Philippa of Lancaster Essays

  • The Discoveries of Henry the Navagator

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    fulfill his goals. Henry the Navigator was a very important factor to European history and history within itself. Henry the Navigator was born as Infante Henry, the Duke of Viseu. He was born in 1394 in the city of Porto to King John I and Philippa of Lancaster. Philippa was the sister of King Henry IV, so this made Henry the Navigator, Henry IV’s nephew. Henry had 3 brothers and 1 sister, Duarte, Pedro, Joao, and Isabel. Henry’s first real experience of his life was when he was 21, in 1415, and him,

  • Geoffrey Chaucer Thesis Statement

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    Thesis Statement: Geoffrey Chaucer was one of the most influential writers of the Medieval times. Geoffrey Chaucer was born later than 1340, but probably earlier than 1345. There aren’t any records on his actual date of birth (Theodore 1). Geoffrey Chaucer’s family name was derived from the French ‘Chaussier’ which implies that his family were shoemakers at one time. His father and grandfather were wine merchants, so they were both successful and rising men (Theodore 7). Chaucer died in 1400 on

  • Geoffrey Chaucer's Biography

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    possibly as a messenger and perhaps even going on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. Around 1366, Chaucer married Philippa (de) Roet. She was a lady-in-waiting to Edward III's queen, Philippa of Hainault, and a sister of Katherine Swynford, who later (ca. 1396) became the third wife of Chaucer's friend and patron, John of Gaunt. It is uncertain how many children Chaucer and Philippa had, but three or four are the numbers most widely agreed upon. His son, Thomas Chaucer, had an illustrious career

  • Research Paper On Prince Henry The Navigator

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    Porto, Portugal and could’ve been born in the city too. Another place that Henry could’ve possibly been born in is the Monastery of Leca do Bailio in Leca da Parlmeira. Henry was the third son to King John the first and his English wife Philippa of Lancaster. Prince Henry helped his father ,King John the first,leading the Portuguese military into conquest. “ In 1416, Henry set up the “School of Sagres,” an informal university and the first vocational school in Europe. He gathered mathematicians

  • Geoffrey Chauucer Research Paper

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    Chambre which was essentially a secretary but was a very prestigious job, it sometimes meant that he was the king’s right-hand man. During this time he would write The Book of the Duchess was written in honor of the late wife of John Gaunt, Blanche of Lancaster. Geoffrey then allegedly went on another military excursion in hopes of seeking out a french wife for future king, King Richard II, effectively ending the One-hundred Years War, if this reigns true then it is quite apparent that he failed as no marriage

  • Who Is The Tale Of Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

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    The Canterbury Tales, written by the Father of English Poetry, Geoffrey Chaucer, is a poem based around twenty-nine pilgrims, as well as the narrator, who are going on a pilgrimage to Canterbury for prayer. The Prologue frames the tales of the characters like a picture, with the tales acting as the photograph. Each character’s tale is explained in their point of view, holding a moral behind each tale. In Geoffrey Chaucer’s poem, The Canterbury Tales, he borrows central ideas from his time period