Evolutionary Biology Essays

  • The Evolutionary Biology Of Cancer

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    you. Now picture yourself in the alternative knowing that the disease can be based down to you and your offspring and there are effective treatments in place. These are the studies that are being done in evolutionary biology of cancer and scientists are making great progress. Ecology and Evolutionary Biologists claim that natural selection has a factor in the genetics of cancer. The theory of evolution, Darwinism, explains the idea that species by natural selection advance and others do not. To explain

  • Evolutionary Developmental Biology

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    Evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo) was instituted in the early 1980s as a distinctive field of study to characterise the new synthesis of evolution hypothesis (Müller, 2007). Evo-devo is regarded as a new rule in evolutionary biology and a complement to neo-Darwinian theories. It has formed from the combination of molecular developmental biology and evolutionary molecular genetics; their integration has helped greatly to understand both of these fields. Evo-devo as a discipline has been

  • Evolutionary Biology: Unraveling Human Nature

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    Origin of Species. Evolutionary biology can us an understanding of human nature and how it impacts throughout our daily lives. It could help us reach our goals, choose a

  • Statement Of Purpose For A Career In Ecology And Evolutionary Biology

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    second highest mark in Biology among students throughout India, in the Final Board Examinations, I confidently chose the field of Biotechnology as my Undergraduate Program in the Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, affiliated to the Anna University (Chennai). This choice enabled me to learn the major techniques, study the variety of course offerings in the Biology concentration and use them for research that would help me in my career in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology & in my Masters. Being

  • Evolutionary Biology: The Concept Of Transitional Species In Evolutionary Biology

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    The concept of transitional species is an important and complex notion in evolutionary biology. To begin with, there is no such thing as transitional species since all living things were always evolving in the past, not stopping at one stage or another, and they will continue to evolve in the future. In terms of evolutionary biology, we use the concept of transitional species as a way to dim ambiguity. Much like the use of the Linnean taxonomic system of species, we come up with concepts like transitional

  • Practical Applications of Evolutionary Biology

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    with modification helped shape the theory of evolution which holds as much weight as the theory of relativity per se. Evolutionary biology is the science devoted to understanding how populations change through time in response to modifications of their environment and how new species come into being by studying adaptation and diversity (Freeman and Herron 2004). Evolutionary biology has proved that all organisms have evolved from a common ancestor over the last 3.5 billion years. There is a common

  • Evolutionary Biology Of Aging Essay

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    Aging, as described in the book “Evolutionary Biology of Aging” is a: “Persistent decline in the age-specific fitness components of an organism due to internal physiological deterioration” (Rose, 1991). The fact of the matter is that as human beings, and ultimately, living things, our bodies deteriorate as we advance in age and it becomes more and more noticeable to others as we grow older. What Rose was saying is that our bodies experience significant physical changes in our later years especially

  • Pluralism with Multiple Methods of Adaptation

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    Pluralism with Multiple Methods of Adaptation Gould and Lewontin present an argument criticizing the way evolutionary science solely relies on adaptations in the current environment. Their argument, known as pluralism, asserts that evolutionary biology continues on the path adaptationism without ever exploring other methods. Gould and Lewontin propose several alternative approaches, the fourth of which states that an identical trade into different organisms of the same species can be led to in different

  • The Pros And Cons Of Natural Selection

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    Millstein, a scientists experimenting with species of beetles, argued that each of these positions could be right in one way, but wrong in another in that natural selection takes place at the level of populations, but it is a causal process when done this way (2006). Arguments between scientists are often if natural selection acts on a population level or an individual level (Millstein, 2006). Dealing with this issue of levels, the difference between the two arguments can be shown by an example of

  • Evolution Argument

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    Over the last 150 years, evolutionary theory has completely refined people’s understanding of changes in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over time, and this theory has now become a unifying concept of the life sciences. In 1859, through his book The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin proposed that organisms evolve over time to adapt to their environment and therefore achieve longevity and success as a species at large. Moreover, Darwin was able to support his theory with significant

  • Analysis Of The Panda's Thumb, By Stephen Jay Gould

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    Jay Gould (1941-2002) was a paleontologist and his technical research was in the field of evolutionary biology. Steven Gould along with Niles Eldredge developed the theory of punctuated equilibrium ("Stephen Jay Gould"). This theory is a revision of Darwinian theory. Darwinian theory suggests that evolution change occurs slowly over time. The theory of punctuated equilibrium speculated that evolutionary changes does not occur slowly, but rather in rapid bursts over short periods of time; short

  • The Difference Between Genes And Memes

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    There must be very few people from biology or evolutionary background who are not aware of the work of Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin proposed that evolution occurs through the process of natural selection. Natural selection is the process by which species adapt to their environment in order to survive. Species evolve from one to the next through random genetic mutation, if the said mutation is beneficial then it is preserved and is passed down to the next generation to help with the survival of

  • Science And Religion In Edward O. Wilson's Intelligent Evolution

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    Edward O. Wilson, in his essay Intelligent Evolution, diagnoses the gap between science and religion as “tectonic” (556), and predicts its continuous expansion. Obviously, the widest chasm appears in the field of biology: evolution versus creation. Evolutionary science sees life as a consequence of blind chances, while Abrahamic religion views life as a creation of God. After all, is it possible for evolution or creation to become the “correct” explanation, prevailing over the other? Wilson claims

  • Guns, Germs, and Steel, by Jared Diamond

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    “History followed different courses for different peoples because of differences among peoples’ environments, not because of biological differences among people themselves.”(Diamond 25) This statement is the thesis for Jared Diamond’s book Guns Germs and Steel the Fates of Human Societies. Diamond wrote this book to answer the question of a New Guinean politician, Yali. He asked “Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little

  • Darwinism Essay

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    Darwinism Darwinism, the theory of evolution, is a controversial theory that is still being contemplated today. Before the 19th century scientist were puzzled by the idea of where humans, plants, and animals originated. In the late 1700s the question was first tried by a group of scientist, but they were not successful. It was not until a young Charles Darwin found interest in the subject that the discovery was finally able to become a theory. His observations led to his theory of evolution by natural

  • The Evolutionary Biology Of Evil Paul Thompson

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    that evil is biological. According to this view, evil has evolved through a process called natural selection and is part of human nature. My own view is that evil has evolved into human nature, but is enhanced by morality. In his article “The Evolutionary Biology of Evil,” Paul Thompson agrees with the Darwinian theory of evil which is that evil is brought up through natural selection. Thompson himself writes, “They [the concept

  • The Language Behind Dawkins’ Selfish Gene Theory

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    Dawkins' theory about the selfish gene, where he claims that the most basic unit of humanity, the gene, is a selfish entity unto itself that exists outside the realm of our individual good and serves its own distinct purpose. Dawkins looks at the evolutionary process, how DNA replicates in forming human life, and the possibility that there is a social parallel to genetics, where human traits can be culturally transmitted. Dawkins, in the excerpts that Barlow has chosen, uses heavily metaphoric language

  • Charles Darwin and Human Evolution in Intelligence

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    The great and famous Charles Darwin is still remembered today after almost 2 centuries had passed. He was one of the most significant scientists to change how we view this world. Life, as we know it, was changed by Charles Darwin. But I don’t believe that looking at the present will help in any way so I will take back to the past. It is a fact that throughout history people have always believed in some sort of god. Some religions were weak and have come and gone, where others have come and stayed

  • The Selfish Gene Richard Dawkins

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    other individuals. In addition, he writes of how Darwin explains how to pass on genes, generation after generation, through offspring. Everyone knows of Darwin’s theory of evolution, but Dawkins tries to introduce a particular interpretation of the evolutionary process. He believes that evolution should not be studied at the level of singular individuals or groups, but instead at the level of genes. He also believed that there are two main characteristics of genes manifested during the struggle for survi

  • Cavefish Vs Minnow Research Paper

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    and whales are found in water, it may have been rising sea levels or weather changes that could have prompted the evolution. The evolution of a fish and whale do interact with each, as both evolve independently, but it just so happened that the evolutionary lines encountered similar environment