Ithenticate Essays

  • Plagiarism Essay

    1050 Words  | 3 Pages

    or scientific field are almost impossible to recover from. A person’s credibility would be destroyed. A lot of the time, after being caught, the individual’s rights to publish their work is revoked, leaving them with no way to share their work (Ithenticate). Also, when applying for a government grant for research, many researchers have been turned down due to past accounts of plagiarism (globalpost). Like in the academic and s... ... middle of paper ... ...answer is yes, taking someone else’s

  • Jayson Blair And Fraud Essay

    535 Words  | 2 Pages

    in print. The Times struggled to gain its once-unapproachable reputation back. “The idea that such a young reporter could do so much harm to such a prestigious newspaper almost seems impossible,” wrote Jonathan Bailey, a writer for the online iThenticate blog. The company’s value and reputation have been damaged by Jayson Blair more than any other event over the last century and a half, according to Michael Wolff’s NY Mag article. Blair caused employees to revolt, media to go crazy and Feds to

  • Reflection Paper On Plagiarism

    735 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction Academic integrity has been taken very seriously in the universities worldwide. The student need to use a code of conduct as a part of their study’s framework and plagiarism is one of the essential part of academic integrity and all student must take it seriously. The intention of this paper is to demonstrate an understanding of my views on nursing students can avoid plagiarism by give a reflection on an aspect of individual learning through the activities on “Avoiding plagiarism: guidance

  • Plagiarism: A Learning Experience

    626 Words  | 2 Pages

    Black Law Dictionary say, “The dictionary defines plagiarism as “The act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts or passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one’s own mind”. (Black). Several things are wrong with plagiarism. We have learned that you have to take ownership of your mistake after committing plagiarism. We learn the procedures and what the consequences are for plagiarism. People can get into serious

  • A Terrible Journal Article

    1021 Words  | 3 Pages

    This webinar titled “10 Tips for Writing a Truly Terrible Journal Article” was given by Bert Blocken in January 2017. The webinar was very informative tips targeting the young researchers not to make those types of mistakes in their own career. The webinar, first, was stating some obvious facts that researchers should consider to build bright early career. For example, why to publish research? Several reasons were stated such as communication, if you don’t publish you do not do any research, and

  • Importance Of E-Learning

    1518 Words  | 4 Pages

    In societies today, e-Learning and modern electronic educational technology are very important. A lot of significant developments has occurred in e-Learning over the past ten (10) years especially in regards to technology and how it has influenced our daily lives with the use of mobile technology like Smartphones, tablets, and similar devices which have flooded the market and therefore opened up new possibilities for how we learn on the go. There is also wealth of resources and techniques that helps

  • Originality Checking Paper

    2454 Words  | 5 Pages

    references to determine how similar the work is to the original source by checking lines of text and determining if there is a match (The Limitation of Every Plagiarism Checker, 2011). A few examples of originality checking software are Turnitin and iThenticate. Originality checking software aids professors, teachers, and educators in producing high quality research papers by helping them in detecting potential instances of plagiarism faster. It removes the need to manually search for the original source