Obey Essays

  • Saved To Obey

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    When we speak or hear about the law of God or the Ten Commandments, love is usually the last thing that comes to our minds. We tend to picture large stones and towering inscriptions laid out before us, written by the hand of an angry God, a Just Judge. We see the bold words “THOU SHALT NOT” and cower in fear. We tend to correlate the law of the big ten with the halls of justice, cold, insensitive, exacting, condemning. We see them devoid of all emotion, warmth, endearment, understanding, forgiveness

  • Obey The Lion In The Odyssey

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    by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion,” meaning that it does not matter who the army is made up of, just who they are under the direction of. Odysseus is the lion of this epic, and his men are the sheep, and if the sheep do not obey the lion, they are unbeneficial and misguided. And of course, if the group disobeys the orders from the leader, things will not go well for them. An army is only as good as its leader, when it follows the instructions of said leader, and this is made

  • Plato's The Crito

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    There are many instances in Plato's the Crito where Socrates gives reasons for himself to stay in Athens and face his death. Arguments range from that of him being too old to run, to the common response two wrongs don't make a right. The reason I intend to argue against is one Socrates expresses in regards to his obligations to the city he has lived in all his life, and thus the rules that he has subsequently followed throughout that time. In Athens just like any other city, one follows the rules

  • A Free Society Must Expect Civil Disobedience

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    A Free Society Must Expect Civil Disobedience Are we morally obliged to obey even unjust laws? Think about what this means. This means that laws, regardless of how unfair, unjust, or immoral they may be, must be followed with no better reason that they are the law. To the thesis that we are obliged to obey even unjust laws, I will argue that the standard objections to Civil Disobedience, given by Singer, are incorrect To begin, however, I believe it is necessary to define an "unjust"

  • Hamlet- The Role Of Women

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    days this was considered normal, therefore women had no choice but to obey and do as they were told. In Hamlet, Shakespeare portrays a similar relationship between women and men. He allows men to hold the higher position in the causing, them to treat women as lesser people and believed that women should listen to them and do as they were told. 	Ophelia a young women in Hamlet, she represents how women are treated. Ophelia obeys several different men in the play. One of the men is Hamlet. Ophelia

  • Jewish Ideals In The Torah And Nevi'Im

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    worshiping only God. God is the creator of all that exists. The great commandment clearly states, "The Lord is our God, the Lord alone! Therefore you shall love the lord, your God, will all your strength." (Deuteronomy 6:4-5) God states that if the people obey and follow him, they undoubtedly will "flourish and live forever." (Deuteronomy 5:29) Similar to His covenant with Abraham, God promises fulfillment to those who live a life of righteousness and moral. God describes the blessings he would bestow upon

  • Rousseau, the Individual, the State, and David’s The Oath of the Horatii

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    not from a single entity such as the king. Power that comes from such sources is usually referred to as naked power. In such a scenario, we cannot totally agree that the Horatii were comfortable with the title as champions. They might be indulged to obey the state because they ought to, or because they are afraid of the consequences. In contrast, they might be honoured to be chosen as champions of Rome and this title might influence them into offering their lives on behalf of the country. On the viewer’s

  • Man vs. Woman in A Streetcar Named Desire

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    Stanley Kowalski, a main character in A Streetcar Named Desire, is a common man who is simple, straight forward and brutally honest. He treats his wife with no respect, for she does not deserve it because she is a woman. To him, her duties are to obey his commands and tolerate his intolerable actions. If she chooses to disobey or challenge his orders, it is then his duty to abuse her physically if he deems it necessary. He insincerely apologizes for it afterwards, and expects his wife to learn

  • Religious Rationale for the Plague in Rosemary Horrox’s The Black Death

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    Religious Rationale for the Plague in Rosemary Horrox’s The Black Death After the September 11th, 2001 attacks, prominent religious figures claimed that depraved American lifestyles were to blame for the bombings; Protestant leader Jerry Falwell came forth and stated that the attacks were a manifestation of God’s irritation at impious people. This attitude stems from a reaction to contemporary events, but possesses roots that date back to 1348. Throughout the time of plague in medieval England

  • Shakespeare's Hamlet and its Gertrude

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    (1.2) The queen obviously considers her son’s dejection to result from his father’s demise. She joins the king in asking Hamlet to stay in Elsinore rather than returning to Wittenberg. Respectfully the prince replies, “I shall in all my best obey you, madam.” So at the outset the audience notes a decidedl... ... middle of paper ... ...ges.com/hamlet/other/burton-hamlet.htm Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Lectures and Notes on Shakspere and Other English Poets. London : George Bell and

  • Crito

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    Socrates has been accused of corrupting the youth by Meletus and has been sentenced to death. He has thoroughly justified his own decision to obey the opinions of the majority and serve out the sentence that his own city has deemed appropriate for his crimes. At the beginning of this piece, Socrates has presented a period of questions and answers through dialogue with Crito. Throughout the dialogue Socrates is explaining his reasoning for not evading the government. Crito does not understand the

  • Challenges to Male Authority in Sophocles’ play, Antigone

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    by her uncle Creon, who is newly crowned as the King of Thebes. Creon poses to be a major authority figure in a patriarchal society. Creon's regard for the laws of the city causes him to abandon all other beliefs. He feels that all should obey the laws set forth by him, even if other beliefs, moral or religious, state otherwise. Antigone, on the other hand, holds the beliefs of the gods in high reverence. She feels that the laws of the gods should be obeyed above all others, especially

  • Social Contract Essay

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    enslaved due to that we have no freedom. The Constitution contains laws that every human being has to follow unless if you live somewhere else other than the U.S. Police departments maintains society regarding the Constitution; even the police must obey the laws and their own rules. In addition, the education we take also sets examples of how we should always follow rules or laws. In classrooms we have rules that we must follow like listening to the teacher and so on. The definition of a Social Contract

  • Outline for Bicycle Safety

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    to listeners how they can operate a bicycle safety. Central Idea: You can keep yourself safe on a bicycle if you follow a few safety rules: wear protective clothing, obey the rules of the road, and be aware of your surroundings. Introduction I.     Teaching anyone to ride a bike is a most memorable experience, but having them obey the rules and regulations when riding is one of peoples first exposures to obeying the law. Cycling is a great way to exercise as well as a convenient mode of transportation

  • Freedom for Rousseau and Individual Liberties

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    reasserting itself. Indeed, in his definition of purpose for man’s initial union into society, he claims that, despite his membership in an association to which he must necessarily have some sort of obligation if the contract is to be valid, he will “obey only himself and remain as free as before” (I.vi. 4). However, hardly a paragraph later, he appears to contradict this idea entirely, saying instead that men’s union into society constitutes “the total alienation of each associate with all of his rights

  • Ghana: The Gold Coast of Africa

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    Ghana: The Gold Coast of Africa The Gold Coast, now known as Ghana, is one of many civilizations of Africa. It was a British Colony until March 6, 1957, when it became independent as the State of Ghana. In 1471, the Portuguese invaded this area and became involved in gold trade, giving the region the name, The Gold Coast. They built forts to protect their monopoly of gold trade from merchants representing other nations. In 1642, the Dutch West India Company captured all Portuguese

  • Comparing Edna Pontellier and Adele in Kate Chopin's The Awakening

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    well-kept homes and have many children. Edna and Adele are friends who are very different because of their the way they were brought up and they way they treat their husbands. Adele is a loyal wife who always obeys her husband's commands. Edna is a woman who strays from her husband and does not obey her husband's commands. Kate Chopin uses Adele to emphasize the differences between her and Edna. Edna Pontellier is not a Creole, so her relationship with her husband is difficult. In her husband's eyes

  • The Real and Feigned Madness of Hamlet and Ophelia

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    Ophelia appear at the castle singing and giving out imaginary flowers. She seems not to even know her own brother. The behavior of both Hamlet and Ophelia is a direct result of their fathers' murders. Both love their fathers dearly and readily obey, even when their fathers' orders go agains...

  • Word Meaning in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying

    571 Words  | 2 Pages

    Word Meaning in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying Throughout Faulkner’s novel, As I Lay Dying, a prominent difference between the characters Anse and Addie appears in his/her contrasting depiction of word meaning. According to the mother, Addie, words are bad and do not signify their designated meaning. In comparison, her husband, Anse, continually stresses and believes in his spoken promise or word to bury Addie in Jefferson. Incidentally, the juxtaposition between the two character’s theories of word

  • Destiny in the Aeneid

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    of supernatural forces. The Greeks and Romans thought that the Fates were three ancient women who spun the web of destiny together. Each man’s life is a thread, and the fates would draw it out and cut it as they saw fit. The gods themselves had to obey the Fates, for even they had golden threads. Fate plays a very large role in Virgil’s epic The Aeneid. Aeneas, the central character, knows from the beginning of his journey that he will ultimately found Rome. This is not to suggest that fate has chosen