Gang of Four Essays

  • "What do four out of five people enjoy?...Gang rape."

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    The long standing and illegal practice of rape and sexual abuse is a global issue seen in practically every continent. The legal definition of rape in the state of Florida includes any type of sexual activity involving force or threat of force. Rape occurs when the victim does not give consent or cannot give consent. Florida Laws: FL Statutes - Title XLVI Crimes Section 794.005 part A states, “’Consent’ means intelligent, knowing, and voluntary. Consent does not include coerced submission. ‘Consent’

  • Street Gangs of Los Angeles

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    finished watching the documentary street gangs of Los Angeles two theories were most prevalent in my mind for why there was gang formation in that area. The first being Travis herschi’s “social bonds”. Second being Walter miller’s “focal concerns”. Social bond theory is not a crime causation theory but a pro social behavior theory that helps explain deviance. This theory identified four social bonds that promote adherence to society’s laws and values. The four bonds being: attachment, commitment, involvement

  • The Impact of Gang Violence in Oklahoma

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    The Impact of Gang Violence in Oklahoma Gangs have had a huge impact in Oklahoma the many years they have been here. Gangs account for most of the drug trade, as well as most of the homicides in the Oklahoma area. Gangs are being fueled by the fear they have given the citizens, therefore most people are too afraid to do anything about the problem. “Every city in the world always has a gang, a street gang, or the so-called outcasts”.- Jimi Hendrix.

  • Gang Reduction Program

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    In 2003 as a response to communities with a large amount and growing number of youth gangs the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), a branch of the U.S. Department of Justice, initiated the Gang Reduction Program (GRP) (U.S. Department of Justice 2008). The formation of gangs is seen as a response to system failures and community dysfunction. As a result, one of OJJPD’s anti-gang initiatives is to make communities safer and have a pro-social environment (U.S. Department

  • The Importance Of Gangs

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    “A team is where a boy can prove his courage on his own. A gang is where a coward goes to hide” (Mickey Mantle). It’s having the courage to stand outside a gang, despite any hardships, that puts a teen on a path toward success and not on a road to youth violence and gang-related crime. Regrettably there are adolescents in impoverished urban neighborhoods across this country who lack connection to anyone or anything and are not getting the adequate support and push of courage they need. These communities

  • Gang Prevention Strategies

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    Question 1 There are many strategies that have activated to control the amount of youths joining a gang. However, the most effective approach to this problem is a two pronged prevention system. A primary prevention strategy is directed at a community’s general population while a secondary prevention strategy targets youths between the ages of 7 and 14 who are at a high risk of joining a gang. “Prevention efforts are undertaken by law enforcement departments around the country” (Hess, 2013) include

  • Example Of An Egalitarian Society

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    Every society has its own gangs; individuals who group together to commit crimes. El Salvador is an example of an egalitarian society. The gangs are extremely violent and there is little police control over the groups. New Zealand is a representation of a complex society. Though it is still a poor country with extremely violent gangs it has some police control. The last society examined is Poland, which would be an example of a state society. It is obvious that this country is not as poor as the

  • Female Gangs are Missunderstood

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    as gangs. The question remains: are female gang members used as disposable accessories in gangs or are they forming their own gang to liberate themselves from gender related roles set by society?  Girls in male gangs have been viewed as disposable accessories, but they have changed the nature of a gang by creating all female gangs eliminating the male dominant figure. I believe that female gangs have been misunderstood and are liberating themselves from the stereotypes set by society. Gangs are

  • Analysis of Wanted Poster, Offering a Reward for Information Leading to the Capture of the Kelly Gang

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    The primary source that will be analysed is a poster titled “Wanted poster, offering a reward for information leading to the capture of the Kelly gang”. The Kelly gang consisted of four bushranger men, Edward (Ned) Kelly his brother Dan Kelly and two of their friends Joe Byrne and Steve Hart. Ned Kelly and his gang are one of Australia’s most famous historical figures. Throughout this text it explores a brief history leading to the creation of the poster, the intended audience, important features

  • A Clockwork Orange

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    Sitting in the Korova milk bar, the four droogs prepare for their evening on the town.  The dimly lit bar, which served milk spiked with the drug of your choice, was host to the strange and bizarre of London's criminal subculture.  The four outlandish gang members shared a booth, scanning the milkbar, vultures looking for the latest in decayed cuisine.  They wore what they deemed "the height of fashion", black tights, lapel-less waistcoats, and derbies with the mandatory cane accompaniment

  • St Valentines Day Research Paper

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    group of four gang members of the Al Calpon dressed as police officers and walked the streets of Chicago. This massacre would soon be one of the most known gang feuds in Chicago. Gang member Al Capone lines up seven gang members of Bugs Morgan and shoots them to their deaths. These two gangs are known rivals. The killing of the seven men was supposed to be Bugs' last hope because they were Bugs' best killers and Al Capone needed to end the war. This morbid shooting was the last of the gang war because

  • Prison Tattoos

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    A tattoo of eagle represents a senior authority figure but if the eagle is carrying something, then it denotes a rapist. (source) 3. EWMN EWMN is not a code word but stands for 'Evil, Wicked, Mean, Nasty.' They do not indicate any allegiance to gangs both within or outside the prison. It simply denotes a person's disposition. The tattoo is generally inked on their

  • Martha Stewart crimes

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    the local gang. Furthermore, during a random routine drug test, John was tested positive for crystal meth and marijuana. In this paper, I will examine and identify the risk factors that are associated with drug abuse and gang membership by juvenile offender using information in the textbook along with my own ideas. First issue that I would like to address is a Gang-related issue. Gang has been an ongoing problem in the U.S since the early 1920’s. The characteristics of the modern gang today are nothing

  • Gang Problem In Big Cities Essay

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    The problem of gangs in the U.S was substantial and grew drastically between the 1970s and 1990s. As cities, counties, and states developed, the growth of gangs grew as well within the regions throughout the country. Cities that have large population sizes experience higher rate and earlier onset of gang activity than smaller cities. Characteristics of larger cities influence the nature and extend of gang problems in several ways. The variations responsible for gang presence in larger cities have

  • Youth Gangs

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    discussion or exploration of youth gangs, the longevity of the social problem becomes a reasonable starting point. Youth joining together and roaming the streets of London together in packs were described as early as 1830 in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist (Burnett, 1999). Before considering the current state of affairs with youth gangs, it first becomes important to focus attention on developing a concise understanding of what is meant by the term “youth gang.” Additionally, what are trends relating

  • MS-13 Gangs: A Short Story

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    For the past thirty years, the MS-13 gang has been a destructive criminal force, damaging communities and harmfully coercing the youth. At a mere twelve years old, Alonso Serrano-Serra was first recruited by the MS-13 gang in El Salvador. R. at 6. He repeatedly refused their advances, telling them he did not wish to join their gang or associate with them in anyway. Id. No matter where he was, at school, at the park, in the neighborhood, gang members would approach him and his childhood friends and

  • History Of Crime Prevention

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    three of the city 's highest crime areas to test delinquency prevention techniques. Shaw’s approach was to rally the parents to establish the Russell Square Community Committee. Also, his objective was to minimize the attraction of delinquency for gang youth. Ultimately, CAP showed that neighborhood self-help could be used as a powerful organizational principle upon which to build new mechanisms of control in crime-ridden minority communities. The next

  • Project Ceasefire Summary

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    Throughout the whole book, Don’t Shoot: One Man, a Street Fellowship, and The End of Violence in Inner-City America David M. Kennedy uses multiple steps to implement Project Ceasefire and tries to make it work. If the chief of police approached me and asked how to implement Project Ceasefire I would follow these steps: selecting a target behavior analyzing the dynamics of local gun violence, assembling an interagency working group of largely line-level criminal justice and other agencies that were

  • Blood Gang Research Paper

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    gangster. However, my whole entire outfit has the color red on it from my pants to my shoes and shirt. It is to show civilians and other rivalry gangs and gangster that I’m a blood. What is a blood some people may ask me? I would say, a blood is a person that is in a street gang that originally started in Los Angles. I have particular tattoos to describe what gang I am an affiliated with such as a letter “B” on the back of my shoulder that stand for blood. Although, if a person has a tattoo that look like

  • Gangs and the Catholic

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    The Church's position of crime - like theft, gangs, rape, murder, perjury, etc. - has been addressed firstly in the ten commandments, particularly numbers four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten. These commandments deal with human relationships and how we are to love our neighbor. The Church's stance on these topics of crime are that they are sinful and selfish, and they do not foster a love for our neighbor and help those who are weak or in need. The forth commandment is, you shall remember