Evil Eye Essays

  • The Evil Eye

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    Object Description The evil eye dates back to over a thousand years ago. The earliest known indication of it dates back to the classical period, in Ancient Greece and Rome. Besides being mentioned in ancient Greek and Roman texts, it is almost mentioned in texts such as the Bible and the Quran (Radford). It holds the same meaning no matter where or how the story is told to define it. It is a mischievous look that many cultures believe it is able to cause harm and/or bad luck towards the person it

  • Evil Eye and Curanderismo in the Mexican-American Culture

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    (predecessors) are considered Don Pedrito Jaramillo, Teresita, and Niño Fidencio. These people were not all from the same time period (era) the common belief shared was to rid the patient as he or she is called of an illness whose roots come from evil or evil doing done (performed) by someone else. This system of belief is not to be confused with brujeria or witchcraft as that is an entirely other belief system with its own credos. Here each healer or cuandero uses individual methods to heal though

  • The Evil Eye in The Tell-Tale Heart

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    The Evil Eye in The Tell-Tale Heart In Edgar Allen Poe's Short story "The Tell-Tale Heart" much is made of the "evil eye" of the old man. Immediately we are introduced to a man who would never hurt a fly. The narrator of the story even goes so far as to say he loved the old man. This old man is portrayed as one who would do anything for you. However, the caretaker of the old man has one small problem with the old man. The eye that darn evil eye! What could cause a person to become enraged by

  • The Complexity of Evil in Morison´s The Bluest Eye

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    The book The Bluest Eye is a real representation of what Morison the author thought growing up as a black girl in a city in Georgia was like. She wanted to be as realistic as she could, the point of the novel is not to be some heart-warming story about how a young black girl can rise up in the Georgia neighborhood that she lived in. But about the hard and confusing life of a black girl. There was no true hero and there was no goal but just a girl trying to understand the world in which she lives

  • The Bluest Eye - Pecola as a Victim of Evil

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    The Bluest Eye - Pecola as a Victim of Evil By constructing the chain of events that answer the question of how Pecola Breedlove is caste as a pariah in her community, Toni Morrison in The Bluest Eye attempts to satisfy the more difficult question of why. Although, unspoken, this question obsessively hovers over Pecola throughout the novel and in her circular narrative style Morrison weaves a story that seeks to answer this question by gathering all of the forces that were instrumental in the creation

  • Evil of Fulfillment in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye

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    Evil of Fulfillment The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison, tells the sordid story of Pecola, a young colored girl, as she struggles to attain beauty, desperately praying for blue eyes. Depicting the fallacies in the storybook family, Morrison weaves the histories of the many colored town folk into the true definition of a family. Through intense metaphor and emotion, the ugliness of racial tension overcomes the search for beauty and in turn the search for love. Pecola, a twelve year old from a broken

  • Evil is In the Eyes of the Beholder: "The Scarlet Letter", by Nathaniel Hawthorne

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    the wrong thing. They break the rules and do things their way. Everyone is classified in one group or the other, and is always thought to be good or bad. In the novel, The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Pearl is evil. Pearl is doomed from the beginning to be evil. “In giving her existence, a great law [is] broken.” (80) Pearl’s evilness is ultimately credited from her roots. Hester’s sin caused Pearl to be corrupt even before she was born. As a punishment to her mother, Pearl has

  • The Narrator in The Tell-Tale Heart

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    obsession with the old man's eye culminates in his own undoing as he is engulfed with internal conflict and his own transformation from confidence to guilt. The fixation on the old man's vulture-like eye forces the narrator to concoct a plan to eliminate the old man. The narrator confesses the sole reason for killing the old man is his eye: "Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees - very gradually - I made up my mind to rid myself of the eye for ever" (34). The narrator

  • Hmong

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    in dry grassland with short growing seasons. Although they do eat/grow crop it is very little. Milk is one of the main foods of the Nuer. Both cultures sacrifice animals to heal souls. The Hmong believe in the dab as the evil spirit, the Nuer believe in the evil eye. The evil eye is a person with supernatural power who causes damage to people who look at them. For the Hmong the most common cause of illness is soul lo...

  • Symbolism and Irony in The Tell-Tale Heart

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    Julian Symons suggests that the murder of the old man is motiveless, and unconnected with passion or profit (212). But in a deeper sense, the murder does have a purpose: to ensure that the narrator does not have to endure the haunting of the Evil Eye any longer. To a madman, this is as good of a reason as any; in the mind of a madman, reason does not always win out over emotion. Edward H. Davidson insists that emotion had a large part to play in the crime, suggesting that the narrator suffers

  • The Role of the Supernatural in Thomas Hardy's Writing

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    substance, his skin takes on a reddish hue and thus, red associating him with the devil, he becomes the "boogeyman " of the rustic people. Other examples of superstition include the evil eye, the magic of a sixpence, and dairy witchcraft. In his 1901 interview with Archer, Hardy stated that "The belief in the evil eye subsists in full force." Johnny Nunsuch of The Return of the Native felt safe as he carried his sixpence because the coin was supposed to bring good luck and protect against witchcraft

  • Importance of Setting in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

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    between two rivals. In the novel Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte uses setting to establish contrast, to intensify conflict, and to develop character. The people and events of Wuthering Heights share a dramatic conflict. Thus, Bronte focuses on the evil eye of Heathcliff's obsessive and perpetual love with Catherine, and his enduring revenge to those who forced him and Catherine apart. The author expresses the conflict of Wuthering Heights with great intensity. Hence, she portrays a combination of crucial

  • Nature vs. Society in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter

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    be her natural self. Chapter 18 states, “She undid her clasp that fastened the scarlet letter and taking it from her bosom through it among the withered leaves (1441).” After taking off the letter in her place of freedom she was clean of society’s evil eye against her. “O exquisite relief! She had not known the weight until she felt the freedom (1442).” Hester Prynne’s daughter Pearl also proves the burdens of society can be overcome with the beauty of nature. In The Scarlet Letter Pearl exemplifies

  • Hakim Bey, Chaos: The Broadsheets of Ontological Anarchism

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    Such is the fast-paced world and style of Hakim Bey’s writings. Sporadic and rarely rounded up for interrogation, Bey’s Ontological Anarchism pervades all his writings, on topics as varied as “Islam and Eugenics”[1], “The Information War”[2], “The Evil Eye”[3], a critique of multiculturalism[4], and Celtic-African entheogens[5]. Hakim Bey’s zine writings and early 90’s hipsterism have made him known to some as “The Marco Polo of the Subunderground”[6] and a counter-cultural guru to many more. With

  • Informative Essay: The Evil Eye

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    The Evil Eye Spilling coffee, losing your wallet, getting into a car accident; to most Western cultures these are all brushed off as moments of misfortune, but to many others, these moments are seen as a result of a curse,“the evil eye”. The evil eye is believed to be cast by a glare, usually given to a person who’s completely unaware. According to a 1976 cross-cultural survey conducted by folklorist John Roberts, 36% of cultures believe in the evil eye, and as a result of this belief they have

  • The Horror of The Tell-Tale Heart

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    light and darkness, the description of the mans eye and the time frame make the story more scary than anything else. Poe also uses suspense at the end to make the readers heart beat faster. The speaker starts the story out by explaining that he doe not hate the old man that he is about to kill. In fact he even says that he loves him and that he has always been nice to him. The reason he must kill him however is because of what he calls his evil eye. When he describes it one can only have the feel

  • Tell Tale Heart

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    was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old man. He had never wronged me....For his gold I had no desire. I think that it was his eye!" The narrator states that one of the old man's eyes was a pale blue color with a film over it, which resembled the eye of a vulture. Just the sight of that eye made the narrator's blood run cold, and as a result, the eye (and with it the old man) must be destroyed. Every night at midnight, the narrator went to the old man's room. Carefully, he turned the

  • Old Man's Evil Eye: The Insight World Of A Mad Man

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    killing a person, the reasons of him doing so, and the way he chose to do it clearly state his mental instability. Old man’s evil eye is more of a symbol of the narrator’s madness, and it is represented through his unreasonable desire to get rid of a person he says he loves. The narrator needs to destroy the eye, not the person, because otherwise this eye will destroy him. The eye is a symbolic representation of the narrator’s madness. Another great meaning is given to the fear of the old man, and it

  • The Tell-Tale Heart Symbolism

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    On page one, the text says “One of his eyes resembled that of a vulture -- a pale blue eye with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold, and so by degrees, very gradually, I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye for ever.” The narrator’s apparent unease about the old man’s eye supports the idea that this eye represents fear, as the phrase “my blood ran cold” is an idiom used to describe somebody

  • Examples Of Insanity In The Tell Tale Heart

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    man who has become obsessed with an old man’s eye who lives within the same building as him. He describes himself as someone who is not mad, however, the choice of the narrator’s diction suggests otherwise. He slowly watches the man every night as he sleeps, expressing how “caution” he goes about hiding in the shadows, careful not to strike too soon. As the story progresses, his madness begins to show more, as he plans for his attack. The “evil eye” has finally put him in a fit of range and he