1219 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Conservation of Whales and Dolphins: Science and Practice, edited by Mark P. Simmons and Judith D. Hutchinson, is a book I have decided to utilize as a foundation piece for my final paper. This book contains in-depth information from multiple authors, compiled in chapter format. The compilations discuss many global issues revolving around the cetacean species, such as the protection and conservation of these water mammals and the various ways that they are endangered or harmed. This book also

  • Emotion and Cognition in Our Oceans' Mammals

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    With forty-three dead (Bekoff, 2013) and countless others living in torment, it’s a wonder that humans haven’t decided to free the orca whales that are held captive in amusement parks all over the world. Marine biologists, psychologists, and other specialists in the field are beginning to recognize a kind of psychosis (Bekoff, 2013) that sets in on the jailed cetaceans. With symptoms that mimic those of humans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Bradshaw, 2010), there is no denying

  • Inca Trail To Machu Picchu

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    A vacation with the family can be a very pleasant experience if you choose the right destination, one in which you will all have fun. If you are looking for an adventurous destination to go in on your next holiday with the family, read the following lines and choose one of our suggested destinations. Hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu Peru is one of the best destinations for those who seek an adventure when they're with their family, and this lovely country is best known for the mystical Machu Picchu

  • Comparing Orca And Porpoises

    563 Words  | 2 Pages

    Porpoises, belonging to the genus Phocaenidae, are close relatives of dolphins. One of their unique characteristics that differ from other species of the same order is that they can produce clicks for echolocation at frequencies inaudible to humans. The reason for this is majorly influenced by the Orca, also known as the killer whale. Also, while at first glance dolphins and porpoises look of the same species, they actually are classified into two different geni. Part of this separate taxonomy is

  • Bottlenose Dolphins Research Paper

    1057 Words  | 3 Pages

    diet of the Bottlenose Dolphin varies depending on geographical location and even water depth. Bottlenose Dolphins that live inshore will typically feed on fish and other invertebrates that are found near the shoreline (Reynolds). On the other hand deep-water Bottlenose Dolphins feed on squid and fish (Reynolds). Bottlenose dolphins along the U.S. Atlantic Coast typically feed on the following: Atlantic croacker, spot fish, and silver perch (Reynolds). Bottlenose dolphins typically choose prey between