Female Relationships Essays

  • male and female relationships

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    Female vs. Male Friendships Male and female friendships are different and alike in many ways. They differ in how men and women can relate to each other both physically and emotionally. Men and women also differ in the communication aspect. In both friendships, there is a certain level of competitiveness, and the friends obviously will have the same interest in common. Friendships will differ from person to person because of the different personalities, but there will be the same likes and differences

  • Female Relationships in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway

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    Female Relationships in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway Clarissa Dalloway, the central character in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, is a complex figure whose relations with other women reveal as much about her personality as do her own musings. By focusing at length on several characters, all of whom are in some way connected to Clarissa, Woolf expertly portrays the ways females interact: sometimes drawing upon one another for things which they cannot get from men; other times, turning on each

  • Comparing Male and Female Relationships in Cat in The Rain and Hills Like White Elephants by Hemingway

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    Comparing Male and Female Relationships in Cat in The Rain and Hills Like White Elephants by Hemingway This relationship is examined closely in two short stories. The stories, Cat in The Rain, and Hills Like White Elephants, both show a man and a woman in what seems to be a quiet and passive moment. However in both stories, Hemingway carefully uses imagery and subtlety to convey to the reader that the relationship in the story is flawed, and is quite clearly dysfunctional. Both male characters

  • Male-Female Relationships in Shakespeare

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    Male-Female Relationships in Shakespeare The women of Shakespeare’s plays are a highly discussed topic by many critics. Shakespeare portrays various aspects of his female characters through their relationships with the men in their lives. Numerous Shakespearean females appear to be strong, independent characters and would not be perceived as such if it were not for their relationship or relationships with the men in their lives. Shakespeare likes to focus his attention on the relationships

  • The Realm of Sisterhood in Mary Leapor’s Poetry

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    encouragement has long been a source of discrepancy for her critics, and there exists a wide array of interpretations. The question lies within the definition of the female relationships she so wholeheartedly promotes. The varying interpretations include everything ranging from Leapor as promoting lesbianism, to simply promoting good female friendships. Adrienne Rich termed this range of womanly bonds the “lesbian continuum,” and explains it as the inclusive realm between “consciously desired genital

  • Passivity and Impotence in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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    allegory as Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Shelley's complex family dynamic - her conflicted relationship with her father, her need to please her mentor/husband with literary success, her infants' deaths - enhances the intrigue of the novel and suggests multiple themes and layered meanings. One discernible theme in Frankenstein is illuminated by the bold line that separates male character from female: The men inevitably fail the women whom they claim to love, but the women are maddeningly passive

  • How does Browning show the balance of power between men and women in

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    How does Browning show the balance of power between men and women in My Last Duchess and Porphryria's Lover? In these two poems Robert Browning shows the balance of power in male-female relationships. Both are very similar in the way that they portray the women having more power than they should have, and the men not having the power they think they should have. In the first poem, 'My Last Duchess', Browning shows the Duke not having full control over his wife, the Duchess. In the second

  • The Oppression of Women and The Yellow Wallpaper

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    The Oppression of Women and The Yellow Wallpaper The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a fictionalized autobiographical account that illustrates the emotional and intellectual deterioration of the female narrator who is also a wife and mother. The woman, who seemingly is suffering from post-partum depression, searches for some sort of peace in her male dominated world. She is given a “rest cure” from her husband/neurologist doctor that requires strict bed rest and an imposed reprieve

  • The Misleading Message of Chopin's The Storm

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    in name, and extramarital relationships were widely condemned in public. Thus, though Chopin had penned many other well-received pieces,  The Storm,  written after the highly controversial The Awakening, remained unpublished during her lifetime. That this particular work of Chopin s is more widely accepted today is perhaps a poor reflection on our society’s literary tastes, for The Storm  is neither a realistic depiction of life nor the results of male-female relationships. The main problem with

  • TheTaming of the Shrew: Organized Religion and Obedience

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    All popular organized religions have had a profound impact on male-female relationships. Each has a set of rules to be obeyed related to the roles of wives towards husbands and husbands towards wives. All seem to agree that in a marriage the wife must obey her husband. William Shakespeare in his play, The Taming Of The Shrew, explores this concept of obeying one's husband within the husband/wife relationship. The play challenges the current feminine attitude towards the marital vows of "honor

  • Binary Oppositions in Leda and the Swan

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    mightiest entities may suffer the consequences of their misuse of power. In "Leda and the Swan," the beauty of the swan is contrasted with the physical attributes of a swan who acts out his male animalistic power over his female prey, demonstrating the raw male and female relationships in nature. Swan are huge birds, and as pointed out in the Internet site "The Swan and Leda" (a poem on the same subject as "Leda and the Swan") "Swans, unlike most birds, have external genitals" (1). Thus, the swan is

  • The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell

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    THE WEDDING OF SIR GAWAIN AND DAME RAGNELL!!!!!! In the romantic story The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell, by an anonymous writer, the readers see how sovereignty plays an important role in male and female relationships in romances of the medieval period. Throughout the story, we see Sir Gawain as a charismatic, willing and noble knight who will do anything for his king. We also see Dame Ragnell as the "loathly lady" who asks from King Arthur for Sir Gawain to marry her. Dame Ragnell sees

  • Gay Stereotypes Essay

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    My name is Rob Geis, and I’m a male college student who happens to be gay. Now, I’m not an “oh-my-God!” gay, nor am I an “honey, that blouse is all wrong” gay, but for some reason that image gets stuck in people’s minds when I tell them that I am gay. In many ways, coming out was one of the most liberating experiences of my life. I‘m free to do whatever I want under the banner of homosexuality: I can wear skimpy, too-tight clothing that doesn’t suit me, put on makeup, act effeminate and cutesy

  • Sexual relationships between female slaves and their masters

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    They fought and died, but they also survived. The conditions of slaves that survived varied. How well were they treated depended on their owner and the type of work they did. However, in my paper I will discuss the life of slave women and their relationships with their white masters. Since the beginning of slavery gender and social relations shaped the lives of slave in such a way that slave women experiences were different from slave men. Did gender make a difference in how slave women were treated

  • Gender Roles in Society

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    Gender Roles in Society Suggested roles of all types set the stage for how human beings perceive their life should be. Gender roles are one of the most dangerous roles that society faces today. With all of the controversy applied to male vs. female dominance in households, and in the workplace, there seems to be an argument either way. In the essay, “Men as Success Objects”, the author Warren Farrell explains this threat of society as a whole. Farrell explains the difference of men and women

  • The Depiction of Male/Female Relationships in Tolstoy's War and Peace

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    a way of exploring the various types of love, and in general the interactions between men and women of the time. This essay will attempt to focus on these relationships in an effort to get a better idea of Tolstoy’s views on the proper roles that men and women should play as friends, lovers, or spouses. By exploring the male/female relationships among the noble families, a detailed picture of both the expectations and realms of acceptable behavior will be established. Pierre Bezhukov, the illegitimate

  • Girl Power: The Importance of Female Relationships in Jane Eyre

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    role model in her life, Helen Burns. Helen Burn is Jane’s eventual best friend. She is an intelligent, composed, and kind young woman. But more importantly, she is devoutly religious. Her steadfast faith in God provides Jane an exemplary model of a female Christian. Helen teaches Jane important aspects of Christianity that influence her later life decisions. The first thing Helen does is tell Jane to read the New Testament on follow Christ’s example. “Love your enemies; bless them that curse you,”

  • Girl Power: The Importance of Female Relationships in Jane Eyre

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    The novel starts begins with Jane’s childhood years at Gateshead, the home of the Reeds. At Gateshead, Jane is emotionally and physically abused by her aunt Mrs. Reed and her cousins. Mrs. Reed makes her dislike for Jane obvious by treating Jane like a burden and keeping children from interacting with Jane. In her absence, Mrs. Reed’s children, particularly John, continue to bully poor Jane. In the beginning of the novel, Jane defends herself against John, but this act ends up getting herself sent

  • Lockie Leonard And Lex And Rory

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    Lockie Leonard and Lex and Rory English Lockie Leonard and the film Lex and Rory promote the same issues as each other, especially concerning male/female relationships. The issues are showed differently. The woman is the one who is pressured into having a sexual relationship. In this case it is the male who is pressured into having a sexual relationship. As this happens different views, feelings and emotions are shown by the way they deal with the choices they make. Both Lex and Rory are presented

  • The Importance of Point of View in Kate Chopin’s Fiction

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    Bayou Folk and A Night in Acadie, her short story collections published before The Awakening, and the other short stories she published separately. The only reasonable explanation is that people misinterpreted Chopin’s short stories about male/female relationships as sentimental and witty stories rather than serious condemnations of the social order that left women so little choice while giving men little restriction. This misinterpretation even occurs today. In classes I have taken that cover Chopin