European Art Essays

  • African Art Vs. European Way Of Art

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    African art is very unique in many aspects. African art is traditionally abstract, and beautiful in its own way. Many people believe that African art is so different that judging it based on the scale of the rest of the world is useless, due to the fact that African art is not like anything else in the world. African art seems to have never gotten the proper discovery it deserved, and here’s why. The process of the discovery of these artifacts were poor. The archeologists who found the arts were educated

  • Mexico: European Influence On Featherwork Art

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    The Art of Featherwork in Mexico, a book, focuses on the influence how the European settlers influenced the featherwork art of the indigenous people in Mexico. One of the specific paintings that had been created by the indigenous and influenced by the Europeans was the Mass of Saint Gregory (Misa de San Gregorio). The picture was created to show the Mystery of the Eucharist while incorporating various symbols associated with the Passion of Christ. The image is said to have been influenced by previous

  • How Did Chinese Culture Influence European Art

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    The art world in Europe has always been all about mythology, religion and many others; it is consider as traditional art that they are very familiar with and use to. Once an explosion of what the other side of the world is like appears, it leads to what the artistic life is there. Chinese carries a long rich history in art that Europeans are eager to learn more about. The Chinese greatly influence European art through their unique artistic style in which allows European art to broaden up their

  • Exploring European Art: A Visit to Norton Simon Museum

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    The artwork that I chose was in the European Art: 17th-18th c. section in the Norton Simon Museum. On the right side of the painting there was the portrait of Madame de Cromot de Fougy artwork by Antonie Vestier, in 1786. This artwork was larger than Alcibiades on His Knees Before His Mistress painting. The largest of these three artworks was the one on the left side, which was the Portrait of Alexis Piron by Louis Tocque, in c.1737. The color of the walls was just white so the paintings can stand

  • european painting and sculpture

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    European Painting and Sculpture The collection of European painting and sculpture comprises works of art from the twelfth through the early twentieth century. Ranging from paintings in oil on panel, canvas, or onyx through sculptures in alabaster, bronze, terra-cotta, marble, wax, silver, and painted wood, these works of art come primarily from Italy, France, Spain, the Low Countries (Holland and modern Belgium), Germany, Austria, England, and Switzerland. The collection of European painting and

  • Abstract Expressionism

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    in the Paris to New York shift of the 1940's and 1950's. All of the characters of American art were to be expelled in a rapid shift of power. No longer would American artists be the lamb suckling at the teat of European sources, American art was to dispose of narrow-mindedness, an uninterested public, and liberate itself into a valued and meaningful force equal to, and in fact exceeding that of, art produced anywhere within the era. The painting and sculpture that emerged from the 'New York

  • A History of Jazz and Classical Music

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    confronted with a wide variety of choices in recorded music. These choices not only include a multitude of artists, but also a wide diversity of music categories. These categories run the gamut from easy listening dance music to more complex art music. On the complex side of the scale are the categories known as Jazz and Classical music. Some of the most accomplished musicians of our time have devoted themselves to a lifelong study of Jazz or Classical music, and a few exceptional

  • Romanticism in European Art and Culture

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    Of all the movements in European art, Romanticism has by far the most difficult origins to pinpoint due to the broadness of its beginnings, artistic expressions, and time frame. Inspired by “nature, an awareness of the past, a religious spirit, and an artistic ideal” (Barron’s 6), Romanticism is one of the most significant influences on European culture. By looking at modern paintings, we can see the influence Romanticism has had throughout the generations. With Romanticism, artists have been able

  • Similarities between the music of Debussy and the painting of Turner

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    of Claude Debussy and the painting of J.M.W. Turner are, in most people's minds, two entirely different things. However, each man was considered the founder of impressionism in his own artform. Impressionism was a movement in late 19th century European art, which was a reflection of the realizations in physics about the properties of light. Turner's atmospheric paintings and Debussy's tone poems, although different forms of expression, are interesting to historians in their similarities of color

  • Images of the Nude Male in European Art

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    has been a subject of art since the first scratching appeared on cave walls. Stick figures with phalluses denoted the male, procreation and dominance. Archeologists have found evidences proving that the male nude appeared in Egypt in the early Dynastic periods and in early Mesopotamia four thousand years ago. The Greek made the nude into art, and we, the Americans, made it into something commonly referred to as pornography. Until today, nude is still a major subject in art that everyone would have

  • European Endless: The Art Of European Endless By Nick Potter

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    Europe Endless is an oil on canvas painting by artist Nick Potter (5.5ft x 7ft) created in 2016. It is painted from a perspective that outlooks a moonlit lake from the inside of an isolated, contemporary styled sitting room with a large, ceiling to floor window. Across the lake, a mysterious structure looks to be on fire. Another painting by Nick Potter in 2016, Orientalism (4ft x 6ft), is an oil on panel painting that features purely architectural imagery, rather than the lake that is painted along

  • Pre-1600 Styles in European Art Music

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    Pre-1600 Styles in European Art Music The "old" European attitude, and the attitude that attracts many modern performers to early music, is exactly the opposite of the modern attitude: 1. Music is a strictly local expression, rich in variety since each culture expresses affective differences through art, 2. Music is a poetic process--complex, vague, and irrational--based upon borrowed traditional musical materials (melodies, rhythms, forms, etc.), 3. Music is for a religious, elitist-class performer

  • Albrecht Durer Self-Portrait

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    figures in the history f European art outside Italy during the Renaissance (Gowing 195). Portraying the questioning spirit of the Renaissance, Durer's conviction that he must examine and explore his own situation through capturing the very essence of his role as artist and creator, is reflected in the Self-portrait in a Fur Collared Robe (Strieder 10). With the portrait, Durer's highly self-conscious approach to his status as an artist coveys his exalted mission of art more clearly than in any

  • Full Service Cinema: The South Korean Cinema Success Story (So Far)

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    out a new route. This is based on regional markets at least as much as Europe and the United States. Second, unlike the successes of the Taiwanese and Chinese “new waves” since the 1980s, it is not based on the old European art cinema model. This raises a question about the viability of art cinema, independent feature films, short films, independent documentary, and other less profitable and commercial modes of filmmaking in South Korea. It may even lead some people to believe that those other modes

  • The Theme Of Tracks By Louise Erdrich's Tracks

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    struggle to preserve their identity and survive. The Europeans quest to drain people of their land, culture, language and spiritual practices provides the basis to the question of identity seen among characters presented throughout the novel. However, it is primarily through Nanapush’s attempt to maintain the Chipewyan identity through his role as both an elder and trickster, his interplay with Christianity and the Europeans, as well as his art of storytelling that he, his family and their traditions

  • Burmese Days Analysis

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    natives. Each character has different reasons and methods for wanting control. The locals accepted European dominance because the Europeans had strategies to legitimize their dominance. The local Burmese people viewed the Europeans in different ways. Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. Lakersteen, Dr. Veraswami, U Po Kyin, and Ma Hla May all have specialized reasons for maintaining

  • Latin America: A Legacy of Oppression

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    Latin America: A Legacy of Oppression When the Europeans first arrived in Latin America, they didn’t realize the immensity of their actions. As history has proven, the Europeans have imposed many things on the Latin American territory have had a long, devastating effect on the indigenous people. In the centuries after 1492, Europeans would control much of South America and impose a foreign culture upon the already established civilizations that existed before their arrival. These imposed ideas left

  • Meso America

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    Civilization in the western hemisphere existed long before Christopher Columbus reached the Americas. The customs, language, and religion was different then the Europeans. The Aztecs were the ones who came in contact with the Europeans. Their history lasted from 1300-1521 CE. The Mayan society was from the year 200-900 CE. Hernan Cortes along with the Spanish army of five hundred, and thousands of Indian warriors declared war with the Aztecs. Moctezuma believed that the person coming towards

  • Renassaince, Reformation

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    The Europeans drew much wealth from the New World. By taking away the freedom of the Native Americans, the Europeans were able to acquire gold. While doing so, Native Americans were kept enslaved and suffering with strict rules they were forced to abide. Due to the mass of diseases and epidemics the Europeans brought to America, the Indians were susceptible and forced to accept the aggression. If these rules were not obeyed by the Natives, mistreatment of these Indians would take place. This mistreatment

  • The Lie of the Land

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    explicable intertwining of our two cultures is probably provoked by a book I'm reading for another class, Cultural Misunderstandings by Raymonde Carroll, a French anthropologist. Carroll has extensively studied the differences between Americans and Europeans, mainly French. She gave an interesting analysis concerning Americans and our way of conducting or cultivating relationships. Well, I was reading the novel again, and if you caught it, Rachel offers Alasdair an invitation to dinner. This might not