The Oatmeal: Why Mantis Shrimp

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The Oatmeal makes an astonishing discovery and decides to share this information with the public. He published a book for this proposed title, “WHY THE MANTIS SHRIMP IS MY NEW FAVORITE ANIMAL.” In this novel, the authors outline the distinctive features and beauty of this warm and shallow water dweller using graphic text. In other words, in depicting why mantis shrimp is his or her favorite animals, the authors use different word sizes, texture, images, photos and varied character sizes to emphasize the strange nature or conflicting duality of this cherish animal. I must admit I am not a lover of colorful features and not to talk of graphic text. I started reading this story, but abandon it because of its colorful nature. Read other stories. Being a lover of scientific articles, I decided to read the entire story as a bedtime tale only to discover an excellent relationship between image, symbol, and the text as the author explain why mantis shrimp is his or her new favorite animal. That said, the paragraphs that follow look at the structural …show more content…

The narrator’s voice controls the narration with only about seven instances of direct speech. The author uses assorted heavy color graphics to emphasize the fundamentals. For instance, the photos revealing mantis shrimp, the image of the butterflies describing its possession of, “five types color-receptive cones (Oatmeal, n.d.),” that describing a rainbow created from sixteen colors, that which shows a mantis as a superman putting on an armored outfit. The author further makes the reader walk through real-life emotions by using black and white shadow-like images as transitional phrases or words which keep the suspends. Next, the author uses distinct colors to represent different environment and emotions. For example, he uses a blue background to signify water environment and a red background to signify danger relating to the deadly nature of mantis

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