Protease inhibitor Essays

  • Group A Streptococcus (GAS)

    1933 Words  | 4 Pages

    Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as Group A streptococcus (GAS), is a β-hemolytic, Gram-positive bacterium that most commonly causes respiratory disease, including pharyngitis or tonsillitis, as well as skin infections such as impetigo and cellulitis. The organism is transmitted via respiratory droplets or by contact with fomites, and commonly infects young children. In addition to the common clinical presentations associated with S. pyogenes, some individuals develop the postinfectious sequelae

  • Meat Industry Essay

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    Introduction Consumption of meat is often associated with well industrialised countries all around the world compared to developing countries. The major determinant of meat consumption in the population is mainly wealth; the higher average per capita income of a country, the higher the consumption of meat. This has become a trend in most big countries in the world, as example, America (Daniel et al., 2011). People in industrialised countries, where they are capable to afford to consume meat products

  • An Investigation Into a Reaction Catalysed by a Protease

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    An Investigation Into a Reaction Catalysed by a Protease Aim. To investigate the effect of temperature and the effectiveness of this enzyme in breaking down the gelatine (protein) on the back of photographic film. Prediction I predict that the effect of the temperature will be that the higher the temperature the quicker the enzyme will break down the gelatine, but the temperature will have to be an optimum temperature because if it is too high, the enzyme will be denatured. If the

  • Investigating Factors That Affect The Action of Pepsin on Photographic Film

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    [IMAGE] This is an experiment to investigate the factors that affect the action of pepsin on photographic film. The photographic film is made up of three layers, plastic, photographic pigment and gelatine in between. See diagram: The protease enzyme digests the gelatine section, causing the other two layers to fall apart. Pepsin is a digestive enzyme found in the gastric juice of the stomach. It changes proteins in food into substances called peptides. In chemical composition, pepsin

  • The rate of reaction of Succinate dehydrogenase

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    The enzyme’s specificity arises from its active site, an area with a shape corresponding to the molecule with which it reacts (the substrate). The shape of the enzyme where the chemical binds only allows the binding of that particular chemical, or inhibitor substrates that are structually similar to the substrate, competing for the active site. The enzyme and the substrate slot together (like a key for a lock, or by induced fit) forming an enzyme–substrate complex that allows the reaction to take place

  • Chitosan and Weight Loss

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    of an all natural solution. The makers of this product has certainly done their share of work to create an image truly appealing to any and all that dream of losing that extra fat. This probable solution is called chitosan and is simply a fat inhibitor which appears to work miracles for those in search of a safe way to lose that body fat. The information surrounding this product is extremely impressive and appears to justify a revolutionary new discovery. However, is this truly what it is dressed

  • St. John's Wort and Depression

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    known about whether or not it proves helpful in severe depression. Hypericin is the red pigment of the plant and it seems to inhibit monoamine oxidase (MAO) and the breakdown of the brain’s neurotransmitters and is also a SRI, serotonin reuptake inhibitor. However, according to Jean Carper in Miracle Cures, “recent research finds hypericin less potent an antidepressant than the whole plant extract itself, suggesting the herb’s complex mixture of chemicals, including xanthones and flavonoids, also

  • los vendidos

    676 Words  | 2 Pages

    Everyone faces a challenge in life that has the ability to change it. As we all ponder the ideas that everything happens for a reason. We can all attest that the ability to progress in life one must be challenged, its a great way of creating character. What are the reason for such prelude situations to happen to people that negate the facts of who they are. As I analyze the situations that part take during this play, I will demonstrate that everything happens for a reason. The central conflict

  • The Pathways of Pain

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    What prompted me to research about the various pain pathways was my grandmother's arthritis. She has suffered for many years with severe joint pain and in the past, has been treated with corticosteroids. Currently, she is taking Celebrex, (COX-2 inhibitor) which is a relatively new drug in the family of 'superaspirins'. What impressed... ... middle of paper ... ...ds the promise of an even greater understanding of pain in the coming years. Their research offers a powerful weapon in the battle

  • Orlistat: A New Option in Weight Control

    1579 Words  | 4 Pages

    Orlistat: A New Option in Weight Control Orlistat is a lipase-inhibitor drug designed to help obese individuals lose and maintain their body weight. The drug in combination with a healthy low-fat diet and exercise can help in the treatment of obesity. Reducing fat intake is critical when attempting to reduce body fat. Orlistat reduces body fat by increasing the amount of fat passed through the body. The drug has already been approved in Europe and is expected to be approved by the FDA in the

  • Essay On Botulism

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    Inhibitors against BoNT/A The detailed mechanism of BoNT pathogenicity and the structure-function relationship of BoNT provide invaluable targets for development of the antidotes and inhibitors against botulism. The BoNT molecule is divided in clear functional domains that can operate independently. This feature provides multiple targets for designing therapeutics to treat botulism. High throughput screening and the combinatorial chemistry provide another useful tool for screening the inhibitors

  • Hepatitis Case Report

    778 Words  | 2 Pages

    morbidity associated with HIV infection. However, even with the reduction in mortality and morbidity, there are still some adverse effects caused by these drugs. Hepatotoxicity is commonly seen in patients taking Non- Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTI), a drug used in HAART. Drug-induced liver injury is responsible for more than 50% of cases of acute liver injury in the United States. Furthermore, patients with concurrent Hepatit... ... middle of paper ... ... and micronodular cirrhosis

  • Essay On Self Efficacy Theory

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    The impact of educational in-home videos on self-care behaviors in patients with heart failure has not been well studied. Veroff and colleagues (2012) conducted a study that included a Living with Heart Failure DVD and accompanying booklet to assess whether or not in-home videos would increase self-care in patients with heart failure. It was concluded that the DVD and booklet had a positive impact on patient’s self-care behaviors. Patient educational aids in DVD format are a more economical form

  • The Pros and Cons of Using Enzymes in Medicine and Industry

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    affected by temperature and pH enzymes optimum rate of reaction is also changed by competitive and non competitive inhibitors. Competitive inhibitors inhibit the enzyme so that enzyme-substrate complex’s cant form until it’s unblocked or there is a change in concentration in substrate, this means it takes longer to reach the optimum rate of reaction. Non – competitive inhibitors change the globular shape of an enzyme so that a enzyme-substrate complexes can’t form meaning a lower optimum rate

  • Part 1 Lab Report

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    This procedure help decide if an inhibitor acted as a competitive or a noncompetitive inhibitor. Inhibitors used in this experiment are poisons. The one used in this experiment was phenolthiourea which is known to react with copper, if present(Schultz, 2006). Having used the comparison of the percentage inhibition of and inhibitor at different concentrations was what determined the effect of the inhibitor. Part 4 started with the serial dilution as done in Part 3 with

  • The Lineweaver-Burk

    950 Words  | 2 Pages

    concentrations are weighed differently (Tymoczko, p.115). This error is the reason why a Michaelis-Menten plot is preferred. The Vmax for the inhibited reaction was lower than the Vmax for the normal uninhibited reaction, because Orthophosphate inhibitor prevented the enzyme from dephosphorylating the p-nitrophenyl, decreasing the maximal rate of reaction. The Vmax¬ for the reaction where only half of the original enzyme was present was the lowest, because there was less enzyme available. In the

  • Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Exercise

    1487 Words  | 3 Pages

    pressure, the question arises as to the effect that angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) have on exercise performance, as well as any possible effects that may cause this class of drugs to increase exercise capacity. Preliminary study has shown that ACE inhibitors show a slight decrease in one’s blood pressure during... ... middle of paper ... ... it appears that angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors at a dose crafted to an individual can potentially increase VO2 max and well

  • Case Study Latanoprost

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    My case study patient is 80 is years old Asian Indian male who weighs 195 lbs. and height of 61 inches. Patient has type II diabetes for the last 20 years, and has slowly developed glaucoma. Patient is fond of spicy and fried food which has initiated some health issues. Due to daily heartburn from spicy food, the mucus lining of esophagus has been exposed to stomach acids which has led to Gastroesophageal reflux disease. The high fat and fried has caused the patient to have high blood lipids. The

  • Catechol Oxidase Lab Report

    507 Words  | 2 Pages

    inhibition occurs when an inhibitor is added. Catechol oxidase is an enzyme in plants that creates benzoquinone.Benzoquinone is a substance that is toxic to bacteria. It is brown and is the reason fruit turns brown. Now, there are two types of inhibitors, the competitive inhibitor and non-competitive inhibitor. For an enzyme reaction to occur a substrate has to bind or fit into the active site of the enzyme. In competitive inhibition there is a substrate and an inhibitor present, both compete to bind

  • The Effect of Serotonin on the Brain in Suicide Patients

    676 Words  | 2 Pages

    have attempted suicide and or succeeded. It is widely accepted that the level of serotonin present in the brain has a significant affect on the behavior of an individual, specifically, an individuals mood. SSRI's (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) are common medications that treat major depression. Thus affecting the mood of an individual. Some would argue improving the quality of life of people who suffer from clinical depression. The amount of serotonin in the brain has an affect on