Feminist Approaches Essays

  • Psychoanalytical and Feminist approaches to D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers

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    Psychoanalytical and Feminist approaches to D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers Psychoanalytical and feminist approaches are two relatively recent critical responses towards literary texts. When applied to D. H. Lawrence's Son's and Lovers, both can be insightful yet problematic at the same time. The theories of psychoanalysis, primarily identified with Sigmund Freud, can be applied to imaginative literature and art in general, in order to study their manifest and latent content, in the same

  • Feminist Approaches to Social Work

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    work is going to set out to investigate the relevance of feminist approaches to social work in today’s society. It will first look at the different types of feminism that are present in society. It will then trace and highlight the emergence of feminism in society. This essay will then delve deeper into the different types of approaches that were taken on by feminists within the field of social work. It will discuss what effect these approaches had on society especially women. According to Hooks

  • The Four Approaches Of Feminist Therapy

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    orientation, race, culture, and many other factors. Feminist therapy accentuates that change in society is necessary instead of the need to adjust to society. I believe therapy should always enmesh individual, human, and equal rights. Individuals may come to therapy thinking something is wrong with when in reality, the society is the problem. Change in these instances can occur through guidance, awareness, empowerment, and social

  • Literary approaches

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    Literature •     Choose six of the following approaches and find one article for each approach. •     Writing:      One page per article      2 pgs summary Critical approaches important in the study of literature: MORAL/INTELLECTUAL •     Concerned with content and values •     Used not only to discover meaning, but also to determine whether works of literature are both true and significant. •     To study lit from this perspective is to determine whether a work conveys a lesson

  • Three Approaches to Coping with School Violence

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    We humans have always sought to increaseour personal energy in the only manner wehave known: by seeking to psychologically steal it from others—an unconscious competition that underlies all human conflict in the world. (James Redfield, 1993, The Celestine Prophecy, New York: Warner Books,65–66) Some school critics and statisticians have observed that drug-dealing, vandalism, robbery, and murder have replaced gum-chewing, “talking out of turn,” tardiness, and rudeness as the most chronic problems

  • Classical Approaches to Teaching English as a Second Language

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    I have been learning English for more than 10 years, but have never realized that there are so many different techniques and approaches to teach English as a second language. While studying, I have noticed that I had experienced some of them at the primary and secondary school. In this essay I would like to present my personal opinions and reflections about the approaches I encountered, the ways they were presented and exploited by my English teachers. First, I want to concentrate on the Grammar-Translation

  • Using Problem-Solving Approaches in Vocational Education

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    Using Problem-Solving Approaches in Vocational Education Problem Solving for Teaching and Learning Agricultural education has emphasized problem solving as a means of helping students to develop decision-making skills and teachers to alter their teaching methodology. The traditional method of problem solving for decision making reflects Dewey’s five-step model for learning, expanded to six steps by Newcomb, McCracken, and Warmbrod (Straquadine and Egelund 1992): (1) identification of the

  • Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality

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    The area of psychology with perhaps the most controversial history, due to it’s complete lacking of empirical evidence, psychoanalysis, has it’s origins in the teachings of Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalysis is a form of therapy developed by Freud in the early 1900’s, involving intense examinations into one’s childhood, thought to be the origins of most psychopathology which surfaced during adulthood. Ideas about the subconscious, which saw the human mind as being in continuous internal conflict

  • Traditional And Utilitarian Approaches To The Euthyphro Dilemma

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    Traditional And Utilitarian Approaches To The Euthyphro Dilemma In the Euthyphro, Plato describes the proceedings of a largely circular argument between Socrates and Euthyphro, a self-declared prophet and pious man, over the nature of piety and even of the gods themselves. The issues raised in this dialogue have been reinterpreted and extended to remain relevant even with a modern theological framework, so much so that the central issue is now known simply as ?the Euthyphro dilemma.? This is

  • Developmental Psychology Theoretical Approaches

    770 Words  | 2 Pages

    Overview Four theoretical approaches to cognitive development Piaget’s theory Information processing theories Core knowledge theories Sociocultural theories (Vygotsky) General Themes Nature and nurture Continuity vs. discontinuity Active vs passive child Nurture (environment, learning) John Locke (1632-1704) –Infant’s mind as “tabula rasa” Behaviorism (e.g. Watson, Skinner) Nurture (environment, learning) 'A child's mind is a blank book. During

  • Theoretical Approaches to Speech Production

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    Theoretical Approaches to Speech Production There are two main theories of Speech production, Spreading Activation Theory - SAT (Dell, 1986: Dell & O’Seaghdha, 1991) and Word- Form Encoding by Activation and Verification – WEAVER++ (Levelt et al., 1989: 1999). The SAT theory was devised by Dell (1986) then revised by Dell & O’Seaghda (1991). The theory works on a 4 level connectionist model: parallel and dynamic. The Semantic level is the meaning of what is going to be said. The Syntactic

  • Misguided Feminist Reaction to A Streetcar Named Desire

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    Misguided Feminist Reaction to A Streetcar Named Desire The dramatic climax of A Streetcar Named Desire, clearly illustrates the mastery of author Tennessee Williams. The brilliantly constructed text, with its tragic story and enticing characters, propels the reader to a point in which he becomes emotionally involved in the dynamics of Williams’ world. Unfortunately, many feminists are negatively affected by Williams’ captivating writing style. In turn, feminists have developed an array of very

  • Canterbury Tales Essay - Wife of Bath as an Attack on Married Life?

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    Canterbury Tales - Wife of Bath is Not an Attack on Women and Married Life Feminists have proposed that the Prologue of the Wife of Bath is merely an attack on women and married life. The Prologue is spoken by a woman with strong opinions on how married life should be conducted, but is written by a man. It is important to examine the purpose with which Chaucer wrote it. This is especially so as many of the pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales condemn themselves out of their own mouths, such as the

  • Sophocles’ Oedipus Cycle – Antigone, as a Feminist

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    Sophocles’ Oedipus Cycle – Antigone, as a Feminist Throughout history, women have always stood in the shadows of men. In many cultures, the role of women has always been to be seen and not heard. As one of the first feminists in world literature, the character Antigone, of Sophocles’ Oedipus Cycle, displays fine characteristics of a great female leader in order to stand up against male dominance for her religious, political, and personal beliefs. When the king denies her brother, Polynices,

  • Social Research

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    AISHA GITTENS-HIPPOLYTE Taking Two Of The Theoretical Approaches To Social Research Discussed In The Module, Demonstrate The Connections Between Their Ontological, Epistemological And Methodological Assumptions. Which Method Or Methods Would Proponents Of Each Theory Favour As A Result Of Their Assumptions. In order to understand the production of sociological knowledge one must first examine the thought processes that lay behind each piece of research. Before a particular subject matter is researched

  • Creative Writing in the Composition Classroom

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    Mixing Genres with Five Paragraphs.î English Journal 90 (Sept. 2000): 53-56. Elbow, Peter.Everyone Can Write.Oxford, U.K.: Oxford Univ. P, 2000. Flynn, Elizabeth.ìStrategic, Counter-Strategic, and Reactive Resistance in the Feminist Classroom.îInsurrections: Approaches to Resistance in Composition Studies. Ed. Andrea Greenbaum.Albany, NY: SUNY P, 2001. Fox, Dana L. and Cathy Fleischer.ìBeginning Words: Teaching and Writing Across Traditional Boundaries in English Education.îEnglish Education

  • new zealand politics 1984-1993

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    make them a fertile ground for comparative analysis. This essay shall compare industrial relations reform in Australia and New Zealand during the 1980s and 1990s, integrating both institutionalist and interest-based approaches. Within comparative politics there are two main approaches to the impact of economic change on national policy patterns. The first, new institutionalism has been very influential in comparative industrial relations. The second, which focuses on the role of interests, has also

  • Evaluating Our Responsibility to Future Generations

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    validity, even as little bearing, as the calculus of feeling or sentiment applied to the solution of Euclidian geometry." -- R. Heilbroner The above quote from Robert Heilbroner speaks well to my feeling after reading some of the theoretical approaches to the ethics of our "obligation to future generations" from this weeks readings. For example, I found Derek Parfit's essay to be particularly unfulfilling. He set out to find a formula "X" which was derived from logic and yet could provide us

  • Impact of the Media on Society

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    the main affects on today’s society - violence, prejudice, and sexual behavior. In order to understand how media can affect society or individuals, it is first necessary to look at different approaches that can be taken to analyze the media. According to the book Media Now, there are two main approaches that are used: the deductive approach and the inductive approach. The deductive approach is when a social scientist first comes up with theories or predictions through systematic observations of

  • Small Classrooms

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    poor academic and social performance, classes with students that are at-risk or classified cannot provide them with proper education and attention. However, in small classrooms, teachers have better management and use more interactive teaching approaches; and students perform academically higher and exhibit positive social skills. Thus, smaller class sizes with less than fifteen students provide a healthier learning environment than those with twenty or more. There are three major factors in