Pilsener Essays

  • El Salvador

    1408 Words  | 3 Pages

    El Salvador is a beautiful country with a big population of 6.4 million. The main ethnics are White, indigenous Indians, and Mestizo. Many Spaniards settled and married native Indians therefore making Mestizo (both European and Indian blood) a popular ethnic group. El Salvador’s main language is Spanish, but Nawat is a native language that is spoken by elder Salvadorians. The El Salvador government is a republican setup. The Institutions include Executive, Legislature, Judiciary, and Military. The

  • Tracking C3 vs. C4 Grains in Beer

    2137 Words  | 5 Pages

    volume. In the U.S., beer is normally taken to mean lager beer, which is brewed in a bottom- fermentation technique. Other types are classed as ale, porter, stout, malt liquor, bock, steam beer, or sometimes according to region of origin such as Pilsener, or Dortmunder. The origins of beer and brewing can be traced to ancient Egypt, where barley was used as a brewing cereal. And during the Middle Ages in Europe beer was a common beverage. Until about 1840, however, virtually all beer was of the top-fermentation

  • Quito Short Story Summary

    5057 Words  | 11 Pages

    PAQUETE It is late in the evening in Quito. The city lights climb skyward in all directions before disappearing into the clouds. Frigid air tumbles down the surrounding mountains. A five year-old boy is walking down Amazonas Avenue toward the heart of the city. His feet hurt. His name is Paco, but his friends call him Paquito. His mom used to call him that, too. The man he is walking with calls him Paquete. He passes the bullfighting arena coated with a fresh layer of orange paint. In a few weeks