Feminist Play Essays

  • The Feminist Play Lysistrata

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    political, and economic equality to men. Feminism plays a major role in hundreds of cultures, as it raises attention to civil liberties of women across the globe. Feminists generally seek to bring about change by fighting for what they believe in, and are often considered to have personal strength and integrity (Feminism). The feminism theory applies within Greek culture. This portrayed through the feminist play Antigone and the non-feminist play Lysistrata. In the Classical Greece era, feminism

  • Feminist in Susan Glaspell´s Play Trifles

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    Trifles In Susan Glaspell’s play Trifles a man has been murdered by his wife, but the men of the town who are in charge of investigating the crime are unable solve the murder mystery through logic and standard criminal procedures. Instead, two women (Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters) who visit the home are able to read a series of clues that the men cannot see because all of the clues are embedded in domestic items that are specific to women. The play at first it seems to be about mystery, but it abruptly

  • Antigone As A Feminist Play

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    throughout history. Man was historically stronger, smarter, and more useful than woman. As it turns out, that idea is incorrect although at the time that “Antigone” by Jean Anouilh was written, this idea was widely accepted by both man and woman. The play itself is about breaking what is law to do what is right, but under all of that lies the true theme of man vs. woman. Antigone is set out to see how far a woman can push a man before a war is started. Antigone being written takes a reader back to

  • Feminist Themes of Susan Glaspell's Plays

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    Susan Glaspell was one of the first great American female playwrights. Her plays are often short, one or two acts, but they tell a story greater than just what appears on the page. Three of her plays, Trifles (1916), Women’s Honor (1918), and The Verge (1921), have feminist themes that show the consequences of the oppression of women, as is the case with many of her plays. All three plays were written during the first wave of feminism, during which there was a push for women to have jobs and opportunities

  • William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night as a Feminist Play

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    William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night as a Feminist Play The play Twelfth Night was written in the Elizabethan days, near the end of the ruling of Queen Elizabeth I. It was also during The Renaissance, which is also the rebirth of learning, which this play was born. It was a period of change, questioning and vitality. People no longer believed everything they were told, but tried to find things out for themselves. As to whether Twelfth Night is a feminist play, would have several differing points

  • William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night as a Feminist Play

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    Shakespeare's Twelfth Night as a Feminist Play I agree to a certain extent that twelfth night is a feminist play. What exactly is feminism? It simply means subversion of traditional ideas of gender. This means that men are supposed to be active, rational, wise, perceptive, loyal and trustworthy. On the other hand, Women are supposed to be passive, emotional, shallow, vain, deceptive and fickle. I agree to a certain extent that “Twelfth Night” is a feminist play [meaning that I agree to it]

  • Misguided Feminist Reaction to A Streetcar Named Desire

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    Misguided Feminist Reaction to A Streetcar Named Desire The dramatic climax of A Streetcar Named Desire, clearly illustrates the mastery of author Tennessee Williams. The brilliantly constructed text, with its tragic story and enticing characters, propels the reader to a point in which he becomes emotionally involved in the dynamics of Williams’ world. Unfortunately, many feminists are negatively affected by Williams’ captivating writing style. In turn, feminists have developed an array of very

  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream - The Feminist Subtext

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    The Feminist Subtext of A Midsummer Night's Dream Shakespeare's works have persistently influenced humanity for the past four hundred years. Quotations from his plays are used in many other works of literature and some common phrases have even become integrated into the English language. Most high schoolers have been unsuccessful in avoidance of him and college students are rarely afforded the luxury of choice when it comes to studying the bard. Many aspects of Shakespeare's works have been

  • Feminism in Sor Juana

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    Feminism in Sor Juana In Estela Portillo Trambley’s play Sor Juana the main character Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz was considered to be one of the earliest feminists. Sor Juana’s eternal struggles to study and unshakable craving for knowledge and wisdom, from whatever source it may be, support this attribute. In my opinion however, there are also significant elements of the play that suggest that Sor Juana would not be considered a true feminist. Of these reasons, there are three major ones that I

  • Feminist Bashing of Tennessee Williams and A Streetcar Named Desire

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    Desire and the Gay Roots of Feminist Straight Bashing Tennessee William's A Streetcar Named Desire is widely considered the highest achievement of 20th Century American theatre. Stanley Kowalski is a symbol of the heterosexual male. Significantly this male icon is portrayed as a rapist. In 1947, Tennessee Williams (through Blanche DuBois) also describes Stanley as "sub human," a term that would inspire outrage if it had been used against Jews, blacks, women or gays. The play is a good example of how

  • Sophocles’ Oedipus Cycle – Antigone, as a Feminist

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    Sophocles’ Oedipus Cycle – Antigone, as a Feminist Throughout history, women have always stood in the shadows of men. In many cultures, the role of women has always been to be seen and not heard. As one of the first feminists in world literature, the character Antigone, of Sophocles’ Oedipus Cycle, displays fine characteristics of a great female leader in order to stand up against male dominance for her religious, political, and personal beliefs. When the king denies her brother, Polynices,

  • Feminism: Destroying America

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    these feminists, want to change everything because they think people (more specifically, woman) have been getting the short-end of the stick for years. Now, these feminists are infiltrating our government, corporations and schools, slowly assimilating individuals into their group. The patriarchs of this society (that is those who believe things should stay as they are) are allowing this to happen because of fear of what the feminists might present against them. Take for example a feminist female

  • Shifting the Medical Gaze: Towards a Feminist Ethic of Childbirth

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    Shifting the Medical Gaze: Towards a Feminist Ethic of Childbirth The term "reproductive rights" has become synonymous with abortion rights, birth control access, and issues surrounding reproductive technologies, yet the struggle for a woman's right to choose when and how to become pregnant often overshadows a woman's right to choose where and how to give birth. The lack of feminist discourse and activism surrounding issues of childbirth may attest to the hegemony in the modern American birth

  • Creative Writing in the Composition Classroom

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    ìMuddying Boundaries: Mixing Genres with Five Paragraphs.î English Journal 90 (Sept. 2000): 53-56. Elbow, Peter.Everyone Can Write.Oxford, U.K.: Oxford Univ. P, 2000. Flynn, Elizabeth.ìStrategic, Counter-Strategic, and Reactive Resistance in the Feminist Classroom.îInsurrections: Approaches to Resistance in Composition Studies. Ed. Andrea Greenbaum.Albany, NY: SUNY P, 2001. Fox, Dana L. and Cathy Fleischer.ìBeginning Words: Teaching and Writing Across Traditional Boundaries in English Education

  • Feminist Message in Susan Glaspell's Trifles

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    The Feminist Message in Susan Glaspell's Trifles Susan Glaspell's Trifles can be regarded as a work of feminist literature. The play depicts the life of a woman who has been suppressed, oppressed, and subjugated by a patronizing, patriarchal husband. Mrs. Wright is eventually driven to kill her "hard" (1178) husband who has stifled every last twitch of her identity. Trifles dramatizes the hypocrisy and ingrained discrimination of male-dominated society while simultaneously speaking to the dangers

  • Bell Hooks' Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black

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    In her book Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black, bell hooks describes how she helps her students find their voice within her classroom.She discusses her use of authority to enable her students.For her, teacher authority is a necessary part of helping her students find their voices: Another important issue for me has been that each student participates in classroom discussion, that each student has a voice.This is a practice I think is important not because every student has something

  • What Role Does Patriarchy Play In Feminist Ideology?

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    What role does patriarchy play in feminist ideology? In recent months and years, movements quite like the #MeToo and #TimesUp social movements have reached across the globe to fight for equality for all sexes and genders. These two particular movements aimed to call attention to and remove the patriarchal system that benefits a small group of cisgender men in positions of power and influence. Patriarchy is a term used mostly by feminists to analyse the dominance of men in society. With its origins


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    The feminist approach of the Stone Carvers allows us to look at Klara’s role as a spinster in a new perspective. It allows us to analyze the role of a woman in the first half of the twentieth century. A woman’s role in the early twentieth century still revolved around serving the male members of one’s family. Klara was tied to the traditional role of a female. She would have chores as well as having to make supper for her father, grand father and sometimes Eamon. Klara was more independence than

  • On Human Cloning

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    On Human Cloning How should we think about cloning as philosophers and feminists? Reproduction by cloning is not, in itself, morally inferior to human sexual reproduction. Moral criticism of cloning rests on condemnation of its "unnaturalness" or "impiety," but this kind of criticism should not persuade non-believers. I evaluate cloning in two phases. First, some hypothetical situations involving private choices about cloning are examined within a liberal framework. From this individualistic perspective

  • Lady Mary Wroth as Proto-Feminist

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    Lady Mary Wroth as Proto-Feminist Lady Mary Wroth is one of very few canonized woman poets in the 17th century canon (Strickland lect. Oct 11 94.). This fact alone lends a type of importance to Wroth that sets her off from her male contemporaries. Wroth wrote poems at about the same time that Robert Herrick, John Donne, Andrew Marvell, and Sir Philip Sidney (to name a few) wrote their courtly lyrics. Wroth wasn't the only woman writer from the time, instead, she was simply one of very few that