St Valentines Day Research Paper

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The St. Valentine's day massacre was an outbreak in which seven men were lined up against a wall and were shot to death by approximately 90 gunshots. On the morning of Valentine's Day in 1929, a group of four gang members of the Al Calpon dressed as police officers and walked the streets of Chicago. This massacre would soon be one of the most known gang feuds in Chicago. Gang member Al Capone lines up seven gang members of Bugs Morgan and shoots them to their deaths. These two gangs are known rivals. The killing of the seven men was supposed to be Bugs' last hope because they were Bugs' best killers and Al Capone needed to end the war. This morbid shooting was the last of the gang war because Capone was soon jailed in 1931 and Morgan lost control …show more content…

Many of the spectators were questioned after the shooting so the police could try to get a clear point of view on the events that had led up to the shooting occurring. They soon pieced together all of the spectators' stories to get a clear idea of what was going on before and after the shootings. Because of the evidence they had gotten, they could find out who had shot them, which led to them funding it, about the gangs and how Al Capone had killed the men. The St. Valentine's Day massacre happened because the leader of the gang, Al Capone, wanted to make sure that he had control of the “Chicago underworld” which was a big deal in Chicago during the prohibition era. and that is what led up to the brutal murders of the gang members. Al Capone planned out the whole murders, even having an escape car. They dressed as police and rode where the gang members were dressed as police to be more nonchalant. These killings were a dark mark on Chicago's history with the most notorious gang members.The St Valentine's day massacre still affects the United States today. After the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the police forces created a new way to handle mob

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