Onchocerca volvulus Essays

  • Onchocerciasis Essay

    727 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction: Onchocerciasis is a disease of public health and socio-economic importance in Ethiopia. Onchocerciasis, commonly known as “river blindness” is caused by the parasitic worm Onchocerca volvulus it is transmitted to humans by a bite from infected black flies. Worm larvae that are transmitted develop into adults and settle into the fibrous nodules on the human body and produce microfilariae. Prolonged infection to the parasitic worm can lead to blindness and depigmentation of the skin.

  • O Volvulus Research Paper

    573 Words  | 2 Pages

    of the countless deer or goat-like quadrupeds of Africa, I am reporting an animal more microbial in nature. The animal this paper about is known as Onchocerca volvulus. O. volvulus is a nematode which has a habitat in Africa. It has been seen primarily within the region that contains Tanzania, Uganda, and southern Sudan. The life cycle of O. volvulus begins as a microfilaria within human skin. When a fly feasts on human blood, the microfilaria is ingested. The microfilaria goes through a short period

  • Onchocerciasis Case Studies

    928 Words  | 2 Pages

    Transmission Onchocerciasis, is transmitted by several bites of an infected Simulium female black fly (CDC, 2013). As a result, from its bite microfilariae contribute to the pathogenesis of O. volvulus through immune response of human host(Sace, 2007). It is equally important, to mention the endosymbiotic bacteria Wolbachia gene. It is found primarily in female microfilariae, has been identified as being the reason for inflammation within the immune system as well as, mast cell development(Andre

  • Intestinal Worms Persuasive Speech

    787 Words  | 2 Pages

    There is a worm living inside a child, slowly draining away that child's life. Slowly, draining that child to the point of no return. Intestinal worms are just one of the many disease-causing pathogens found in contaminated water. Intestinal worms suck away their host’s nutrients resulting in the malnourishment, which stunts a child's growth. With water.org, slowly but surely intestinal worms infecting people through contaminated water will impossible. Water.Org is a worthy charity to receive your

  • Different Methods as to which Parasites Enter the Body

    1061 Words  | 3 Pages

    This paper tells about different methods as to which parasites enter the body. Each parasite is unique as to what problems they cause or diseases they carry. Some of these parasites can prove fatal unless treated, and if they are not treated carefully, they could still complicate an individual’s health. This paper also includes the places these parasites thrive and as to how to treat these parasites. Although most of these parasites are treatable, the treatment required is completely dependent upon

  • Assistant For The Disabled

    1435 Words  | 3 Pages

    The human population continues to flourish and develop each passing year. With growth and expansion, one can expect to have unexpected continued occurrences of individuals being born with certain disabilities or life event to come about which causes a disability; as the population continues to grow, as will the disabled population. Although the medical field has made breakthroughs to decrease diseases, illness, and other foreseen medical conditions, disabilities will continue to arise. Therefore