Feminine Roles Essays

  • Frankenstein: Shelley Use of Mascuine and Feminine Roles

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    Frankenstein: Shelley Use of Mascuine and Feminine Roles Shelley began writing ‘Frankenstein’ in the company of what has been called ‘her male coterie’, including her lover Percy Shelley, Lord Byron and his physician John Polidori. It has been suggested that the influence of this group, and particularly that of Shelley and Byron, affected her portrayal of male characters in the novel. As Ann Campbell writes: ‘[The] characters and plot of Frankenstein reflect . . . Shelley’s conflicted feelings

  • The Feminine Mystique: The Role Of Women

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    domestic caretakers for their husbands and children. Betty Friedan challenges the role of women in her book, “The Feminine Mystique,” by elaborating how women are capable of being more than just housewives. While Phyllis Schlafly, an Illinois lawyer and a devoted Catholic, opposes the idea of feminism for it destroys women’s responsibilities to their homes and their families. Friedan and Schlafly explicate the role of women in society, but from two different perspectives, one being a more liberal

  • Alcott and Hawthorne's Portrayal of Feminine Roles

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    completely pragmatic. After all, who better to raise and feed the family than the one who is responsible for giving life to them? Louisa May Alcott shows her primary female figure in Transcendental Wild Oats, Hope Lamb, in a strong traditional female role. Hope is arguably the strongest character in the story and serves as an alternative to the typical modern feminist society promotes today. In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Blithedale Romance, Zenobia is the heroine who to a great extend runs the commune

  • Construction of Feminine Gender Roles in Game of Thrones

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    best one’s between her legs. Learn how to use it.” In the following essay I will seek to establish the construction of feminine gender roles in ‘Game of Thrones’, the HBO television adaptation of George R. R. Martin’s series of novels ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’, which is played out in the fictional kingdom of Westeros. Consequently I will analyse these feminine gender roles from a materialistic viewpoint and discuss how a number of characters, principally female (since we will see how patriarchy

  • Search For Freedom in The Yellow Wallpaper

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    The “Yellow Wall-Paper” is a reflection of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s personal situations, regarding the protection of the rights of woman. She provides a critique on traditional feminine roles, and women’s desperation to get out of them. In the short story, the author depicts the idea that women conforming to the norms of society can be driven to destruction. Her criticism  of gender conflicts is portrayed through the journal entries of the narrator. In order to illustrate her feminist concerns

  • Gender Roles In Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique?

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    In Betty Friedan’s novel The Feminine Mystique, she addresses a problem deeply buried within women up until the beginning of the twenty-first century. A problem with no name, that makes women feel desolate and purposeless, forcing them to ask themselves “is this all?” Norma Jean toils with this very same question in Shiloh, a realistic fiction short story by Bobbie Ann Mason. The marriage of Norma Jean and her devoted, yet inactive husband Leroy falls to shambles when he gets injured from work, forcing

  • Images of Women in Sports

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    Images of Women in Sports Over the years the perception of women in sport has changed considerably. In this course we have viewed several films all dealing with the depiction of female athletes in an attempt to gauge society's current perception of women in sport. I will briefly summarize each film and the main themes of the films before providing a description of the female athlete which I will infer from commonalities between the films. The first film we watched was a documentary entitled

  • Feminine Mystique

    2020 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Problem That Has No Name The Feminine Mystique written by Betty Friedan was one of the first books that targeted the idealized image of an American woman at the time. The ideal image of an American woman, during the civil rights era, was a middle-class, college-educated housewife. Who's sole purpose was to happily take care of the home while the men focus their time on more pressing issues, such as the fast-paced world of business or the politics of the Russian conflict. These issues were simply

  • Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique and Sue Kaufman's Diary of a Mad Housewife

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    Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique and Sue Kaufman's Diary of a Mad Housewife Bettina Balser, the narrator of Sue Kaufman’s Diary of a Mad Housewife, is an attractive, intelligent woman living in an affluent community of New York City with her successful husband and her two charming children. She is also on the verge of insanity. Her various mental disorders, her wavering physical health, and her sexual promiscuity permeate her diary entries, and are interwoven among descriptions of the

  • Defining Beauty for Men and Women in Portraiture

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    Pedro Berruguete’s Portrait of Federico da Mentelfeltro, viewers can gain an understanding of the conceptual differences in definitions of masculine and feminine beauty during this period. Titian’s La Bella – Portrait of a Woman in a Blue Dress (1536) is a captivating example of Renaissance ritratto (portraiture) demonstrating ideals of feminine beauty. It presents the image of a vibrant young woman. With smooth, light skin tone and delicate rounded face the woman is clearly defined as an exceptional

  • Postwar Effects on Women

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    Postwar Effects on Women The "feminine mystique" that American culture promotes is entirely dependent upon its ideas, beliefs, and needs of the time. American culture has always tended to influence women into doing what the day and age required. After men went to war there was a gap in the work force that needed to be filled. During World War II women were the most available to join the work force. Due to the discouragement to raise families during the Great Depression and the fact that most

  • The Feminine Mystique

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    Betty Friedan, after experiencing feelings of depression, self-loathing, and dissatisfaction as a mother and housewife, published The Feminine Mystique in 1963. The book, which focused on the “problem that has no name,” promoted awareness of society’s pressure on women to be seen in a certain way, especially in advertising. As Joyce Hart points out in her essay, this propaganda told women that being a wife and mother was all there was to their lives, and that they had to find meaning by standing

  • Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique

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    Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique In Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan wrote about women's inequality from men to women's equality to men. She also wrote about women accepting the inequality to women fighting for equality. Friedan comes across to me as a woman with strong beliefs who puts a lot of effort and information in her book. I wasn't aware that this book would give such an extreme amount of information. Her writing style proves that she has been in a feminist movement. Her writing style shows

  • Betty Friedan Women's Impact On Society

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    Because of these egregious conjectures, Betty Friedan wrote The Feminine Mystique to further investigate the feeling of displeasure in being a housewife. Although The Feminine Mystique excluded African American and poverty-stricken women, the novel impacted American women and society through the creation of women’s groups, legal victories, and additional rights. The feminist movement started long before the publication of The Feminine Mystique. In 1848 the United States women’s movement was created

  • Review Of Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique

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    Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique asserted that women are suffering from “a problem that has no name”, which is describes the plight of women’s prescribed roles. (Dubois 542) Friedan’s wrote that women had a high potential and were being stagnated into their predefined traditional roles within society. The Feminine Mystique points out a differing viewpoint from women’s whose primary aspirations was to become a housewife and mother. Friedan writing was challenging the conventional expectation

  • Betty Friedan: Creative Work and Feminist Awakening

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    “The only way for a woman, as for a man, to find herself, to know herself as a person, is by creative work of her own”. Betty Friedan, feminist author and icon who’s most famous work came to be known as The Feminine Mystique (1963), was not always aware of the impact she would have on the feminist cause, but after requesting a maternity leave to raise her three children, she was terminated from her job and replaced by a man. This event made Friedan conscientious of the fact that women struggled

  • Anna Livia Plurabelle: The Lost Truth of Feminine Subjectivity

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    Anna Livia Plurabelle: The Lost Truth of Feminine Subjectivity The oppressed, repressed, and impressed subjectivity of feminism finds a new opportunity to assert its true self against the stultifying atmosphere of modernism and identity-oriented crisis of postmodern ambience by appealing to the unique characterization of Anna Livia Plurabelle which frequently oscillates phallocentrism and proves the me'connaissance of male selfism and female-otherness to establish a new doctrine based on the

  • Betty Friedan The Importance Of Work Essay

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    In her essay “The Importance of Work,” from The Feminine Mystique published in 1963, Betty Friedan dives into the multivariate equation of self identification, and how women must involve themselves in more advanced work in society to fulfill their full human identity. Friedan wrote this essay to communicate with women about how they must have purpose and ambition if they want to live up to their potential. Friedan graduated with highest honors from the University of California Berkeley, co-founded

  • Homeless Canadian Women

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    Introduction: Homeless Canadian women have issues accessing feminine hygiene products. There are as many as 235,000 Canadians experiencing homelessness, with 27% being women.1 Menstruation is unavoidable, and lacking the resources to cope with the monthly issue leaves homeless women vulnerable to certain diseases and prone to infection by resorting to homemade pads/tampons. Furthermore, a gap in research pertaining to this issue exists with very limited knowledge beyond the barriers to access. To

  • Life is But a Stage...

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    Life is But a Stage... This fall I performed the role of Stage Manager in the local high school production of Thornton Wilder's Our Town. Our director didn't cast the role as the traditional lead, white male that most productions use; we cut the role into two female parts of different race. Without the traditional portrayal to fall back on, we had to create our characters from scratch. The thought crossed my mind a few times that my character didn't really have a name. Certain names remind you