Premature ejaculation Essays

  • Premature Ejaculation

    885 Words  | 2 Pages

    Premature ejaculation is one of the most common problems affecting men today. Many men suffer from this embarrassing problem. They are desperate to overcome this problem but do not know the suitable methods. Men affected by premature ejaculation lack the ejaculatory control to last long enough in bed to satisfy their partner, almost always unable to bring a woman to orgasm and the solution for this problem will be discussed. According to Delvin(n.d), the first solution to treat premature ejaculation

  • Reasons and Treatments for Premature Ejaculation

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    Premature Ejaculation, or PE, also called early ejaculation, or rapid climax, is one of the most typical and uncomfortable problem with guies. As the name suggests, a guy affected by premature ejaculation finishes very early or easily, frequently within one minute approximately of sexual activity. Unlike the conventional ejaculatory latency of men which ranges around 4 to 8 minutes, some one suffering from premature ejaculation may ordinarily climax within one minute or less after sexual intercourse

  • Psychodynamic Sex Therapy

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    The first purpose of treatment for female orgasmic disorder (FOD) is to enable the patient to reach orgasm as desired under any circumstance. The evidence about the effectiveness of psycho-analytically or psycho-dynamically oriented treatments in achieving this goal is not conclusive. A meta-analysis found good evidence for benefit in FOD. The doctors’ approach to sex therapy was one of the first to use both partners in treatment. They indicated that the performance anxiety and pressure that

  • Why People Last Longer In Bed

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    men between the ages 18-30 years are the most common ones to report problems with premature ejaculation, while men 45-65 years also suffer from this dreaded condition. While others do not really have the condition of premature ejaculation, they may still find it a challenge to last longer in bed. The good news is that lasting longer in bed is not impossible and premature ejaculation does not have to mean a premature end to your sex life. Generally, one can improve one's physical condition to have

  • Prostitution, Premature Ejaculation, and Abortion: Sexuality in America

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    satisfy all of my sexual needs, I began relating with my American peers and their sexual beliefs. Discussion of Sexuality Issues In my discussion I will be addressing three main issues that concern sexuality. The subjects are prostitution, premature ejaculation, and abortion. Although these topics concern different aspects of sexuality, I still chose to discuss them either because they relate to my sexual experiences, or because I wanted to further educate myself on the subject due to my lack of sexual

  • The Imperfect Enjoy Theme

    806 Words  | 2 Pages

    with further reading they soon will discover the complete opposite. “The Imperfect Enjoyment, is an English poem about premature ejaculation, originating from the seventeenth century. Classical in origin, the poetry of sexual disappointment traveled to England by way of France” (Orton). Rochester pitifully blames the excessive beauty and modesty of his mistress for his premature climax and inability to perform. The Imperfect Enjoyment, has small reveals that will leave the reader puzzled, shocked

  • American Pie

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    opposite sex. The movie showed a lot of different aspects of high school life and for the most part, some of the characters in it could remind the audience of some high school buddies. It had everything from diarrhea, vomiting, voyeurism, premature ejaculation, the drinking of beer with a sperm chaser and even a scene about masturbation with an apple pie. As controversial as those seem it didn't stop teenagers from flocking to the theaters to go see it. Summarizing the reviews of three critics will

  • Male Enhancement Essay

    1056 Words  | 3 Pages

    Male upgrade medications are prevalent due to the expansive number of men who are experiencing erectile brokenness. Men can have different options of medicines, however it is imperative to have truths on security of male upgrades.It's conspicuous you've arrived here on the grounds that your penis is one of your most important resources.If you need to know about male enhancement then an easy understanding of the male enhancement is that to enlarge your penis. Most of the men do not know about the

  • Beyond Orgasmatron by Keesling, Barbara

    510 Words  | 2 Pages

    Beyond Orgasmatron “...We’re walking around with a complete health care system inside our own body.” Keesling does a pretty good job of emphasizing the this idea throughout the entire article. I must admit that from personal experience I do indeed agree with Keesling in that sex is great for the mind and body, as well as the fact that it could even be used as therapy for menstrual problems. She also makes a point of stating that “ also creates an emotional and physical bond that is essential

  • Themes of Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher

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    Major Themes Mortality: The plot of Poe's tale essentially involves a woman who dies, is buried, and rises from the grave. But did she ever die? Near the horrific finale of the tale, Usher screams: "We have put her living in the tomb!" Premature burial was something of an obsession for Poe, who featured it in many of his stories. In "The Fall of the House of Usher," however, it is not clear to what extent the supernatural can be said to account for the strangeness of the events in the tale. Madeline

  • Literary Analysis Of The Tell Tale Heart

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    The major part of the story was mostly about the guilt of the narrator. The story is about a mad man that after killing his companion for no reason hears a never-ending heartbeat and lets out his sense of guilty by shouting out his confession. "The Tell-Tale Heart" is one of the most successful fables ever written. It took off its most fantastic details regarding the murdered man 's vulture like eye, and the long drawn out detail concerning the murderer 's slow entrance into his victim 's room

  • Buried Alive! The Fiction of Premature Burial

    728 Words  | 2 Pages

    Buried Alive! The Fiction of Premature Burial Why are there claims that people are being buried alive? I will tell you why; it is an old wives tale so there is no credit to. People were never buried alive, it is all fiction. There were patents put out there but the patents were never supported. The fact that there are no signs of the patented objects ever being used makes you wonder if they ever existed. If they did exist, why are they not being used today? I will tell you why people in the

  • Sandy Welch's Adaptation of Henry James' The Turn of the Screw

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    “A literary adaptation creates a new story; it is not the same as the original, but takes on a new life, as indeed do the characters.” (12) Therefore when we are discussing and analysing the adaptation I do not find it necessary to discuss the issue of fidelity which has become a mere tedious discussion. However, as “adaptations are a synergy between the desire for sameness and reproduction on the one hand, and, on the other, the acknowledgement of difference.” (Hayward) I do feel it is essential

  • Fears Realized in The Fall of The House of Usher by Edger Allen Poe

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    “The Fall of The House of Usher” by Edger Allen Poe starts with the Narrator on horseback riding through what seems to be a gloomy, cloudy day. The narrator observes that the house seems to have absorbed an evil and diseased atmosphere from the decaying trees and murky ponds around it. He notes that although the house is decaying in places, for example some of the stones are gone, however the structure itself is relatively solid. The narrator notices that the inside of the house just as spooky as

  • The Importance Of The Aging Process

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    Sometimes the best way to learn is through experience. I have not experienced the aging process. My knowledge of the aging process has only come from what I have observed from the older people in my life and things picked up from various media. However, I have never discussed with someone, who has gone through so much of life, the process of aging and how they have managed it. Mr. Blackman taught me plenty about how to live life as it advances. I also have not had much experience working in group

  • Taphephobia

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    race has been around, deeply embedded into our instincts. This medical term is derived from the Greek, “taphos” meaning “grave” and “phobia” meaning “fear” – fear of a grave or being put in a grave while one is still living. The death lead from premature burial is caused by a few different reasons, such as asphyxiation, dehydration, starvation, or hypothermia. Throughout history there has been a variety of tests to indicate that one is pledged dead prior to burial. Before medical science, people

  • Essay On Heart Palpitations

    737 Words  | 2 Pages

    types of asymptomatic palpitations: premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) and premature atrial contractions (PACs). In this paper, we will look at the difference between PVCs and PACs, how to detect them in patients who are experiencing palpitations, what can cause them, and complications they can cause. Premature Ventricular Contractions are a premature or “extra beat” that take place in the ventricles. PVCs can also be called ventricular premature beats, premature ventricular complexes, and extrasystoles

  • Pregnancy Diagnosis: Controversy Over PAMG-1 Testing

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    A review of the records reveals the member to be an adult female with a birth date of 08/26/1985. The member had a diagnosis of pregnancy with leaking of amniotic fluid and suspicion of rupture of fetal membranes (ROM). The member’s treating provider, Deepti Pruthi, MD ordered a ROM Plus testing, which was performed on 03/04/2015. The carrier has denied coverage of the PAMG-1 testing as experimental/ investigational and not medically necessary. There is a letter from the carrier to the member

  • Essay On Circumcision

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    Introduction Circumcision is a minor surgical procedure that involves the removal of the foreskin of the penis. Circumcision is not only one of the most common procedures but is also recorded as one of the most oldest procedures, traditionally believed to be part of cultural and religious activities but has now become established in the healthcare world as being vastly advantageous for one’s health and is some regards, one’s social status. Circumcision is still widely prevalent in today’s society

  • Analysis Of Manjukapur's Novel 'The Immigrant'

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    Gynecologist. Because she believes the arrival of child will bring happiness and will make her loneliness disappear. But the confrontation of Nina does not work out with the selfish and betrayal husband who tries to hide his problem he undergoes the premature ejaculation and tries to change her track. “To get pregnant as soon as you married was a very stupid. It was more important to settle down first.”(167) But her strong decision to meet the gynecologist proves on her side that she is normal. The sexual