Ra's al Ghul Essays

  • Rational Choice Theory In The Movie Batman Begins

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    This essay will explore some of the theories commonly observed in criminology in relation to the 2005 hit movie Batman Begins. I chose a batman movie as they’re usually about lucrative criminals and batman himself is a notable criminologist. Batman and his “rogue gallery” as they are often called, also “super criminals” display similar behavior to what we see in the real worlds normal criminals. The movie begins with a young Bruce Wayne playing outside with his friend Rachael. Bruce steps on some

  • How Is Batman An Archetypal Hero?

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    which has been hijacked by his former mentor Ducard. This is the final test, the climax. After a long battle of hand to hand combat exhibit everything he has learned. Batman is basically pinned to the ground; his neck is grasp tight by Ra’s Al Ghul’s iron grip. When Ra’s Al Ghul’s stares into Batman dying eyes and asks if he is afraid. Batman stops coping like if he accepts the death. He replies, yes but not of you. In a final twist Batman utilize his cape and flies out of the back of the train on a rip

  • The Amoral Battle Of Batman

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    Under the assumption that Superman acts at all intelligently, Superman would win effortlessly. Unfortunately, as the most frustratingly clueless and underachieving superhero ever conceived, Superman would probably lose. He has only himself to blame, really. The Amoral Battle If neither character was constrained by their ethical code, this is an uninteresting battle. Fighting at full strength, Superman would instantly and utterly annihilate Batman. The neurons in Bruce Wayne's brain responsible

  • Essay Comparing Rousseau And Batman

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    standard. In the same way the creators of the Batman comics and Batman begins likely fear what would come if education became more like Rousseau’s idea of education. Both Rousseau and Ra’s Al Ghul from Batman Begins, believe that society is what corrupts man and that people must learn through necessity though Ra’s Al Ghul

  • Compare And Contrast Ethical Egoism And Utilitarianism

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    The Argument on How Utilitarianism is a Superior Moral Theory than Ethical Egoism Philosophy has been a field of study for centuries. Some philosophers have developed ways to determine what is ethical and what is not. This has led to several normative ethical theories describing how people are ought to live a moral life. Some of the most prominent of these theories have set the criteria for morality in very unique and peculiar ways. Two of which are the ethical egoistic theory and the utilitarian

  • Problem Definition in Relation to Structure in “Batman Begins”

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    self-conscience state as he is filthy and covered only in rags. Bruce Wayne enters a violent fight with several other prisoners and is placed in solitary confinement. When Wayne is placed in solitary, he meets Ra’s al Ghul, the leader of the League of Shadows vigilante syndicate. In this moment, Ra’s al Ghul defines the man Wayne should be while comparing him to common thieves and proceeds to offer him a proposition of apprenticeship in the League of Shadows to better understand the problems of society and

  • Research Paper On Batman

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    and is incredibly glaring in comparison. Also, I cannot get behind the idea of Ra’s Al Ghul being foolish enough to align himself with the Joker. Ra’s has the same mission as Batman; stop evildoers. So why on earth would he align himself with a psychopathic mass murder? I understand that they needed to get the ball rolling on the entire plot of the film, but this just seems like an unbelievably stupid thing for Ra’s Al Ghul to do. Finally, how did Red Hood know that Black Mask would break the Joker

  • Batman And Robin's Case: Under The Red Hood

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    while living in the crime-riddled streets of Gotham. “Growing up in a poor household and/or poor neighborhood may predispose a child to experience more traumas (Paxton et al. 2004) and to have fewer resources to buffer the negative impact of traumatic experiences, which in turn may contribute to a range of difficulties (Brooks-Gunn et al. 1995)” (The Role of Childhood Neglect and Childhood Poverty in Predicting Mental Health, Academic Achievement and Crime in Adulthood). Thus, it is likely that Jason

  • How Batman (Dark Knight Trilogy) is a Failed Hero

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    killed by one of Carmine Falcone's, the Gotham mob boss, henchman. Bruce seeks to fight Falcone, but is jumped by his henchman. He decides to join the League of Shadows in order to learn martial arts. After his training with the League of Shadows, Ra's al Ghul, the leader of the League of Shadows, tells Bruce to destroy Gotham. Bruce refuses, and destroy the League and Shadows, burning down their headquarters. Although the League of Shadows was an evil organization, Batman betrayed them. “Bruce Wayne

  • Fear In Batman

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    In prison Bruce Wayne meets a sharp dressed man by the name of Ra’s al Ghul, this man teaches Bruce martial arts and helps Bruce overcome his fear. Due to Ra’s al Ghul’s additional help and guidance he gave to Bruce, this makes him Bruce’s mentor. This helps Bruce become whole again and move on from his past tragedies. Upon this acceptance he is finally able to

  • Journey In Batman's Journey

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    what it is to be a full-fledged criminal. The Threshold: With a new life approaching, Wayne had left his innocence and values behind whilst enduring the mental and physical pain of becoming someone else. As a spiritual guide or supernatural aid, Ra’s al Ghul coaches Bruce with combat skills and guides him towards the way of The League of Shadows. Keeping up with his wealthy, sustainable life Bruce Wayne’s hardest job was keeping his identity and secret life hidden from his loved ones because no one

  • Batman Bane Theory

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    rather than fighting crime with good, he fights it with more crime, since he acquired this behavior from those around him. Bane is able to be characterized by this theory because he attempts to carry on Ra’s al Ghul’s legacy by destroying Gotham. Since he wanted to directly associate with Ra’s al Ghul, he did not think that his actions were unreasonable, so he attempted to follow through in completing his plans to destroy Gotham. The control theory, according to the textbook, is the theory which views

  • Comparing Batman And The Raven

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    Sometimes the hardest decisions are the smallest ones and sometimes either one will hurt us or benefit us. Forced to make a life & death decision Batman becomes driven by resentment, while the speaker of Frost’s poem also questions having made a particular choice of his own free will. In a city where crime and death are a daily guest and where everyone is in desperate need of a hero, Bruce Wayne grew tired of watching all of the crime spree out of control and decided to do something about it. He

  • Bruce Wayne Research Paper

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    Penguin would possibly still be around as a high end criminal. The Joker wouldn't have existed because there is no Batman to play with. (Source # 1) Harley Quinn would have never fell in love with the Joker and she would still be a psychiatrist. Ra's Al Ghul wouldn't have Batman in the way so if he wanted he could destroy Gotham. Jonathan Crane also known as Scarecrow would probably still be teaching a Gotham University. If Batman never existed, some of his villain's may have never became

  • Batman Begins Research Paper

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    childhood friend Rachel Dawes (Katie Holmes) what he almost did After realizing what he was about to do, Bruce Wayne disappeared and traveled the far east where he was mentored in martial arts by Henri Ducard (Liam Neeson) who is late revealed to be Ra’s Al Ghul. When asked what he sought, Bruce answered, “I seek the means to fight injustice. To turn fear against those who prey on the fearful.” When Bruce returned to Gotham he had a plan to save it with the help of Lucius Fox (Morgan Freeman) and one of

  • Batman Hero's Journey

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    fighting crime in Gotham for the past year. People first caught a glimpse of him when he was fighting his old mentor, Ra’s Al Ghul. Ra’s had taught him everything he knows, but when he wanted to destroy Gotham, Bruce had no choice. Bruce first sought his guidance after his father and mother had died. A common criminal shot them outside of the theater right in front of young Bruce. Ra’s taught him how to fight and handle pain. After learning this he became the guardian of Gotham City and even started

  • Analysis Of Dick Grayson

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    storyline saw Batman and Dick clash when Barbara becomes pregnant with Batman’s child. She later loses the child. In the animated films that involve Bruce’s son with Talia al Ghul, Dick plays the role of big brother. He also plays babysitter and sparing partner to his adoptive brother. Damian, who is the grandson of Ra’s al Ghul via his mother, Talia, was the polar opposite of Dick when he was

  • Power Of Fear In Bruce Wayne's Falcone

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    guilt.” This anger towards himself and the world consumes him and increases his guilt. Another evident fear that Bruce Wayne holds is of himself. From his past tragedies, Bruce carries a lot of conflicting and potentially dangerous emotions. Ra’s Al Ghul tells Bruce: “What you really fear is inside yourself. You fear your own

  • The Dark Knight Rises Deviance Analysis

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    “A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy's shoulders to let him know that the world hadn't ended.” Behind all the action in The Dark Knight Rises is an important portrayal of crime and deviance in society. The superficial analysis of the plot makes The Dark Knight Rises seem like a simple hero and villain story and nothing more. However, the film expresses concepts of justice and provides an important depiction of strain theory

  • Batman Popular Culture

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    The Dark Knight rose first in March 1939, in the 27th Issue of Detective Comics, which later became the name of the famous DC Comics for more than 70 years, Batman has been guarding the night in Gotham. But nowadays, people rarely encounter the Dark Knight for the first time, through his original medium, the comic book. In those seventy years Batman, and quote a few of other superheroes, branched out into other media. Beginning with cartoons and a live-action series, the comic book hero became a