Peter Biziou Essays

  • The Allegory Of Plato's The Truman Show

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    You walk up to the bookshelf and grab a book. Flipping through the pages you glance through the book and place it back on the shelf. You know what you picked up was a book, how it felt, and how it was supposed to look. Or do you? It could just be a trick being played on you by your own senses. What if everything that you can touch, see, taste, smell, and hear is all a cruel trick being played on you by your own body? How can you tell if something is real if you cannot trust your own senses? Having

  • Fly Away Peter

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    Fly Away Peter Malouf evokes the horror and absurdity of war in ‘Fly Away Peter’ through an Australian frame of reference that creates reality for the reader. Discuss. Malouf’s ‘Fly Away Peter’ uses an Australian frame of reference to display the horrors and absurdity of war. The way in which Malouf writes creates reality – the reader can suspend disbelief and believe that the events in the novella are actually real. When we read ‘Fly Away Peter’, we see the story through Jim’s eyes. Jim is

  • Plot Structure in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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    what happened, failed in their task. The County Attorney (Mr. Henderson) and the Sheriff (Mr. Peters) attempt to piece together what had transpired on the day when John Wright was murdered. They interviewed Mrs. Hale, Mrs. Peters, and Mr. Hale who told them that Mrs. Wright, John's wife, had been acting strange when he had found her in the kitchen. After taking in all of this information, they left Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale in the kitchen. Instead of focusing on the men and their quest to solve the

  • Susan Glaspell's A Jury of Her Peers

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    to the motive. The unfortunate death of John Wright was a mystery to all. A team of individuals consisting of the sheriff, county attorney, Mr. Hale, and Mrs. Peters were on a mission to find the purpose of the murderer. At this point, Mrs. Wright is the primary suspect. Mrs. Hale was asked to join the party in order to give Mrs. Peters, the sheriff s wife, some companionship. In the story, Mrs. Hale leaves cues of guilty feelings. As an example, the narrator states,  Martha Hale had a moment of

  • The Importance of Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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    it" (130). These comments coming from a neighbor lead the reader to believe that Mrs. Wright was not happy in her surroundings largely because of her husband. Even the rocking chair in which Mrs. Wright sat seems tainted with unpleasantness. Mrs. Peters ahs to "shake off the mood which the empty rocking chair [evokes]" (131) before she continues her conversation with Mrs. Hale. The strange feeling the house provokes prods the women to think more deeply into the events leading to John Wright's death

  • Emotional Break-down in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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    pleating of her skirt; her "queer" look and her dead pan response to how Mr. Wright died "He died of a rope around his neck"; all indicate a high level of emotional stress in a situation. She is not responding to anything. Also, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters examine her quilting. The sewing is very nice and even and then suddenly it becomes a wild disaray of stiches. These actions and inactions truly indicate an unbalanced state of mental being, however, is it enough to charge a woman with murder. What

  • The Battle of the Sexes in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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    condescending. The action of Glaspell's play is executed by a mere five players, three of whom are men - a fact which in itself demonstrates the establishment of women as a minority, even in such a small sampling. The county attorney, Sheriff Peters, Mrs. Peters, eyewitness Mr. Hale, and Mrs. Hale are drawn together in a dismal and atmospheric farmhouse to investigate the murder of Joe Wright, whose wife is the prime suspect. Even in the play's most rudimentary introduction, we are presented with a

  • An Analysis of Peter van Inwagen’s The Magnitude, Duration, and Distribution of Evil: a Theodicy

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    An Analysis of Peter van Inwagen’s The Magnitude, Duration, and Distribution of Evil: a Theodicy In his essay, "The Magnitude, Duration, and Distribution of Evil: a Theodicy," Peter van Inwagen alleges a set of reasons that God may have for allowing evil to exist on earth. Inwagen proposes the following story – throughout which there is an implicit assumption that God is all-good (perfectly benevolent, omnipotent, and omniscient) and deserving of all our love. God created humans in his own

  • Jane Eyre: An Orphan’s Success Story

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    Jane Eyre: An Orphan’s Success Story In Victorian literature, the orphan can be read as an unfamiliar and strange figure outside the dominant narrative of domesticity (Peters 18). They were often portrayed as poor children without a means of creating a successful life for themselves. Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, however, is a portrayal of a female orphan who triumphs over almost every environment she enters. Therefore, Jane’s ability to overcome the hardships that she encounters is a fictional

  • Perceptions of Men and Women Revealed in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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    perceived to be very intelligent and will be able to convict Mrs. Wright of the murder of her husband. Henry Peters, the sheriff, is not as well educated as the county attorney but desires to uphold the law. Lewis Hale, a neighboring farmer, is the person who discovers Mr. Wright's body. Mr. Wright who is dead, is the symbol that allows the play to evolve. These are the men of the play. Mrs. Peters, who is the sheriff's wife, has come to the Wright's home with Mrs. Hale to retrieve some personal items

  • Lost Lady

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    This description gives us a mental picture of this boy with a smile on his face and always being courteous. In his younger years, the reader can assume that Herbert was very energetic and always merry. He¡¯d even try to catch a bird in a tree so Ivy Peters couldn¡¯t kill it with a rock. ¡°If I can get it now, I can kill it and put it out of its misery.¡± Through Cather¡¯s details the reader can tell that Herbert had a strong determination to catch the bird. Herbert ends up falling from the tree and

  • swing kids

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    In the movie “Swing Kids” Peter, Thomas, and Aarvid made choices that reflect the strengths and weaknesses of their friendship. Peter is almost the head of there little group, and the choices he makes determines what everyone else thinks and does. For example, Peter is sent into the HJ’s because of his bad behavior and not because he wants to join. He is an individual and does not do what everyone else tells him to do just like all the rest of his peers are doing. Peter is a strong character because

  • Never say Never

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    accused wife to wear in prison; the men, to check over the crime scene. Although the story¡¯s purpose is to penetrate the motive for Mrs. Wright¡¯s murder of her husband, the sheriff¡¯s wife, Mrs. Peters, and the neighbor Mrs. Hale occupy center stage -- and it is really their story. Sheriff Peters and Mr. Hale wander in and out, mostly passing through as they move from one part of the house to the other, commenting about the slovenly housekeeping and the general air of cheerlessness. At first

  • ‘Who am I when I am transported?’ Postcolonialism and Peter Carey’s Jack Maggs

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    ‘Who am I when I am transported?’ Postcolonialism and Peter Carey’s Jack Maggs In Decolonising Fictions, theorists Diana Brydon and Helen Tiffin claim that postcolonial writers create texts that ‘write back’ against imperial fictions and question the values once taken for granted by the once dominant Anglocentric discourse of the imperial epicentre. In Jack Maggs the process of ‘writing back’ is well illustrated. As in Jean Rhy’s Wide Sargasso Sea , the colonial ‘other’ character from a canonised

  • Memorial Bridge Essay

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    Brains, Blood, Sweat, and Tears “You can accomplish anything with thought and hard work” – Justin Craig-Kuhn To overcome obstacles is human. When something stands in our way, it’s “Give me liberty or give me death!” in many cases. No matter how difficult a project may seem, hard work and determination will pull us through (or at least, that’s what we tell ourselves). In many cases, it turns out that we do pull through, beating the odds, feeling a great sense of accomplishment in the process

  • Sexism in Susan Glaspell's A Jury of Her Peers

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    In Susan Glaspell’s “A Jury of Her Peers,” Minnie Foster is accused of killing her husband. This accusation forces Mrs. Peters to choose between the law and her inner feelings. Her husband is the sheriff of Dickenson County, Iowa. It has always been a small, quiet town where nothing really happens. Mrs. Peters is faced with an internal struggle. On one side, she is married to the law and on the other side she understands what Minnie has been through. Her husband used to mentally abuse her to

  • Essay on Sacrifices in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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    Sacrifices in Trifles When a woman marries she is expected to give up her family, her last name, and her virginity. In other words she is expected to give up the life she knew. Susan Glaspell’s play Trifles tells the story of a woman that gave up her all to please society and her husband. The story examines a woman who sacrificed her tranquility, her talents, and her individuality. In the end, the woman even gave up her freedom. A person’s home should be more than a place to shelter them

  • Deadly Silence in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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    teach the audience that maybe things are not what they seem and that sometimes people must take a deeper look into what is around them. Mrs. Hale, Mrs. Peters, the county attorney, and the sheriff are the four main characters of the play that introduce the audience to the crime that has just been committed.  The sheriff and Mrs. Peters are married so the audience also learns from these characters and their interactions what is expected out of a wife.  These four characters,  while showing

  • Intuition in A Jury of Her Peers

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    Minnie has been enraged or provoked into killing her husband. Their intuition does not tell them that their wives, because they are women, can help them gain insight into what has occurred between John and his wife. They bring Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters along merely to tend to the practical matters, considering them needlessly preoccupied with trivial things and even too unintelligent to make a contribution to the investigation, as Mr. Hale's derisive question reveals:... ... middle of paper

  • Eyes Of The Dragon

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    lot. One night he met a woman named Sasha. He ended up marrying her and having two kids, Peter and Thomas. Peter was born about 5 or 6 years before Thomas was. A king usually only has one kid so when he passes on the one child will take over as king, but since Thomas was born he was frowned upon. Even his own dad didn't like him as much as peter. Sasha dies bringing forth Thomas. Tom was always jealous of peter and really didn't like him much. The king had an advisor and also he was his magician, this