Malcolm Reynolds Essays

  • Aging In Space Cowboys

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    Space Cowboys was the film selected for this paper as it will be used to better analyze the aging process and its effects on the aging adult. (Eastwood, 2000). The aging process effects developing humans differently through physical and cognitive development and eventual deterioration, however the psychological and psychosocial effects are much more similar for every aging adult. This paper will explore the aging process on the characters from Space Cowboys, through analysis of Erik Erikson’s eight

  • Comparing the American Dream in My Antonia, Neighbor Rosicky, and 0 Pioneers!

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    concentrate on the culture shock that awaits those who arrive from the more rural Old World to live in a city for the first time, Willa Cather's immigrants, often coming from urban European settings, face the vast and empty land of the plains. Guy Reynolds notes that "the massive outburst of America westwards was in part powered by the explosion of immigrants through the eastern seaboard and across the continent. Ethnic diversity was at the heart of America's drive westwards" (63). The land and land

  • Longfellow's Unique American Hero in Evangeline

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    Innocence, Tragedy, and Tradition in the Nineteenth Century. This is accomplished through the image of "the authentic American as a figure of heroic innocence and vast potentialities, poised at the start of a new history" (Lewis 1). David S. Reynolds explains that these writers are working under the influence of "classic themes and devices" and producing "truly American texts" (5). Lewis convincingly argues "that the new hero" is "most easily identified with Adam before the Fall" (5)

  • Singing in the Rain

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    and its creative underlining love story between Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly) and Kathy Selden (Debbie Reynolds), it provokes the interest of someone who would not generally be attracted to a musical. It is a classic masterpiece that set the standards that musical films of today will be judged by. It is a classic performance by the great Gene Kelly and displays outstanding performances by Debbie Reynolds and Donald O'Connor. As well as starring in this brilliant movie, Gene Kelly teams up with Stanley

  • John Constable Research Paper

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    John Constable John Constable was born on June 11, 1776, in East Bergholt, Suffolk. As a young man he worked for his father in the family business at a flour mill. In 1799, Constable decided to leave the flour mill so that he could study at the Royal Academy School. His first landscape painting was in 1802 and after that he studied painting and English Rural life on his own. Constable developed a distinctly individual style. His paintings were "executed in the open air rather than in a studio

  • Eskimo Pie Corporation

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    Eskimo Pie Corporation Introduction Reynolds Metals is the majority owner of the ice scream company Eskimo Pie Corporation and has decided to sell this company. Nestle Foods provided the highest offer of $61 Million. Due to delays of the Nestlé’s purchase, Reynolds Metals has take into consideration the IPO proposal of David Clark, president of Eskimo Pie Corporation, rather than selling the company to Nestle Foods (Case Study, 2001). This analysis will identify the current value of the

  • Cigarette Ad Essay

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    purpose it to come up with interesting and new ways to promote its product. One industry that has been under fire for the types of advertising done during the last ten years is the tobacco industry. Major tobacco companies, specifically the R.J. Reynolds and Laramie corporations, spend millions of dollars each and every year, selectively advertising to older audiences in the Camel ad and to people who are socially active like the ones in the Newport ad, by intentionally using popular icons like Joe

  • Free College Essays - The Character of Hester Prynne in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

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    whom much has been written such as, Toward Hester Prynn, by David Reynolds, and The Scarlet A, Aboriginal and Awesome, by Kristin Herzog.  Reynold's essay dealt with Hester as a heroine, who is an artistic combination of disparate female types.  Herzog's essay dealt with the idea that Hester is both wild and passionate, as well as, caring, conservative, and alien. Towards Hester Prynne, by David Reynolds, expressed Hester as a heroine composed of many different stereotypes

  • Portraits Of Ingres And Reynolds

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    With a more analytical eye, though, you not only see the image but you begin to hear the voice of the painter and of his time. This is what I hope to do, to feel and understand the mind of the painter Ingres when he painted Louis-Francois Bertin and Reynolds when he painted General John Burgoyne. In the portrait of Bertin, Ingres has captured on canvas a man who has never been pampered in his life. You feel by looking at him that this is a man who has worked for everything that he has ever received in

  • Enhancing Group Performance

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    research have been varied. In a study very similar in method and aims to this present study found that the random selection of leaders leads to greater task performance. ( Haslam, S.A., McGarty, C., Brown, P.M., Eggins, R.A., Morrison, B.E., & Reynolds, K.J. (1998). Three experiments were done in this study using the same survival task used in this present study. The first two experiments measured task performance and group maintenance by manipulating the process of leadership selection (random

  • Investigating What Factors Affect the Efficiency of Siphoning

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    Investigating What Factors Affect the Efficiency of Siphoning I have chosen to investigate siphoning because as a kid I was always intrigued and puzzled by this "phenomena" when I used to clean my fish tank. The difficulty factor also played a major role. I wanted to do something which could be carried out comfortably in a relatively short time. An investigation, which is not so demanding on the practical side to allow more time for processing of the data captured. ===================

  • Nbc And The Innovation Of Television News, 1945-1953

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    and they did not want to compete with networks, which was difficult for the networks because they lacked the appropriate technology. Therefore, in 1947, R.J. Reynolds and 20th-Century Fox agreed to a 10-minute newsreel called "Camel Newsreel Theater" that was shown daily on NBC. It only lasted a year because of poor quality, and Reynolds eventually combined with NBC film in 1949 to create the "Camel News Caravan" that was hosted by John Cameron Swayze. This program included newsreel along with a

  • For Whom the Bell Tolls: A Study of Psychology

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    Hemingway’s novel is so true to his own that many consider For Whom the Bell Tolls an autobiographical piece of writing with different characters added in. These themes can be directly drawn from Hemingway's own "first hand of experience of violence" (Reynolds 23) in every major war in his lifetime as an ambulance driver and journalist. Being that Hemingway had been to every significant war in between World War I and World War II, Hemingway was no stranger to the cruelty of war and for this reason there

  • Enide

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    Enide Just as with Erec, the origin of Enide is widely debated. There are two basic theories of how she came into existence in medieval literature. One theory is that it was Chretien De Troyes who created the characters Erec and Enide, and it was the Welsh that drew off of Chretienís work in order to fabricate their own tales of the two (Owen xvi). This theory may have evolved due to the fact that "Wales contributed very little, or even nothing of importance to the Arthurian legend as it developed

  • Cenie Myrtle Seyster Straw

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    his studies in hopes of becoming a minister. David’s fellow students accepted Emma as one of their own, and the bonds of sisterhood were extended to her by the women of the Class of 1894: Cenie Allison, Myrtle Lee, Mabel Claire Maxwell, Olive M. Reynolds, and Maude Wodetsky. As the members of the Class of 1894 approached the date of graduation, so too did Emma approach the birth of her second child. By mutual agreement, the members of the Class of 1894 decided that Emma’s child would be named

  • The Father's Rights in Child Custody Issues

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    amount of time with limited information. Smith (2004) stated that, the simple fact of being a mother does not indicate a willingness or capacity to render a quality of care different than that which a father can provide. Some might argue that what Reynolds (2004) calls deadbeat dads, or in other words fathers who refuse to pay their child support, are often times confused with Turnips, who are ex-spouses who can not afford to pay child support. One example of a turnip is a father who is in prison;

  • Generation Ecstasy

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    with a slew of historical studies. Simon Reynolds attempts to bridge the gap with "Generation Ecstasy," an exhaustive compendium of almost every rave-associated sound and idea, both half-baked and momentous, that traces the digital Diaspora back and forth across Europe and America. Using the multiple perspectives of music critic, enthusiastic participant, and sociological outsider to trace the development of dance music's "rhythmic phsycadelic," Reynolds, finds two predominant, contrasting strains:

  • How We Got The King James Version

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    King James I. As soon as he arrived in England, the Hampton Court Conference was held for the reason to hear of the problems of the church. This conference failed its purpose, but one of the best translations of the word of God came from it. John Reynolds, president of Corpus Christi College, was the sole motivator for this new translation and he was the one that got King James to start on the translation. His immediately got James attention and he soon started the translations soon after There was

  • The Jungle

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    appeal, Roosevelt sent in an additional committee (Neill-Reynolds Commission). Also, at the same time a Beef Inspection Act was submitted in the Senate, all of this with Roosevelt’s complete approval. Somehow, when the meat industry found out about all this they were able to get articles published which defended present practices. Since Roosevelt was not able to exert the pressure he himself felt, he released a portion of the Neill-Reynolds report, which basically confirmed the truths of the packinghouse

  • The Cause

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    Suicide 8% Undetermined 6% (Reynolds, 1993) Percentages of Gun-Related Incidents on School Property Drugs/Gangs 18% Long-standing Disagreements 15% Playing With or Cleaning Guns 13% Romantic Disagreements 12% Fights Over Material Possessions 10% Depression 9% Vendetta Against Society 6% Racial Incident 5% Name Calling 4% Vendetta Against School Employee 4% Undetermined 4% (Reynolds, 1993) Beyond all others, intentional