What Role Does Patriarchy Play In Feminist Ideology?

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What role does patriarchy play in feminist ideology?

In recent months and years, movements quite like the #MeToo and #TimesUp social movements have reached across the globe to fight for equality for all sexes and genders. These two particular movements aimed to call attention to and remove the patriarchal system that benefits a small group of cisgender men in positions of power and influence. Patriarchy is a term used mostly by feminists to analyse the dominance of men in society. With its origins in Latin, the term literally means ‘rule by the father’. For feminists, the patriarchy is considered one of the core themes however the different strands of feminism disagree on whether this is the most important theme in feminism and what role the …show more content…

With the voting and education rights firmly established in western societies, women started to become unsatisfied with their allotted roles in life. More and more women were unfulfilled with the role of stay at home mother and housewife as argued by Betty Friedan who labelled it "the problem that has no name."(Friedan, 1963). Feminism started targeting the personal, psychological and sexual oppression that women face. To combat the oppression of the patriarchal system that they suffer from, Friedan argues that women seek out many different solutions, ranging from sex to vicariously living through their children. Neither of these options seem to actually combat the oppression, but in fact just placate them and their dissatisfaction for the time being. It is here where socialist feminists come into the picture. They argue that the patriarchy through capitalism attempts to control women through developing and selling products that make the housewife and child carer roles much easier to manage, thus distracting them from their unhappiness as their life has gotten easier. They also argue that the relationship between men and women is not unlike that between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, one always struggling against the domination and control of the other. Engels argued that matriarchy came before capitalism and private proper and so it is thought and argued that the patriarchal capitalist system that has developed since the industrial revolution needs to be transformed if women are to gain

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