Malacostraca Essays

  • Manta Birostris

    533 Words  | 2 Pages

    The giant oceanic manta ray (Manta birostris) is one of two species of gigantic cartilaginous fish from the genus Manta in the family Mobulidae. Manta birostris was first described by Dondorff in 1798; not much research had taken place during this time, which led to misconceptions about the fish (Passarelli and Piercy). Due to their alarming size and bat-like shape, these mantas were often seen as menacing monsters and received the name devilfish. Since the 1990s, there has been an increase in research

  • Terrestrial Isopods Lab Report

    788 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction Terrestrial isopods are a large group of crustaceans that have adapted for life on land (Post, n.d). Because these isopods breathe through their gills, these gills must stay moist in order for the isopods to continue living (Post, n.d). Therefore, terrestrial isopods prefer to live in damp areas, specifically underneath decaying wood or leaves (Post, n.d). The defenses of these isopods include running, hiding by burying themselves in sight of predators, and their exoskeleton. Isopods

  • The Oatmeal: Why Mantis Shrimp

    561 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Oatmeal makes an astonishing discovery and decides to share this information with the public. He published a book for this proposed title, “WHY THE MANTIS SHRIMP IS MY NEW FAVORITE ANIMAL.” In this novel, the authors outline the distinctive features and beauty of this warm and shallow water dweller using graphic text. In other words, in depicting why mantis shrimp is his or her favorite animals, the authors use different word sizes, texture, images, photos and varied character sizes to emphasize

  • Understanding Crustaceans: Characteristics and Anatomy

    931 Words  | 2 Pages

    From a crab to a barnacle, crustaceans are a diverse group of animals that inhabit much of the world. This lesson will explore what it means to be a crustacean and will also provide some example organisms. !!!Characteristics and Anatomy of Crustaceans Imagine a creature that has a skeleton on the outside of its body, that has eyes that protrude on stalks, and whose blood doesn't flow through blood vessels but, instead, pools and surrounds body tissues. What is this monstrous creature? What if

  • Sand Crab Essay

    1213 Words  | 3 Pages

    fossilized sand crabs are almost exact copies of New World Emerita analoga. When comparing sand crabs to modern species in their physical makeup is less comparable, suggesting the need to change the structure through evolution unnecessary. Therefore the Malacostraca classification shows little change for the Decapoda- Hippidae Emerita analoga (Journal of Crustacean Biology, 2002); excluding however, their closely related family Hermit Crabs, Stone Crabs, and Pelagic Red Crabs. However, it should be noted sand