Exposing Truth Essays

  • Exposing Truth in Arthur Miller's, Death of a Salesman and Henry David Thoreau's, Walden Pond

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    Exposing Truth in Arthur Miller's, Death of a Salesman and Henry David Thoreau's, Walden Pond Poor Willy, the reader bemoans, he just couldn't get his act together. Willy Loman, Death of a Salesman's central character, is one of Arthur Miller's most intriguing personalities. He spends the whole play vacillating between two dreams: his idealistic wish for success and worldly gain, and his unconscious desire for a simple life in the country. This internal conflict results in the destruction of

  • Muckrakers: Exposing the Truth

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    Muckrakers” as Mitford was titled. Being a muckraker means nothing more than exposing truth. The Bill of Rights guarantees free speech to all Americans, and muckrakers are not abusing their power if they simply write what they know. While those opposed to muckraking might claim that journalists are not writing the truth, they are mistaken because muckraking is not the spreading of lies. Muckraking is exposing hidden truths, going to whatever means necessary to do so. Adversaries of muckraking may argue

  • Exposing the Falseness of Truth in On the Nature of the Universe

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    Exposing the Falseness of Truth in On the Nature of the Universe Truth is in the eye of the beholder. Or is it? Questions regarding the nature of truth have always been central to not only philosophers, but all men (and women, of course) who possess any desire for knowledge. For while truth itself is an elusive concept, it is also the underlying theme of all science -- which is the basis of knowledge -- and so the seeker of learning must first discover his own truth about the world; without

  • Exposing the Truth in Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong

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    Exposing the Truth in Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong "Dear Mom and Dad: The war that has taken my life, and many thousands of others before me, is immoral, unlawful, and an atrocity," (letter of anonymous soldier qtd. In Fussell 653). Tim O'Brien, a Vietnam war vet, had similar experiences as the soldier above. Even though O'Brien didn't die, the war still took away his life because a part of him will never be the same. Even in 1995, almost thirty years after the war, O'Brien wrote, "Last

  • Exposing the Truth in A Streetcar Named Desire

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    and stretches it beyond the clearly stated meaning to the point that it skews her criticism. Tischler proclaims Blanche and Stella to be “some of the fin... ... middle of paper ... ...iences don’t want realism or the truth. Ultimately, everyone seeks some kind of magic or truth as it ought to be, and not the sad rattle-tap streetcar named reality. And then, Sometimes––––there’s meaning–––so quickly! (Williams 2339). Works Cited Costa, Francisco. “There was something different about the boy:

  • I Am Queer

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    against any attempt at definition. This was Wigstock, a festival of drag and a window into the recent disappearance of "Truth" from the West's intellectual landscape. I walked into this wonderland unassumingly and was sucked into its surreal reality. It turned out to be the perfect introduction to my studies at NYU because it showed me just how slippery, and ultimately untenable "Truth" can be. I came to this city and this school for many reasons, but one of them was because I am gay, and I wanted to

  • Susan Crile: Exposing War's Truths Through Art

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    Susan Crile; Depicting Violence “America has been at war ninety percent of the time since 1776; 22 out of 239 years. We have an image of ourselves as out of touch with the reality of our military history, and we are on denial that we are waring nations. Gore Vidal said it well; we are on perpetual war for perpetual peace.” These were the first words said by Susan Crile during the discussion moderated by Harold Holzer, Director of the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College. During

  • Privacy: Security, Confidentiality, or Convenience?

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    there has been acts from Congress to regulate the use the Internet such as the Communications Decency Act in 1996 and the Child Online Protection Act in 1998. These acts aim to forbid Internet users from displaying offensive speech to users or exposing children of indecent materials. The Internet raises other issues that people might have. The biggest and most debatable topic is the privacy issue. Is the Internet a safe place to protect personal information such as financial information, medical

  • Media Violence

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    Many can debate that children are definitely affected by the movies, television shows, book and video games that the entertainment business throws at them. For too many people, violence is an ordinary way to be entertained. One can argue that, exposing children to violence can make them less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others, more fearful of them world around them, and more willing to act aggressively. The issue proposed, states that once a child is exposed to such things as the video

  • Exposing Children To Profanity

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    The United States Constitution gives Americans many rights. One of those rights is the freedom of speech. A controversy has erupted in the United States because the government is unable to determine the limitations on this right. "In early America when our forefathers wrote the Constitution, profanity was not accepted" (Shoeder 72). This makes determining the true definition of "speech" difficult. A majority of people believe profanity is an acceptable form of language. These people feel that they

  • Truth Be Told: Socrates' Examinations of Life

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    settling for simple, mundane answers. Socrates would rather die searching for the truth than live accepting what he considered a blatant lie. I like to think of myself the same way. I too would rather examine the wonders of life rather than accept what I am just told. The truth is some can’t handle the truth. I on the other hand welcome it with earnest anticipation and fervent enthusiasm. The pursuit of truth, just as Socrates, has always been a distinguishing part of who I am and what I regard

  • An Enemy of the People

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    The play An Enemy of the People focuses on the truth and how different characters reveal their feelings about it. Each character is motivated by different things so act in a certain way. Therefore they end up in conflicts due to their opposing views about the truth of the Baths. For example, the Mayor acts the way he does because he’s motivated by money. Doctor Stockmann tries to expose the truth because of his concern of the public’s health and because he believes he’s doing the right thing. Katherine

  • Tristan's Search For Truth In 'Stardust'

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    Walk into a dark room, flip a switch, and viola—light—if only discovering the “switch” to shine truth into the world and extinguish falsehoods was as simple. In Stardust, Tristan, the protagonist, learns how to find his light—through truth—and eventually how to shine brighter—through love. Tristan’s journey into love, riddled with adversaries, shepherd him into a man of integrity. Throughout this adventure, one thing remains constant, light washes away darkness. Tristan's remark, “I find the fastest

  • How Does Photography Portray Truth?

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    Chapter 4: Images and Truth representation 4.1 History of manipulation Photography was recognized as the perfect documentary medium because the mechanical nature of the medium when it was first introduced approximately 150 years ago, because it ensured unadulterated, exact replicas of the subject matter. The technological advances of cameras and the subsequent development of photojournalism led to clearer, more realistic photos. With a lighter, transportable camera, photojournalists can now take

  • Objectivity: Bob Woodward Of The Washington Post

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    criticized and often inconclusive, the idea of objectivity has long been strived for in the hopes of promoting the ‘truth’ and upholding the interest of the public. Michael Bugeja a Journalism professor at the Iowa State University defines it as ‘seeing the world as it is, not how [one wishes] it was”, Bob Woodward of the Washington Post sees it as a way that can trip us on the way to “truth” (Cunningham, 2008) and writer George Orwell saw it as an intellectual honesty and balanced judgment that seemed

  • Dehumanization In Michael Bay's Film, The Island

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    people have the right to play God and cheat death? These are just two questions that are brought to light in Michael Bay’s thriller, The Island. This film focuses on the two main protagonists, Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta, as they learn the truth about what happens at the research facility they are housed at. Those accompanying Lincoln and Jordan in the facility believe that the outside world has been contaminated, making it unsuitable for human life. The community is centered around winning

  • The Modern Language In Plato's The Apology

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    Plato’s The Apology is a hand-written recording of Socrates’ speech made at the trial in which he is charged with not recognizing the “gods” that are recognized by the state. Therefore, he is corrupting the youth of Athens. Socrates' speech, however, does not really mean an "apology" in terms of the modern language. The name “Apology” is a Greek word for "apologia," which means “defense”. And so in The Apology, Socrates attempts to defend himself and certainly did not mean to apologize for what he

  • The Role of the Inspector

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    get the complete truth out of them before he moves on. The other characters find this strange, and Birling demands to see the picture, which shows that they are not used to being treated like this. In 1912 Inspectors would have felt the need to do as the family requested, as the family were so influential, but the Inspector does not seem intimidated by Birling, which he is unaccustomed to. The Inspector also has the role of showing the negative aspects of the family, and exposing the expense at

  • What Is The Mood Of We Are The Driving Ones By Rainer Maria Rilke

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    beyond the surface, readers may be able to discover deeper meanings in his poems—perhaps subliminal messages. In “We Are the Driving Ones” by Rainer Maria Rilke, the hidden focal point revolves around life-advice and the passage of wisdom, through exposing readers to their innate abilities of freedom, yet making them aware of the uncontrollable inevitabilities that “rest” throughout the course of life. Appearing to be sentimental and a reflection of the discoveries in Rilke’s life journey, the language

  • Degeneration Of Power In Citizen Kane

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    21st century, the media still has power over the public, even more so than what is seen in Citizen Kane, as there are many more forms of media than just the newspaper. Citizen Kane is largely concerned with exposing the deceit and manipulation inherent in the media. Welles’ statement on ‘truth’ in the media is perhaps best summed up in Kane’s line: “Don’t believe everything you hear on the radio. Read The Inquirer.” Other than the obvious self-aware irony of this line, given by the founder of The