Fetal Tissue Research Essays

  • Ethical Issues Related to Fetal Tissue Research

    1914 Words  | 4 Pages

    Related to Fetal Tissue Research The use of fetal tissue in biomedical research has been a hot topic for debate in social and political forums ever sense the landmark decision in the 1973 case of Roe vs. Wade (Beller & Weir 182). The decision of the Supreme Court to give women the right to abort a fetus without having a medical reason for doing so, sparked controversy which has affected any medical procedure or research dealing with fetuses (Bellar &Weir 182). Supporters of fetal tissue research

  • Use of Human Fetal Tissue in Research is Morally Repugnant

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    Use of Human Fetal Tissue in Research is Morally Repugnant Research on human fetal life involves numerous complex medical, moral, and legal aspects. It is not always easy, nor desirable, to seal off one aspect from another. Both sides of fetal tissue use will be equally focused on as a moral issue. The topic is a timely and important one because research on human fetal life is reportedly a growing industry and the subject of legal developments both in the United States and around the world

  • The Debate Concerning Embryonic Stem Cell Research

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    embryonic stem cell research. The embryonic stem cell debate has polarized the country into those who argue that such research holds promises of ending a great deal of human suffering and others who condemn such research as involving the abortion of a potential human life. If any answer to the ethical debate surrounding this particular aspect of stem cell research exists, it is a hazy one at best. The question facing many scientists and policymakers involved in embryonic stem cell research is, which is

  • Jonathan Kozol's Amazing Grace

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    the block, the place where they "burn bodies of people" is pointed out. It turns out that it was an incinerator for hazardous waste products transported from New York City hospitals. Nope, no bodies just things like the occasional amputated limb, fetal tissue, needles, soiled bedding, and used bandages are piled up until they can be burned. On days that they burn the air is heavy and... ... middle of paper ... ...he problems. The problems do not root from one individual nor do they stop at another

  • Capital Punishment for Women that Have Abortions

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    only more fetal murders but also more mothers will die. None of the methods women use to abort are completly safe. One of the most common methods used is Suction Aspiration. The doctor uses a special tool to suck the baby into a collection bottle. Great care must be taken to prevent the uterus from being damaged, which would cause hemorrhage. A woman with hemorrhage will need a blood transfusion that could cause her AIDS. Also infection may easily occur if fetal tissue is left behind

  • Stem Cell Research: The Case of Roe vs. Wade in 1973

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    Stem cell research has always been a widely debated topic in 'social and political forums' ever since the case of Roe vs. Wade in 1973. In that case the Supreme Court gave women the right to have an abortion whether or not they have a medical reason to. Whereas beforehand 'they needed a medical reason'. This "sparked controversy" over stem cell research with aborted fetuses. For many of those in favor of using fetal tissue for research it has too much "potential" in the future of medicine in terms

  • Defund Planned Parenthood

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    she decided to do some research on planned parenthood, she shortly found out some shocking news about this facility.If we defund planned parenthood, then people would be saving a lot more money and planned parenthood wouldn’t profiting around $6 million wasting people’s time and tax dollars.The research that Lani’s

  • Planned Parenthood Pros And Cons

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    Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization that is government funded and offers free health care, sex education, and family planning to millions of women all over the country. (“Who We Are”) The organization was founded by Margaret Sanger in the 1960’s. Her mission was to provide free health care to women all across the nation despite their race, ethnic background, income, etc. She also vowed to educate and care for women’s sexual health while maintaining their privacy. As of late, Planned Parenthood

  • The Pros And Cons Of Planned Parenthood

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    With the help of United States Government funding, Planned Parenthood and its affiliates have been men and women’s health care providers since 1933. Congressional bills have recently been written to defund this organization because of ethical issues that have risen about abortions carried out in these facilities. The defunding of Planned Parenthood would not only take away affordable family planning for those in need, but the ability to provide life saving cancer screenings and other health services

  • The Importance Of Organ Donation: An Moral Responsibility

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    should choose to donate organs and tissues. Organs from living donors are lung, liver, intestine, pancreas, heart, and kidney (Cook, 2006). Postmortem, the entire body can be donated and used to save the life of another. In either case, the ability and/or right to donate human organs in the United States is a moral responsibility as humans because it saves lives, decreases the chance of organ sales on the black market, and aids in furthering scientific research. Moral responsibility

  • Stem Cell Research - Protect Consumers from False Claims and Miracles

    1952 Words  | 4 Pages

    Stem Cell Research - Protect Consumers from False Claims and Miracles Due to the potential therapeutic uses and the potential profit from stem cells, there has been an increased interest in stem cell research. While some progress has been made, we do not know nearly enough about how stem cells work to use them for the treatment of human diseases. However, there are researchers that claim that they have developed the technology to apply stem cells to the treatment of aging and diseases. Websites

  • Embryonic Stem Cell Research

    1346 Words  | 3 Pages

    Stem Cell Research: A Hot Button There are people who enjoy the fact that they can use their own bone marrow and stem cells to treat themselves. There are many diseases and injuries that stem cells may be able to cure. Alone there are positive outcomes using stem cells, there stands debate on the use of embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells should be used to sustain life because they can rebuild organs despite the concerns. Now, stem cells might sound like a great thing, but what are they

  • Embryonic Stem Cell Research Ethics

    3352 Words  | 7 Pages

    Professional Ethics Assignment - 1 Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Finding Common Ground Prepared By: Dhara N Mehta (13MPH802) INTRODUCTION Biomedical sciences are advancing at stunning rate. This is no more clear than in the prospering field of immature microorganism research where restorative applications, for example, tissue and organ transplantation are generally created. These helps can possibly spare a large number of lives and enormously decrease human enduring. The moral

  • Should Stem Cells Be Used In Medical Research Essay

    604 Words  | 2 Pages

    Are stem cells ethical to use in medical research? The most basic cells in the human body are stem cells. Because doctors use stem cells for medical treatment of chronic ailments, stem cells play an important role in human medical research. However, despite the benefits of stem cells in medical treatment, controversy surrounds the methods employed to obtain them. Should researchers continue to use stem cells? Stem cells are the building blocks of the human body. Embryos consist of unspecialized

  • The Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research

    1099 Words  | 3 Pages

    As technology stem cell research intensifies, so does the controversy about whether such scientific progress is moral. In the past millennium to today the present stem cell research has become a controversial topic across the world. Stem cells are unspecialized cells that have unique regenerative abilities, allowing them to divide into specialized cell types. Understanding why these processes occur is essential to curing disease. Critics of stem cell research argue that the extraction of embryonic

  • The Continuing Mystery of SIDS

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    prematurely born infants. This seems to suggest that developmental immaturity may present a likely situation for the development of SIDS. Each of these characteristics must be considered when forming hypotheses for the possible cause of SIDS. Initially, research on SIDS centered around the performance of an... ... middle of paper ... ...Gliosis and Vasculature": Annals of Neurology, Vol. 4, No. 3, September 1978. Takashima, S , Armstrong, D., Becker, L. E. and Huber, J. "Cerebral White Matter Lesions

  • Uniform Anatomical Gift Act Pros And Cons

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    framework for the donation of organs, tissues, and other human body parts in the US. The UAGA helps regulate body donations to science, medicine, and education. The Act has been consulted in discussions about abortion, fetal tissue transplants, and Body Worlds, an anatomy exhibition. The 1968 UAGA set a legislative precedent for the donation of fetal organs and tissues and has been in the background of many debates regarding abortion and fetal tissue research. The original Uniform Anatomical Gift

  • Ethical And Non-Medical Community

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    work by stating “it is better to use these parts for research than just throw them in a trash bin” although most people still find his work very controversial (Chang, NK. Gu, J. & Gu. S., 2015). Though it is perceived in our society as unacceptable to transplant human parts in to animals we must look at the bigger picture and the possibility of eliminating organ shortages. Research found that most people are more objectionable to this type of research when brains or sex organs are involved. However,

  • Asthma Research Paper

    956 Words  | 2 Pages

    of cell’s main function is the production and secretion of surfactant. Studies have been conducted of human/fetal lung fibroblasts in relation to the presence of VDRs and what effects vitamin D has on this tissue. Lung fibroblast tissue is tissue that is involved in airway remodeling and inflammation. Although the presence of VDRs and effects of vitamin D has been shown in human and fetal lung fibroblasts, there has not been a study done that involves the direct measurement of maternal levels of

  • The Pros And Cons Of Embryonic Stem Cell Research

    1869 Words  | 4 Pages

    Embryonic Stem Cell Research! Danielle Case Baker College Embryonic Stem Cell Research! “In November of 1998, scientists reported that they had successfully isolated and cultured human embryonic stem cells a feature which had eluded researchers for almost two decades.”(The center for bioethics & human dignity, n.d.). This announcement kicked off an intense and unrelenting debate between those who approve of embryonic stem cell research and those who are opposed to it. “Some of the most