Exculpatory evidence Essays

  • Exculpatory Evidence Essay

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    discovered evidence. To make the claim of newly discovered evidence, the defendant must show that the evidence was unknown at the time of trial and is so important that it would change the outcome of the case. Evidence that is relative and material to the elements of the charge is crucial to bring forth. This is an opportunity where forensics can play an extremely critical role in the post-conviction process; which is further elaborated in detail. When a prosecutor fails to disclose exculpatory evidence

  • Argumentative Essay On Ghomeshi

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    On Thursday, October 23, 2014, Jian Ghomeshi addressed the nation for what would be the last Q of his career, although he may not have known it at the time. The speech he read on that day spoke against the shootings on Parliament Hill: “This is not what we do, who we are,” he said. He referred to Canada as “an open, progressive, inclusive land of peace and order.” He addressed Ottawa: “A nation is grateful. A nation is thinking of you. I’m Jian Ghomeshi. This is Q.” His words seem ironic now, seeing

  • Exculpatory Evidence In Court Cases

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    Defendants have the right to all exculpatory and mitigating evidence in the state's possession during the discovery process, which has been the procedure for the last half century. During the discovery phase of the Morton case, the only files that were turned over to Morton’s lawyers were crime scene photos and an autopsy report. Anderson kept everything else back, including the notes from the lead investigator Sergeant Don Wood, and Morton’s oral statements that were taken by Woods and Sheriff

  • Exculpatory Evidence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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    I am appalled by the jury's decision. At no time during this trial did any evidence point towards Tom's guilt, at least no evidence that wasn't twisted. The reason for his ‘guilt’ is simple, it's because the people of this town are infected. They are infected with hatred and racism and their disease causes those around them to suffer. The first piece of exculpatory evidence was Mayella's eye. Her right eye was, as they said, banged up. The location of the bruise was confirmed by both Mr. Heck Tate

  • Call of the wild

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    The Call of the Wild: Life lessons that are learned and thought Introduction As a student in Introduction to Literature I have had the opportunity to engage in reading and writing from the books listed: The Call of the Wild, Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s, and I know why the cage bird sings. These books have taught me that a message could be delivered in many perspectives. I have learned that a book is more than a story being told. It is up to the reader imagination to take then to that magical

  • Destiny, Fate, and Free Will in Oedipus the King

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    Predestination in Oedipus Rex Some people say that there is no way to control your own life, that your life has been planned out for you ahead of time and there is nothing you can do to escape this fate. Others believe that your life is a matter of choice, and what happens to you during your life is a result of your actions. The story of Oedipus Rex by Sophocles seems to prove truth in both of these statements, that there is a life predetermined for you yet you can alter your life, but

  • The Egg and the Sperm

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    Gender stereotypes have existed since the beginning of modern man. We've all heard them before; male dominance and female weakness, a controlled male and a flustered female, aggression and passion, and many others that all basically boil down to the same thing. Emily Martin, in her essay entitled The Egg and the Sperm, takes this problem of gender stereotype to a new and much more serious level. As an anthropologist, Martin is concerned with the socio-cultural impacts on many different aspects

  • Criminal Evidence

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    Evidence is the key element in determining the guilt or innocence of those accused of crimes against society in a criminal court of law. Evidence can come in the form of weapons, documents, pictures, tape recordings and DNA. According to the American Heritage College dictionary, evidence is the documentary or oral statements and the material objects admissible as testimony in a court of law (476). It is shown in court as an item of proof, to impeach or rehabilitate a witness, and to determine a sentence

  • Skeptical Thinking

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    validates the facts (Sagan, 1997). In order to establish that the facts are honest, there must be evidence in the argument that confirms without a doubt that the facts are correct. This is what makes this tool so useful. It takes away some of the doubt you may have had in an idea if the facts in it are backed up with proof. For example, a scientist has a theory, but has no evidence to support it. With no evidence, this scientist has no way of showing that his theory is valid. Another tool that I found

  • Creon In Oedipus The King

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    1. Creon appears in order to refute Oedipus’ theory that he has conspired to overthrow Oedipus from his kingship. This is revealed when he states to the people of Thebes, “My fellow-citizens, I hear King Oedipus/levels terrible charges at me/I had to come,” (OT.573-574). Creon divulges the fact that he has to come in response to Oedipus’ accusations. 2. Creon points out that he has an equal third (the other two thirds belonging to Oedipus and Jocasta) in governing Thebes. This is exhibited when

  • Demonology as an Excuse for Child Cruelty by Parents

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    Demonology is the study of demons or beliefs about demons. The criminal can be viewed as a sinner or possessed by demons. In this theory, people use demons as an excuse on why they committed a crime. This does not hold up in court because there is no hard evidence to prove this. A lot of the time, people who claim demonology, get pushed to an insanity plea. Demonology is not just about demons though, it can be used as a person or group of people that are seen as evil. “MONSTERS: Evil parents jailed for life

  • The Other You: Dopplegangers

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    people have claimed to have seen their exact double. Doppelgangers are still a mystery, we don’t know if they are factual or not. For all we know and the stories shown on the internet it could be all fictitious they’re still hasn’t been scientific evidence to prove this paranormal sighting. There could still be an incredibly long time waiting for this to be proven. “Sightings and reports have been around for centuries and a great deal of superstition has developed around them.” Mistaken identities

  • Critical Analysis Of Outliers By Malcolm Gladwell

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    He has a good sense of writing as he makes research interesting, attracting readers to keep reading. To illustrate his opinions, Gladwell uses various evidences: Einstein Evidence, Example Evidence, Fact Evidence and Undocumented Evidence. Those evidences make his statements strong and convincing. For example, Gladwell writes the story of the ethnic theory of the Korean plane crashes happened before 1999. Without Gladwell’s discovery, how many people

  • Reflection Paper

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    I displayed evidence through surveys on real people and incorporated it into my work. I evaluated the research I gathered to for a different style of writing. In the paper, Success in the eyes of Athletes, I conducted a more persuasive outlook on why it meant this. It

  • 12 Angry Men In Trifles

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    there was no physical evidence she was to blame. As a juror in this court I believe Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale should be held accountable for their lack of judgement which caused them to withheld evidence that link directly at Mrs. Wright making her guilty for murdering her husband. Although, it is quite clear Mrs. Wright was mentally unstable which lead her to kill her husband; and leaving Mrs. Wright without the proper mental care she should have received if all the evidence would have been submitted

  • Popsugar Target Audience

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    website I chose to analyze is Popsugar. The primary rhetorical purpose of this website is to inform, but also to alter perception. The controlling idea or thesis is to keep viewers aware of what is occurring within popular culture and perhaps change the way the audience thinks about a subject. The website is separated by celebrities, fashion, fitness, beauty, love, moms, living, career, food, Latina, news and video. By separating the website into these categories, the website makes their purpose

  • Summary: The Nazis Concentration Camps

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    conformity is how the prisoners were minimized to a number in Auschwitz. Primo describes the tattoos placed on prisoners reflected their entry number, and the lower the number the longer they have been held prisoner. Hara Volovich’s story acts as evidence that the camp administrators tried to wipe individuality out from the birth. Volovich tells how porridge was shoved down the throats of the children to save time on feeding

  • Analysis Of Is Google Making USupid By Nicholas Carr

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    Relating back to my thesis, it seems like the use of electronic devices is something that is a definitely a growing issue. And while Carr does not have all the evidence in the world to prove his point, he does have enough to back up what he is saying. Carr is able to use a relatable topic to help draw discussion on something that may be an issue in the future. Also, another strong point in this article, is the fact

  • Kim Possible Summary

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    Kim was charged with felony murder and was sent to jail. Then she unexpectedly for the detectives later recanted her whole story. Trainum needed more evidence that it was indeed Kim that night. He received a subpoena, and went to the homeless shelter to get a log of people coming in and going out of the home. One of the most important pieces of evidence was this log which revealed that Kim was not out during the necessary times to commit the murder. Which brings Trainum to his next idea regarding the

  • Maycomb’s madness of Racism, in to Kill a Mockingbird

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    Every town has problems and the town of Maycomb from the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee is no different. Maycomb citizens are put forth with social problems created from racism. As a result of racism, physical abuse was plentiful in the town of Maycomb. The citizens of Maycomb were caught up in a cycle of racial discrimination, proving that racism does not benefit anyone. The citizens of Maycomb deal with many social issues due to the conflict of racism. Social out casting is a result