Ficus sycomorus Essays

  • Sycamore Fig Tree (Ficus Sycomorus)

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    or the fig-mulberry, this fig tree is from the Kingdome Plantae, Phylum angiosperm, Class eudicots, Order Rosales, Family Moraceae, Genus Ficus and Species Ficus sycomorus (Wikipedia 2014). From the Moraceae family, there are around 113 species and with each taxon having a wasp species being able to pollinate it. The Genus Ficus, including the subgenus Sycomorus, has subgenus such as: Sycidium, Pharmacosycea and Urostigma. Each of this subgenus has a number of different types of fig trees with different

  • Ficus Sycomorus Case Study

    944 Words  | 2 Pages

    plant part with regards to their usage in both orthodox and primary health care. Ficus sycomorus (F. sycomorus) Linn belongs to the family Moraceae, comprising of about 40 genera and over 1,400 species of trees, shrubs, vine and herbs, often with milky latex juices. The plant is usually found near streams in many African countries. F. sycomorus tree grows up to 20 m with widely spreading branches and crown. F. sycomorus leaves are heart-shaped with a round apex, 14 cm long by 10 cm wide. The flowering

  • The Evil Outside Forces of Depression in the Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

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    Depression is not only caused by the self induced emotional state of a person. It can also be forced onto someone by external forces that influence depression. These events can sway a person into their depression, and with nothing or no one to catch them when they fall, they could keep going down deeper. The novel The Bell Jar, written by Sylvia Plath, portrays ways that depression was pushed onto the main character, Esther. People that had once been there for her were not there for her during her

  • Clothing In The Bible Essay

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    Clothing in the Bible has usually been regarded as less important when determining significance in scripture. Not to say that it is of utmost importance, but it does serve as a visual aid God uses to point people towards Himself. In fact, clothing as a symbol has never been new, since clothing has been used as a symbol consciously and unconsciously, to represent religion, class, occupation, or for practical use, such as warmth for the winter. Commonly, clothing has been used as a means to an end

  • The Return of the Ruined Banker

    722 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Return of the Ruined Banker The setting for this ghost story was at Sturdivant Hall, in Selma, Alabama in the 1860’s. Sturdivant Hall had been constructed in 1852. This stately mansion had six tall white pillars in the front. There were many parlors downstairs and an abundance of spacious bedrooms upstairs. There were large fig trees, shrubs, and scuppernong vines on either side of the home. A group of visitors had gathered to take a to tour of this beautiful mansion; then, the guide revealed

  • Gender Roles In The Fig Tree By Sylvia Plath

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    Furthermore, another form of symbolism and allusion that Plath includes in the novel to emphasize the struggles in which a woman withstands as she grows is the fig tree. Within the story of the fig tree, it is actually a based on the Biblical story of the Garden of Eden where the tree symbolizes conflict between genders. The story details a doomed relationship between a Jewish man and a nun. Interestingly enough, she infers that her relationship with Buddy is also hopeless when she states, “It seemed

  • s

    572 Words  | 2 Pages

    Naomi Nye was born to a German-American mother and a Palestinian-American father. However, she normally writes from her Palestinian-Arab perspective. In several of her poems within The Heath Anthology—“Ducks,” “My Father and the Figtree,” and “Where the Soft Air Lives”—Naomi Nye reminisces about her Muslim heritage and childhood as it correlates to her present identity. In addition, she incorporates the effect of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on herself and on Arab culture in her work. Ultimately

  • The Struggle In Esther Inher's The Bell Jar

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    Esther Greenwood, a straight A student from Boston, Massachusetts who won a guest editorship for Mademoiselle Magazine(Johnson 35) in New York City, finds a mystifying new world at her very own feet. While taking in the city life and gaining inspiration to fulfill her dream of becoming a writer, she realizes that she has vast potential in her future. During her editorship in New York, Esther is determined to explore her options since she is at a point in her life where she needs to decide who she

  • Bobab Tree History

    853 Words  | 2 Pages

    “There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole; there is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin sick soul.” (baobab.hyms). This hymn is usually sung around the tree when they are need of healing or a cleansing. The Baobab is believed to have been around for thousands of years, and is the heart of the African continent. It’s said that the tree holds secrets, and is a very intelligent tree due to the fact that it “hears and sees” everything. This has helped the African tribes stay around for many years

  • Benefits Of Cactus Flower

    604 Words  | 2 Pages

    6 Marvellous Beauty And Health Benefits Of Cactus Flower Think about cactus and this image bursts up in our mind which is a spiked plant with no flowers and fruits growing in deserts. However, certain cacti blossom and bear fruits also. The cactus flowers have several health returns to offer. Catch up with some interesting facts and benefits of cactus flowers right here with us. Before learning about the benefits, get close with the origin and whereabouts of cactus flowers. Origin of Cactus Flower: