Ghost town Essays

  • More Than a Town: Ghost Towns

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    More Than a Town In the stark, harsh and barren desert floor lays the remains of some wooden structures. Structures that have weathered the seasons of life, the sandstorms, the blistering heat and bone chilling cold of harsh desert nights. Like lonely and silent soldiers standing guard, these remains watch time slip slowly by and leave them behind. Yet behind these weathered boards, shards of broken glass, remnants of a time long past lies more than a mere town, or what is known to most as

  • Ghost Town Essay

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    The concept of “Ghost town” has been a major issue of concern and debate amongst many countries around the world in today’s society. A “ghost town” is generally referred to a town, city or village that has been abandoned. A town often becomes abandoned due to the towns down turn in economic activity, natural disasters or political issues, which include, government actions and municipal dissolution and local government fragmentation. On a global scale, a small but sizable number of cities are dying

  • Centralia

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    Pennsylvania. Centralia was once a town built up around the coal industry, until a fire caught on the underground mines. Today, Centralia is the home of several people and an important location for recent history and has a haunting appeal to tourists. The most important lessons to learn from Centralia are how simple negligence can have such a devastating effect on a community and nature. Centralia’s history has a somber past since the beginning of the 1900s. The town faced devastating effects of fires

  • Characters of Pedro Paramo Used to Critique Mexico

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    Revolution was intended to redistribute the land and power to the lower and middle classes, but this was not the case once the fighting ceased. The lower classes moved to urban areas in order to find work and pay while the rural towns that were under the control of one person became a ghost of what they once were. Juan Rulfo lived in Mexico while these events were taking place and wrote Pedro Paramo just after the conclusion of the Mexican Revolution. Juan Rulfo saw the shortcomings of the Revolution and,

  • Descriptive Essay: Fredonia, North Dakota

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    Fredonia There is a little remnant of a town in south central North Dakota named Fredonia. The locals there tell of a time 40 or so years ago when there were 400 people living in town but if you go there today you will be lucky to find 50 hardy souls still clinging to the land of their ancestors. Most of the people that remain were alive at the end of the last world war but there are a few still in their prime, unable to break their bond with the land in favor of brighter prospects in Fargo or

  • Anderson Redding Case Study

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    With economic decline in full effect, the city of Anderson is on track to become a ghost town. Anderson is located in Northern California, 150 miles north of Sacramento, and a 10-minute drive to Redding. The primary source of the problem is in Anderson’s Downtown which is defined as I-5 to 273 and North Street to Balls Ferry (See Reference 1). Nearby attractions include the Sacramento River, Turtle Bay Exploration Park, and the Mt Shasta Mall (Things Web). However, all the main attractions are found

  • Aberdeen's Influence on Kurt Cobain

    2015 Words  | 5 Pages

    Kurt Cobain The towns of Hoquiam and Aberdeen are located on the eastern edge of Grays Harbor in western Washington state. If you are a fan of the band Nirvana, you have probably heard of these names. If not, you are about to read how a town affected a person who in turn affected many people's lives. Kurt Cobain was the singer and guitarist for Nirvana. He was born in Hoquiam (population 9,000) and after six months of life moved to Aberdeen (pop. 16,500), an old lumber town at the eastern-most

  • Rural America Analysis

    520 Words  | 2 Pages

    Americans living in nonmetro areas (John page1)”. This is taking the majority of the population and putting them into more metro areas that create a lower population that is depleting the population of society in nonmetro areas. This is creating a ghost town for these areas that use to hold the majority of the population. Society is changing and making these moves to metro areas has made rural America not less valued but maybe more valued with its disappearance it has become a more of a nostalgic quality

  • Appreciation Of Chinese Ghost Tale: Sung Ting-Po And The Ghost

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    Appreciation of Chinese Ghost Tale Sung Ting-Po and the Ghost The story Sung Ting-Po and the Ghost tells the story of a man living in Nan-yang, whose name was Sung Ting-po. At the time when Ting-po was a young man, he had ever met a ghost when he was walking on the night of a day. Ting-po told the ghost that he was also a ghost, and they went together to Yuan market. On their way, the ghost suspected him twice, and Sung Ting-po answered that he was a new ghost, thus in some ways he might still

  • The Ghost of Cloudcroft New Mexico

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    The Cloudcroft Ghost Cloudcroft, New Mexico, meaning a "clearing in the clouds", is a small mountain town located to the east of Alamogordo, NM ("Cloudcroft"). The town's history is intimately tied to the building of the Alamogordo and Sacramento Mountain Railway that allowed the town to be permanently settled in the late 1800s, and to the logging business that made the town and railroad successful for half a century ("Investigation… Lodge"). As with many frontier towns, Cloudcroft has a number

  • Ghost Story of Santa Fe Ghost Trail

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    Santa Fe Ghost Trail As I sat down with the narrator in his dorm on a Sunday afternoon—not the most appropriate time for ghost stories—he told me this well known ghost story from New Mexico. The storyteller is an 18-year-old male freshman majoring in international relations who is from Bethesda, Maryland. He is biracial with an American father and a Taiwanese mother. Born in California and raised in Colorado, the storyteller is a converted Christian. The teller was in the Boy Scouts, which

  • Examples Of Transcendentalism In The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow

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    where many ghost encounters occur. This generates many ghost stories around the area as well. Ichabod, while teaching, meets a woman named Katrina Van Tassel who is not only pretty, but very wealthy as well. Both of these things strike Ichabod and he realizes that he along with Katrina could become very wealthy. The only thing standing in his way is Brom, whom is a big boned man. While they both compete over Katrina they are invited to a family gathering at her house where they tell ghost stories

  • Brief Summary Of Scrooge's A Christmas Carol

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    At the beginning of stave four a ghost, presumably of the ghost of Christmas future, approached Scrooge saying nothing and yet Scrooge is feeling uneasy and terrified of this ghost while knowing what it’s going to do. The apparition does nothing until Scrooge asks if he will show him the future after Christmas so in turn the ghost nods its’ head ever so slightly to where you can see that it did. They awkwardly do nothing for a moment before the phantom points his hand forward and Scrooge responds

  • Compare And Contrast Ghost World Book And Movie

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    In a World of Ghosts: The Addition of a Human Bridge into Adulthood Ghost World is a graphic novel by Daniel Clowes. The story follows the lives of best friends, Enid Coleslaw and Rebecca Doppelmeyer, two pessimistic and sarcastic teenage girls who have recently graduated from high school. They spend most of their days exploring their unnamed town while downgrading the people they encounter. At the same time, they have no clear idea what they plan to do with the rest of their own lives. As the novel

  • Urban Legend of Ghostly Dreams

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    Ghostly Dreams of Owners Passed The following ghost story was told to me by a friend when I had a small group of friends over to my house in Massachusetts during spring break. He is a 20-year-old white male. The story was told at night after we had finished watching the show Lost on television, so the atmosphere was a little bit tense. It did not simply come up in context; I prompted all of my friends to tell any ghost stories or urban legends that they knew. I wrote the story down a few hours

  • Write An Argumentative Essay On Ghost Hunts

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    Ghost hunts can be conducted however you want, so there isn’t really a set way that everyone does them, but there is a guideline that most people use. The first step is meeting near the location and decide who will work each piece of equipment and divide into teams if necessary. You need to decide who’s doing what and where everyone will be so that you don’t mistake someone else making noise for something paranormal. Next you want to make sure you put yourself in a positive frame of mind. Many experienced

  • Ancient Civilization's Belief In Ghosts

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    Do Ancient Civilization’s Belief in Ghosts Affect Today’s View? The belief of ghosts started way back in ancient nations such as Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, and Asian civilizations. Whether paranormal beings were seen as unwelcome or welcome, the belief in ghosts increased greatly since early civilizations.The question, “are ghosts real?” is asked often and is a very popular and controversial topic. The discussion of ghosts is especially popular now, with social media and technology contributing

  • Ghost Story of Manresa Castle at Port Townsend, Washington

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    she went for her undergraduate studies. The story was told during a regular hangout, by a girl from a town near Port Townsend. The person I heard the story from doesn't really pay the myth and "ghost story" idea any attention because of its common presence in that area. Washington state is a region known as the "Haunted North West." Capitol Hill has so many "ghosts" that companies offer ghost tours year round. [During the telling of the story there were no meaningful gestures, just pauses when

  • Great Divorce

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    Hell, a dreary town full of empty streets. Lewis uses a dream as the vehicle to carry his ideas. Lewis boards a bus for Heaven with other ghosts from the town. It is not until the last chapter of the book that the reader finds out that Lewis is actually having a dream. Lewis finds himself in a dark and dreary place, where the houses are gray and empty, a dismal rain never stops, and time is eternally stuck in the bleak period just before sunset. Walking through this abominable town, he happens to

  • The Great Divorce

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    book tells the story on what he sees from his eyes. The author describes hell as a dark cold town with alleys that people live in and no one to be seen on the streets, and heaven as this place that looks beautiful with green grass, mountains, rivers, and animals running around. C.S. Lewis uses different characters throughout the book to help understand the scene and the situations that are going on. The ghosts that go with him to heaven from hell are all different and play a big role in this novel.